Olivia Rodrigo 在今日釋出了即將於 9 月釋出的第二張大碟 GUTS 的第二支主打 GUTS
這次的主打風格和上一張 vampire 走的可謂完全不一樣的路線
這次 Olivia 帶我們回到 1990s 用念話式的復古流行搖滾來呈現這首新歌 bad idea right?
bad idea right? 的呈現方式滿讓我想到去年的爆紅團體 Wet Leg 的
無論是歌詞帶有點的趣味感 或是編曲或歌唱的方式
但 Olivia 還是透過了她 Z 世代的視角 呈現出了屬於她自己的風味
這次的歌詞 Olivia 講述了自己和舊情人重新牽線
即使身邊朋友百般勸阻 但自己還是要赴他的約
所謂不聽朋友言 戀愛大神第一的最佳典範歌曲😍
[Verse 1]
Haven't heard from you in a couple of months 好幾個月都沒有你的消息
But I'm out right now and I'm all fucked up 這段日子我過的可是爛透了
And you're callin' my phone and you're all alone 你打電話來 說你孤身一人
And I'm sensing some undertone 嗅到了你背後想表達的含義
And I'm right here with all my friends 所有身邊朋友都勸我拒絕你
But you're sending me your new address 但你卻傳來你的新住址
And I know we're done, I know we're through 我知道我們結束了 事情都過去了
But, God, when I look at you 但每當我看見你
My brain goes, "Ah" 我的腦袋就會停止運轉
Can't hear my thoughts (I cannot hear my thoughts) 無法保持思慮清晰
Like blah-blah-blah (Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah) 腦中不斷被雜音蓋過
Should probably not 或許我不應該
I should probably, probably not 真的我不應該
I should probably, probably not 我真的真的不應該
Seeing you tonight 答應你今晚的邀約
It's a bad idea, right? 這是個壞主意沒錯吧
Seeing you tonight 今晚赴你的約
It's a bad idea, right? 是個爛透的主意對吧
Seeing you tonight 答應你今晚的邀約
It's a bad idea, right? 這是個壞主意沒錯吧
Seeing you tonight 今晚赴你的約
Fuck it, it's fine 管他的 才不會怎麼樣
Yes, I know that he's my ex 我知道他是我前任
But can't two people reconnect? 但兩個人難道不能重修舊好嗎
I only see him as a friend 我現在只把他當作朋友
The biggest lie I ever said 大概是我撒過最大的謊
Yes, I know that he's my ex 我知道他是我前任
But can't two people reconnect? 但人與人之間不能重修舊好嗎
I only see him as a friend 我現在只把他當作朋友
I just tripped and fell into his bed 一個不小心就跌上他床
[Verse 2]
Now I'm gettin' in the car, wreckin' all my plans 二話不說跳上車 放下手邊所有計劃
I know I should stop, but I can't 知道該停損 但我就是做不到
And I told my friends I was asleep 告訴我朋友今天要過夜
But I never said where or in whose sheets 但完全不交代要住哪
And I pull up to your place on the second floor 一到你家立刻上二樓
And you're standing, smiling at the door 你就站在那 站在門邊微笑
And I'm sure I've seen much hotter men 我確定此生我看過更帥的男人
But I really can't remember when 但我真的記不清了
My brain goes, "Ah" 我的腦袋就會停止運轉
Can't hear my thoughts (I cannot hear my thoughts) 無法保持思慮清晰
Like blah-blah-blah (Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah) 腦中雜音不斷蓋過一切
Should probably not 或許我不應該
I should probably, probably not 真的我不應該
I should probably, probably not 我真的真的不應該
Seeing you tonight 答應你今晚的邀約
It's a bad idea, right? 這是個壞主意沒錯吧
Seeing you tonight 今晚赴你的約
It's a bad idea, right? 是個爛透的主意對吧
Seeing you tonight 答應你今晚的邀約
It's a bad idea, right? 這是個壞主意沒錯吧
Seeing you tonight 今晚赴你的約
Fuck it, it's fine 管他的 才不會怎麼樣
Yes, I know that he's my ex 我知道他是我前任
But can't two people reconnect? 但人與人之間不能重修舊好嗎
I only see him as a friend 我現在只把他當作朋友
The biggest lie I ever said 大概是我撒過最大的謊
Yes, I know that he's my ex 我知道他是我前任
But can't two people reconnect? 但人與人之間不能重修舊好嗎
I only see him as a friend 我現在只把他當作朋友
I just tripped and fell into his bed 一個不小心就跌上他床
Oh, yes, I know that he's my ex 我知道他是我前任
Can't two people reconnect? 但兩個人難道不能重修舊好嗎
The biggest lie I ever said 這是我撒過最大的謊
I just tripped and fell into his bed 一個不小心就跌上他床
My brain goes, "Ah" 腦袋當機停止運轉
Can't hear my thoughts 無法保持思慮清晰
The biggest lie I ever said 這是我撒過最大的謊
My brain goes, "Ah" 腦袋當機停止運轉
Can't hear my thoughts 無法保持思慮清晰
I just tripped and fell into his bed 一個不小心就跌上他床