Olivia 睽違兩年的新專輯 GUTS 終於推出啦!
前兩首主打我也都有翻譯 自己都滿喜歡的
這次專輯明顯在製作上可以看見滿滿的進步 且在完整性上也更加全面了
而且我一直覺得比起上一張 這張更適合用上次用的 Prom 主題
整張專輯走的是一種 90s 00s 的復古 YA 路線
專輯整張當作一部 YA 電影的原聲帶我覺是完全沒有問題
且可以看出這張更加具有搖滾風味一點了 ><
但若要論 GUTS & SOUR 我比較喜歡哪張 說實在我還沒拿定主意
因為雖然我說 GUTS 整體性較強 但專輯裡的亮點歌對我來說沒有到很多
像上張的 traitor, deja vu 都是我會一聽再聽的超亮點好歌
這張目前我還在尋找當中 但值得一提的是為何收錄曲我選擇先翻最後一首
因為這首完全超適合作為專輯收尾 且也是我最愛的收錄曲
起初我剛聽真的是了無期待 但後面一變奏我整個就是發瘋
歌詞也寫得相當好 可謂專輯裡的 stand out 之作
[Verse 1]
When am I gonna stop being wise beyond my years and just start being wise? 我什麼時候才能真正體現人生智慧
When am I gonna stop being a pretty young thing to guys? 到底什麼時候男孩們才不會只把我當小女孩
When am I gonna stop being great for my age and just start being good? 何時人們才不會只因年輕而看上我 而看見我真正的好
When will it stop being cool to be quietly misunderstood? 何時才能不被誤會 真正讓我展現自我
I'll blow out the candles, happy birthday to me 吹熄蠟燭 祝我生日快樂
Got your whole life ahead of you, you're only nineteen 美好前途等著你 你才十九歲而已
But I fear that they already got all the best parts of me 害怕只有現在的我能被人們看上
And I'm sorry that I couldn't always be your teenage dream 實在抱歉 我沒法永保青春年華
[Verse 2]
And when does wide-eyed affection and all good intentions start to not be enough? 何時我才能擺脫這些純真無邪的形象
When will everyone have every reason to call all my bluffs? 何時大家才會認真看待我的言詞
And when are all my excuses of learning my lessons gonna start to feel sad? 何時我會懂得為人生學到的教訓感到感傷呢
Will I spend all the rest of my years wishing I could go back? 過了數年我會後悔 希望能時光重返嗎
I'll blow out the candles, happy birthday to me 吹熄蠟燭 祝我生日快樂
Got your whole life ahead of you, you're only nineteen 美好前途等著你 你才十九歲而已
But I fear that they already got all the best parts of me 害怕只有現在的我能被人們看上
And I'm sorry that I couldn't always be your teenage dream 實在抱歉 我沒法永遠活在青春年華
They all say that it gets better 人們總說一切會更好的
It gets better the more you grow 愈是成長愈能體會
Yeah, they all say that it gets better 人們總說一切都會更好
It gets better, but what if I don't? 但要是情況沒有好轉呢
They all say that it gets better 人們總說一切會更好的
It gets better the more you grow 愈是成長愈能體會
Yeah, they all say that it gets better 人們總說一切都會更好
It gets better, but what if I don't? 但要是情況沒有好轉呢
They all say that it gets better 人們總說一切會更好的
It gets better the more you grow 愈是成長愈能體會
Yeah, they all say that it gets better 人們總說一切都會更好
It gets better, but what if I don't? 但要是情況沒有好轉呢
They all say that it gets better 人們總說一切會更好的
It gets better the more you grow 愈是成長愈能體會
Yeah, they all say that it gets better 人們總說一切都會更好
It gets better, but what if I don't? 但要是情況沒有好轉呢
Is this recording? 現在有在錄音嗎
Of course it is 當然有啊