Alec Benjamin 這週真的是為我們稍來一堆好消息
首先是新單曲 Shadow Of Mine 的釋出
加上他也宣布他的新專輯 (Un)Commentary 將會於 4/15 發行
身為 Alec 腦粉我真的是覺得自己過得有點太幸福了
這次的新歌 Shadow Of Mine 帶著簡單憂傷的鋼琴伴奏
Booked a trip to Texas, thought I'd start again 訂了張回德州的票 以為能夠重新開始
Switched all my addresses and ghosted all my friends 所有聯絡資訊都換掉 噤聲我所有朋友
Thought I could escape but I could not transcend 以為能逃避過去但我無法輕鬆突破
Found myself back in the same old place again 最終總發現自己停滯在原點無法行動
Everywhere I go my shadow, it follows behind 無論前往何處 身後陰影總形影不離
Doesn't matter where I travel, my shadow, it finds me 去再遠的地方 我的陰影總能覓得我蹤跡
Something that I've come to realize after all this time 最終我也總算明白了解了一件事
I can't escape my shadow, I can't escape my shadow 我無法逃離自我的陰影 它始終會在我身邊
Maybe on the nexus, the common thread that binds 或許這樣的連結 使得我們產生了交集
The problems in my head and the world that lives outside 深居我腦海中的亂緒 和外頭那清靜的世界
I thought I could escape but it's fate I've come to find 以為我能夠逃離 然而最終發現命運早已註定
My devil is the devil that's inside 我的心魔即人稱惡魔的存在
Everywhere I go my shadow, it follows behind 無論前往何處 身後陰影總形影不離
Doesn't matter where I travel, my shadow, it finds me 去再遠的地方 我的陰影總能覓得我蹤跡
Something that I've come to realize after all this time 最終我也總算明白了解了一件事
I can't escape my shadow, I can't escape my shadow 我無法逃離自我的陰影 它始終會在我身邊
It won't ever let me go 它從不會讓我離去
It goes everywhere I go 總是形影我而不離
It won't ever let me go 永遠不會讓我自由離開
This shadow, this shadow of mine 心中那深沉黑影 屬於我的陰影
We grapple, we battle 彼此爭鬥對戰過
But we are shackled for eternity 命運卻箝制我們一輩子
We grapple, we battle 彼此爭鬥對戰過
We're shackled, we're shackled, we're shackled 如此深受枷鎖束縛而無法掙脫
Everywhere I go my shadow, it follows behind 無論前往何處 身後陰影總形影不離
Doesn't matter where I travel, my shadow, it finds me 去再遠的地方 我的陰影總能覓得我蹤跡
Something that I've come to realize after all this time 最終我也總算明白了解了一件事
I can't escape my shadow, I can't escape my shadow 我無法逃離自我的陰影 它始終會在我身邊
It won't ever let me go 它從不會讓我離去
It goes everywhere I go 總是形影我而不離
It won't ever let me go 永遠不會讓我自由離開
This shadow, this shadow of mine 心中那深沉黑影 屬於我的陰影