OneRepublic 突然無預警宣布發布新歌 Sunshine 真的是超級無預警那種
我原本追劇追到一半突然發現有新歌上架串流 整個:?!!?
後來就看到官方宣布發新歌了 整個是 OMGGASDFG
這首 Sunshine 之前 Ryan 在 IG 偷偷直播一小段就讓我很期待了(大概是跟 West Coast 差不多等級的期待)
這首 Sunshine 雖然在我們台灣氣溫開始驟降這段期間才發布 不過我得說這首歌真的是夏冬咸宜
夏天聽會覺得是夏日神曲 冬天聽也有一種溫暖的愉悅感
btw Ryan 後半段還給我 rap 到底是要逼死誰啦有夠帥 已經正式發瘋><
Runnin' through this strange life 庸碌過著這奇怪人生
Chasin' all them green lights 一生追逐那前方希望
Throwin' out the shade for a little bit of sunshine 所有心中陰影摒棄 只為那一絲微弱曙光
Hit me with them good vibes 帶給我滿滿愉悅心情
Pictures on my phone like 全部留念我手機相簿裡
Everything is so fine 一切是那樣美好
A little bit of sunshine 帶著一點溫暖陽光
[Verse 1]
Crazy lately I've been findin' 最近總是自己會發現
Tryna write myself with somethin' 試著自己去撰寫記錄些什麼
You just tryna get a word and life is not fair 總試著要干涉 但人生畢竟也不公平
I've been workin' on my tunnel vision 試著改善自己狹隘的視野
Tryna get a new prescription 拓展自己觀點 來點新的治療方法
Takin' swings and even missin' but I don't care 也嘗試挑戰失敗過 但我一點也不介意
I'm dancin' more just a little bit 試著多為生命舞動些
Breathin' more just a little bit 多為自己找些喘息空間
Tell little less just a little bit 少浪費一些唇舌
My life is woo-hoo! 人生就是這樣快活美好
I'm makin' morе just a little bit 試著多創造更多新可能
Spend a little morе to get rid of it 花更多些時間 試著擺脫那些雜念
Smile a little more and I'm into it 生命就該多笑一些 就是該那樣投入
I, I, I, I-I've been runnin' through this strange life 庸碌過著這奇怪人生
Chasin' all them green lights 一生追逐那前方希望
Throwin' out the shade for a little bit of sunshine 所有心中陰影摒棄 只為那一絲微弱曙光
Hit me with them good vibes 帶給我滿滿愉悅心情
Pictures on my phone like 全部留念我手機相簿裡
Everything is so fine 一切是那樣美好
A little bit of sunshine 帶著一點溫暖陽光
A little bit of sunshine 掌握那一絲溫暖陽光
A little bit of sunshine 人生滋潤曙光暖意
[Verse 2]
Another day, another selfish moment 又過了一個自私為己之日
I've been feelin' helpless 最近總感覺自己彷彿沒救了
Sick of seein' all the selfies, now I don't care 受夠看那些網上自拍 現在我什麼也不在乎
Found myself a new vocation 為自己找了個新工作
Calibrated motivation 對一切有了直接準確的動力
Almost had to change a station 差點就要改變自己人生掌舵方向
Headin' somewhere 前往某個未知之地
I'm dancin' more just a little bit 試著多為生命舞動些
Breathin' more just a little bit 多為自己找些喘息空間
Tell little less just a little bit 少浪費一些唇舌
My life is woo-hoo! 人生就是這樣快活美好
I'm makin' morе just a little bit 試著多創造更多新可能
Spend a little morе to get rid of it 花更多些時間 試著擺脫那些雜念
Smile a little more and I'm into it 生命就該多笑一些 就是該那樣投入
But honestly man, lately I-I've been runnin' through this strange life 說句老實話 最近總過著這奇怪人生
Chasin' all them green lights 一生追逐那前方希望
Throwin' out the shade for a little bit of sunshine 所有心中陰影摒棄 只為那一絲微弱曙光
Hit me with them good vibes 帶給我滿滿愉悅心情
Pictures on my phone like 全部留念我手機相簿裡
Everything is so fine 一切是那樣美好
A little bit of sunshine 帶著一點溫暖陽光
A little bit of sunshine 掌握那一絲溫暖陽光
A little bit of sunshine 人生滋潤曙光暖意
I don't really know any other way to say this 不知還能如何用言語形容這一切
Can't slow down, tryna keep up with the changes 無法停下腳步 試著跟上所有急速改變
Punch that number and the name wanna go out there 弄了個名字號碼 便想離開這裡
And now I feel I'm out here with a cane when I walk in 現在踏進這世界 總感覺自己已老邁脫軌
Basically, life is the same thing unless you don't want the same thing 基本上人生即如此 不去爭取內心所望便是一成不變
Probably should've really got a feature but I didn't 或許該找人做 但我並沒有這麼做
I've been savin' up the money 'cause it's better for the business 將這筆錢存了下來 好為了之後事業發展
I-I've been runnin' through this strange life 最近總過著這奇怪人生
Chasin' all them green lights 一生追逐那前方希望
Throwin' out the shade for a little bit of sunshine (Yeah) 所有心中陰影摒棄 只為那一絲微弱曙光
Woo! Woo! 一起享受人生吧
A little bit of sunshine 掌握那一絲溫暖陽光
A little bit of sunshine 人生滋潤曙光暖意