各位安安 抱歉因為我現在在國外度假ing
速度跟產量沒有之前那麼多 XD
BoyWithUke 又釋出新歌 Trauma
並宣布他的新專輯 Lucid Dreams 將於 10/6 發行
我個人是滿期待的 因為從 Trauma 這首歌就可以看見
BoyWithUke 這次的歌不是環繞在感情上
而是環繞在自身身上 而且寫的歌詞更加具有深度跟情感度了
[Verse 1]
Growing up, I never had a lot of money 一路走來從未賺過多少錢
I never had a phone, always was a little hungry 未曾擁有手機過 永遠都在餓肚子
Used to find it hard to sleep 過去的我總是容易失眠
When I could hear my mother sobbing 夜深人靜總聽見自己母親偷偷哭泣
I was 10 back then 當時的我不過十歲
I didn't have a room, had to buy used shoes 沒有自己的房間 鞋子都要買二手
I hid behind tunes to avoid abuse 讓自己沈浸在音樂中避免受創傷
And every time I fell, I would blame it on myself 每次出事 第一個責怪的永遠是自己
Even if it was an accident 即使一切不過只是意外
Maybe, it's not what I want 或許這一切不是我所想要的
Oh, I've seen better days, and the moment fucking sucks 看過更好的也看過更糟糕的日子
But I'll be damned if I don't stop, and, honestly, why not? 但若我停下腳步一切只會更慘 說實在的到底誰在乎
When nobody gives a fuck? 根本沒人稀罕過
But sometimes I just can't help myself 有時我就是無法克制自己
I wanna give up trying and start doing somеthing else 想要放棄手中一切轉換跑道
Sometimеs I just get overwhelmed 有時我的身心靈就是承受不住了
I know it's in my mind, but I think I need some help 我知道自己在想什麼 但我想我需要些幫助
Sometimes I just can’t help myself 有時我就是無法克制自己
[Verse 2]
I was an outcast 我是個被社會遺棄之人
Thrown out to dry and get laughed at 內心空洞 被拋棄並被嘲諷著
Too shy to talk about home 內心羞愧不敢提及自己的家庭
I always thought life was supposed to be cold 我總是以為人與人之間都是這麼冷漠
And, oh, I’ve been so lost without hope 曾經的我對人生是如此不抱希望
I got a window in my head, it’s a casket 腦中有著一扇窗 像棺木般的存在著
You know I've been wishing I was dead, but I mask it 曾經的我甚至想自我了斷 但我將念頭掩飾的完美
Maybe, it's not what I want 或許這一切不是我所想要的
Oh, I've seen better days, and the moment fucking sucks 看過更好的也看過更糟糕的日子
But I'll be damned if I don't stop, and, honestly, why not? 但若我停下腳步一切只會更慘 說實在的到底誰在乎
When nobody gives a fuck? 根本沒人稀罕過
But sometimes I just can't help myself 有時我就是無法克制自己
I wanna give up trying and start doing somеthing else 想要放棄手中一切轉換跑道
Sometimеs I just get overwhelmed 有時我的身心靈就是承受不住了
I know it's in my mind, but I think I need some help 我知道自己在想什麼 但我想我需要些幫助
Because it’s all I know 這些是我唯一所知之事
My hands around my throat 雙手環繞掐著自己的咽喉
Pray that I won’t let go this time around 祈禱自己這次不要再次失手
But every single time I try to shut my eyes 但每當我試著闔上雙眼時
I see the reason why I’m not alone 我總能找到為何我不孤單的理由
Sometimes I just can’t 有時我就是無法
But sometimes I just can't help myself 有時我就是無法克制自己
I wanna give up trying and start doing somеthing else 想要放棄手中一切轉換跑道
Sometimеs I just get overwhelmed 有時我的身心靈就是承受不住了
I know it's in my mind, but I think I need some help 我知道自己在想什麼 但我想我需要些幫助
Sometimes I just can’t help myself 有時我就是無法克制自己
I think we got it 現在我想我們真的做到了