Nessa Barrett 的新歌 dying on the inside 所探討的就是這個病態化的美醜標準
在現在這個社會裡 許多人被這些沉重的標準壓的自己都過得不快樂
美麗維持在外表 然而內心卻是積攢了滿滿的壓力
各種疾病 躁鬱症、憂鬱症、eating disorder 一個個找上了門
Nessa 在這首歌討論的就是他因為這些美醜標準跟 eating disorder 對抗的心路歷程
我很喜歡這首歌對於這類議題的探討 整體來說歌詞跟旋律都玩得相當精湛
Nessa Barrett 發跡於 TikTok 在這首歌被我發現之前我很遺憾的一點也不認識他
[Verse 1]
You should take this as a compliment 你應該把這些讚美全盡收心底
If I were you, I would be more confident 若我是你 我會對自己更有自信
You're lucky that you're pretty 生的如此美麗是屬於你的幸運
Why are you obsessed with your appearance? 為何你如此沉迷於自己的外表
I don't wanna hear it, you're fine 不想聽你牢騷抱怨 你根本沒什麼好嫌棄的
[Pre-Chorus 1]
It's been my best-kept secret for a while now 如此埋藏心底 只屬於我內心深處的秘密
No one ever sees it, but it's all around 沒有人明著講 但事實就是擺在檯面上
It's the dinner conversation no one talks about 這話題茶餘飯後間無人敢討論
Don't know how much longer I can keep this down 真不知道我還能隱瞞不面對多久
Beauty is a knife 美貌是把刀刃
I've been holding by the blade 我就這麼被這規則給制約
Swallowing my pride so I won't eat anything 自尊驕傲全嚥下 好不進食維持身材
It's all a lie, honestly, it's eating me alive 全是說謊騙自己 快被這不安給吞噬
They're all like 人們全都說
"Did you change your hair?" 你是否換了髮型
"Did you lose a little weight?" 還去減了些體重
"You should keep it up 'cause it really looks great" 要好好保持 因為你這樣好看上許多
I hate that I always look my best 恨透了自己外表如此光鮮亮麗
When I'm dying on the inside 心卻已是如此死透槁木死灰
When I'm dying on the inside 內心已死 沒有任何一絲活力可言
[Verse 2]
I wish I could break the mirror 真希望我能粉碎那面鏡子
It makes me feel like I should fucking disappear 照看面容總讓我覺得自己該消失這世上
And drown my demons in a bathtub filled with tears 那些心魔我深埋心底 伴隨我的眼淚
No matter what I try, they always seem to come back to life 無論再怎麼努力 似乎如何也擺脫不了這束縛
[Pre-Chorus 2]
What if I didn't do this to my body? 若沒有這樣努力維持身材會怎麼樣
What if I quit and then you don't want me? 我要是放棄了 你會離我而去嗎
It's the dinner conversation no one talks about 這話題茶餘飯後間無人敢討論
Don't know how much longer I can keep this down 真不知道我還能隱瞞不面對多久
Beauty is a knife 美貌是把刀刃
I've been holding by the blade 我就這麼被這規則給制約
Swallowing my pride so I won't eat anything 自尊驕傲全嚥下 好不進食維持身材
It's all a lie, honestly, it's eating me alive 全是說謊騙自己 快被這不安給吞噬
They're all like 人們全都說
"Did you change your hair?" 你是否換了髮型
"Did you lose a little weight?" 還去減了些體重
"You should keep it up 'cause it really looks great" 要好好保持 因為你這樣好看上許多
I hate that I always look my best 恨透了自己外表如此光鮮亮麗
When I'm dying on the inside 心卻已是如此死透槁木死灰
When I'm dying on the inside 內心已死 沒有任何一絲活力可言
When I'm dying on the inside 心卻已是如此死透槁木死灰
You should take this as a compliment 你應該把這些讚美全盡收心底
If I were you, I would be more confident 若我是你 我會對自己更有自信
You're lucky that you're pretty 生的如此美麗是屬於你的幸運
Why are you obsessed with your appearance? 為何你如此沉迷於自己的外表
I don't wanna hear it, you're fine 不想聽你牢騷抱怨 你根本沒什麼好嫌棄的
Beauty is a knife 美貌是把刀刃
I've been holding by the blade 我就這麼被這規則給制約
Swallowing my pride so I won't eat anything 自尊驕傲全嚥下 好不進食維持身材
It's all a lie, honestly, it's eating me alive 全是說謊騙自己 快被這不安給吞噬
They're all like 人們全都說
"Did you change your hair?" 你是否換了髮型
"Did you lose a little weight?" 還去減了些體重
"You should keep it up 'cause it really looks great" 要好好保持 因為你這樣好看上許多
I hate that I always look my best 恨透了自己外表如此光鮮亮麗
When I'm dying on the inside 心卻已是如此死透槁木死灰