Cover art for Migraine by BoyWithUke

今天真是忙透了 接下來光速小子為各位帶來ㄉ是 BoyWithUke 新專輯的新單曲 Migraine

作為專輯裡的第一首歌 其實之前他就有在現場演唱過了

之前在 Trauma 的時候我有提到 BoyWithUke 這個 era 的作詞能力進步很多


這首歌曲講到了關於成名這件事 為了紅人會甘願說謊嗎?

總是活在別人的控制下 真的快樂嗎?

BoyWithUke 在這首歌也表示自己在音樂創作上

只想做自己想做的事情 做讓他能真正看到自我的音樂

我想在這首歌曲中 大家都是有目共睹了吧


[Verse 1]
I'm not a psycho, but I might go crazy 我不是個神經病 但我也可能會發瘋
Writing typos, they ask, "Why so shaky?" 寫字錯字連篇 被質疑為何手這麼抖
Missing my coat, all this pressure hitting my head 少了外套防護 所有壓力重擊腦海
I'm on a tightrope, can't hit the high notes 命懸一線 連高音都唱不出來
Baby, I need Ibuprofen 我想我需要我的布洛芬
I know that you'll take me back home 我知道你會帶我回家 
Don't leave me alone, I need a friend 請別留我一人 我需要朋友陪伴

I don't care what you think of me 我不在乎你是怎麼看待我的
I just want to be on top 我只是想成為頂尖
I'm not stressed that you've never heard of me 沒聽說過我 不會讓我倍感壓力
You'll be listening non-stop 因為一旦聽了你便會停不下來

Hop off the highway 從高速公路一躍而下
I'vе been having migraines 讓我犯起了偏頭痛
I've been waiting for a while to havе it my way 忍耐了好一陣子才能真正做自己
Oof, just a boy acting like a goof 不過是個裝瘋賣傻的男孩
I've got fifty-five voices saying 身邊好多人都在對我指手畫腳
I gotta do what they all say 說我要按他們指示行動
Got me looking sideways 把我弄成我不喜歡的模樣
I don't wanna write a song about a heartbreak 我不想再只寫關於心碎的歌曲
Oof, just a boy acting like a fool 只是個看似傻瓜的平凡男孩
Got a hundred things I'd rather do 有好幾百件我寧願去做的事

[Verse 2]
I don't like when they try controlling me 不喜歡別人控制我的感覺
The thoughts I fight, they can get a little frightening 那些我努力對抗的想法 有時會變得太過可怕
But I don't mind, If it means I get to be free 但我不在乎 只要我能自由什麼都好
I speak my mind louder when I wanna be up all night 當我徹夜未眠時 我比較能說出我的想法
I can tell, they're getting sick of me 看得出來 人們漸漸對我生厭
But I don't mind, If it means I get to be me 但我不在乎 只要我能做自己就好

I don't care what you think of me 我不在乎你怎麼看待我的
I just want to be on top 我只是想成為頂尖
I'm not stressed that you've never heard of me 沒聽說過我 不會讓我倍感壓力
You'll be listening non-stop 因為一旦聽了你便會陷入循環

Hop off the highway 從高速公路一躍而下
I'vе been having migraines 讓我頭都痛了起來
I've been waiting for a while to havе it my way 忍耐了好一陣子才能真正做自己
Oof, just a boy acting like a goof 只是個看似傻瓜的平凡男孩
I've got fifty-five voices saying 身邊好多人都在對我指手畫腳
I gotta do what they all say 說我要按他們只是行動
Got me looking sideways 把我弄成我不喜歡的模樣
I don't wanna write a song about a heartbreak 我不想只寫關於心碎的歌曲
Oof, just a boy acting like a fool 只是個看似傻瓜的平凡男孩
Got a hundred things I'd rather do 有好幾百件我甘願換之去做的事

[Verse 3]
I just wanna run around, but what do I know? 只想探索四周 但我又知道什麼了
Like I said, before I'm missing all these high notes 像我說的 過去的我連高音都唱不好
I just wanna live a little, before I go 在我離去前 不想只做個小人物
I don't wanna lie, though 但我也不想為了成名說謊
Yeah, I know, 'bout subliminal messages 我知道的 潛意識不斷告訴我
They're sending me, on how to leave a legacy 教導我要如何留下傳奇
It's harder when you're farther and they never let it constantly 當你功成名就一切會變得更難 因為不會被允許
Speaking up for what you see 讓你自由去訴說眼前所見的事物
It's like you're coming after me 像是你在後面追趕我似的
Can someone teach me how to breathe? 能否有人給我空間好好喘息
Tell me, what I need 告訴我我需要的是什麼

I don't care what you think of me 我不在乎你怎麼看待我的
I just want to be on top 我只是想成為頂尖
I'm not stressed that you've never heard of me 沒聽說過我 不會讓我倍感壓力
You'll be listening non-stop 因為一旦聽了你便會陷入循環

Hop off the highway 從高速公路一躍而下
I'vе been having migraines 讓我頭都痛了起來
I've been waiting for a while to havе it my way 忍耐了好一陣子才能真正做自己
Oof, just a boy acting like a goof 只是個看似傻瓜的平凡男孩
I've got fifty-five voices saying 身邊好多人都在對我指手畫腳
I gotta do what they all say 說我要按他們只是行動
Got me looking sideways 把我弄成我不喜歡的模樣
I don't wanna write a song about a heartbreak 我不想只寫關於心碎的歌曲
Oof, just a boy acting like a fool 只是個看似傻瓜的平凡男孩
Got a hundred things I'd rather do 有好幾百件我甘願換之去做的事

    創作者 階梯 JT 的頭像
    階梯 JT

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