
今天要來翻的這首是My Hair

My Hair厲害的點是Ari在歌曲末段竟然給我整段用Whitle





[Verse 1]
Said I'ma give you some instructions 說我會給你些指示要求
That you can't be scared to try 你可能會害怕不敢嘗試
I want you to touch it softly 想要你溫柔地去撫觸
Like the way you do my mind 就如同你溫柔待我那般
It got body and it's smooth to touch 曼妙曲線是那樣滑順好摸
The same way as my skin 宛若撫摸我的肌膚那般
But don't you be scared 但還請你別感到害怕

To run your hands through my hair 將你的手安插撫梳過我的頭髮
Baby, 'cause that's why it's there 這也是它所存之義
Come run your hands through my hair 撫觸我感受我髮絲的柔滑
Ooh, baby, so don't you be scared 請別害怕大膽的嘗試
So come run your hands through my hair 輕柔撫過我為你梳理的頭髮

[Verse 2]
It's been way long overdue 也過了有些甚久
Just like these inches down my back 久至背後的頭髮又漲了幾吋
Usually don't let people touch it 凡夫俗子根本觸不得我髮絲
But tonight, you get a pass 但今晚的你坐擁張通行證
Spend my dimes and spend my time 花了些錢也花了些時間
To keep it real, sometimes it's tracks 為求真實 有時這只是必須手段
But I don't care, mmm 但我壓根不在乎

So run your hands through my hair 將你的手安插撫梳過我的頭髮
Baby, 'cause that's why it's there 這也是它所存之義
Come run your hands through my hair 撫觸我感受我髮絲的柔滑
Ooh, baby, so don't you be scared 請別害怕大膽的嘗試
So come run your hands through my hair 輕柔撫過我為你梳理的頭髮

Know this ain't usually mе 這通常不是我的行事風格
But I might let it down for ya (Mmm) 但我會為了你放下我的頭髮
This ain't usually me (Usually me) 這通常不是我會做的事
But I might lеt it down for ya 為了你我會放下我的頭髮

So run your hands through my hair 將你的手安插撫梳過我的頭髮
Baby, 'cause that's why it's there 這也是它所存之義
So come run your hands through my hair 撫觸我感受我髮絲的柔滑
Ooh, don't you be scared 請別害怕大膽的嘗試
Come run your hands through my hair 輕柔撫過我為你梳理的頭髮

Oh-oh, oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh

    創作者 階梯 JT 的頭像
    階梯 JT

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