Cover art for West Coast by OneRepublic

說來有趣 我這個西岸風情原本是留給 Lana Del Rey 的那首歌 結果那篇文不知道被我丟去哪裡了XD


West Coast 這首歌身為 1R 粉應該都在苦等吧 早在 Human 釋出前 甚至是早在 Oh My My era

Ryan 就不斷預告這首歌的發行跟相關片段 

而且 Ryan 是真的在寵粉 他一次片段都放超久XDD 每次聽完都覺得自己是個幸福的孩子

不過這首歌這一等就是好幾年 當 Human 發行時大家都以為這首歌會被收錄在專輯裡時 結果依舊是一場空的時候

Ryan 表示 這首 West Coast 因為太過有特色 和一般 1R 的歌曲來說比起來它太過不同


這次的歌曲走的是一個復古的夏日風情歌曲 可以想見 1R6 裡面應該會有很多類似風格的歌曲 真的是相當期待哇!


I've been dreamin' 'bout the west coast (I've been dreamin') 心心念念那美好西岸風情 
Found some faces that I don't know (I've been dreamin' about it) 邂逅一些從未見過的新臉孔
Give me the sun for just a year 讓我沐浴美麗陽光下 僅一會也好
I'll kiss the sky and disappear 徜徉翱遊空中 最後就這麼消失其中 

I've been starin' up at the greyest skies 回首我那灰暗無光的人生
Tryin' to find myself some luck but it's runnin' dry 試著從中找尋些好運卻總是落空
It's like the weather makes the worst of my cloudy mind 壞天氣大大影響了我早已複雜的心情
I could really use a dose of some paradise 天堂仙境這時便成為我人生所必需
Sometimes you gotta run from a broken heart 有時候就是該這麼逃離那些心碎憂傷
Before I turn into a ghost need a brand new start 在我逝去之前 我需要個人生新開始
Get myself headed to the coast, man it ain't that far 犒賞自己到西岸 說遠其實近在咫尺
Yeah, they got sun in LA and some shinin' stars 洛杉磯的美麗陽光 還有閃耀星星點綴

I've been dreamin' 'bout the west coast (I've been dreamin') 心心念念那美好西岸風情 
Found some faces that I don't know (I've been dreamin' about it) 邂逅一些從未見過的新臉孔
Seein' signs for California 享受加州帶給我的美好 
Trade the shade for somethin' warmer 一掃陰霾 讓溫暖之光沐浴我身心
I've been dreamin' 'bout the west coast (I've been dreamin') 嚮往崇尚那美好西岸風情 
Where the people take it real slow (I've been dreamin' about it) 那裡的人生活步調是那樣悠閒自在
I need the sun for just a year 讓我沐浴美麗陽光下 僅一會也好
I'll kiss the sky and disappear 徜徉翱遊空中 最後就這麼消失其中 

Ain't felt a drop now for forty days 滴雨不下這樣一過就是四十日
But still they're washing cars and they don't show any age 人們依舊洗著車 生活依舊過著相同步調 
Ain't nothin' that you want'll cost you more than time 所有想要之物皆需要時間堆砌而成
If you're tryna find yourself, better get in line 若要重新找尋自己 需要時間和耐心積攢
I'm countin' up my money and spendin' to get it right 算著手邊金錢 大把花下為了人生美好
Got the future in my pocket, I'm spendin' it all tonight 未來掌握手裡 今晚我要好好享受人生
Like a prophet with the vision, I finally see the light 若預言家看見未來景象 總算看見了希望之光
And you know 想必你必是知情

I've been dreamin' 'bout the west coast (I've been dreamin') 心心念念那美好西岸風情 
Found some faces that I don't know (I've been dreamin' about it) 邂逅一些從未見過的新臉孔
Seein' signs for California 享受加州帶給我的美好 
Trade the shade for somethin' warmer 一掃陰霾 讓溫暖之光沐浴我身心
I've been dreamin' 'bout the west coast (I've been dreamin') 嚮往崇尚那美好西岸風情 
Where the people take it real slow (I've been dreamin' about it) 那裡的人生活步調是那樣悠閒自在
I need the sun for just a year 讓我沐浴美麗陽光下 僅一會也好
I'll kiss the sky and disappear 徜徉翱遊空中 最後就這麼消失其中 
The west coast 那美好西岸宛若仙境

When I saw the starry sky 當我望見天際星空滿滿
All I wanna do is fly 我想做的便是翱翔其中
Take me where the sun shines bright, oh 帶我到那陽光閃耀之地

I've been dreamin' 'bout the west coast 心心念念那美好西岸風情 
Time to find myself a new glow 是時候再度為自己人生點燃熱情
I need the sun for just a year 讓我沐浴美麗陽光下 僅一會也好
I'll kiss the sky and disappear  徜徉翱遊空中 最後就這麼消失其中 

I've been dreamin' 'bout the west coast (I've been dreamin') 心心念念那美好西岸風情 
Found some faces that I don't know (I've been dreamin' about it) 邂逅一些從未見過的新臉孔
Seein' signs for California 享受加州帶給我的美好 
Trade the shade for somethin' warmer 一掃陰霾 讓溫暖之光沐浴我身心
I've been dreamin' 'bout the west coast (I've been dreamin') 嚮往崇尚那美好西岸風情 
Where the people take it real slow (I've been dreamin' about it) 那裡的人生活步調是那樣悠閒自在
I need the sun for just a year 讓我沐浴美麗陽光下 僅一會也好
I'll kiss the sky and disappear 徜徉翱遊空中 最後就這麼消失其中 

    創作者 階梯 JT 的頭像
    階梯 JT

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