「Alec Benjamin - If We Have Each Other」的圖片搜尋結果

紅點兒廢話time:總是到了開學後你才發現 原本你以為你會有時間好好更新部落格

結果到頭來你才發現 時間少的可悲



今天要來介紹的是上次就介紹過的Alec Benjamin

這次要推薦的是這首If We Have Each Other

和上次推薦那首The Boy In The Bubble有點不一樣的是


這首跟相較TBITB 是一首充滿愛的歌

歌詞分為三個段落 每一段都是不同的愛 根據Alec的經歷

如果我解讀沒有錯誤的話 應該都是Alec的家人吧♥(感覺有提到姐姐外婆跟媽媽)



而且副歌的旋律也都很好記 真的是很有才的一個人啊!


[Verse 1]
She was 19 with a baby on the way 她 芳齡十九 肚裡懷著一個寶寶
On the East-side of the city, she was working every day 住在東邊的城市 每天辛勤努力工作
Cleaning dishes in the evening, she could barely stay awake 傍晚時分刷洗碗盤 很難保持清醒
She was clinging to the feeling that her luck was gonna change 但她認為總有一天 他的運氣會改變的
And, 'cross town she would take the bus at night to a one bedroom apartment 穿越小鎮 夜晚時她會搭公車回她那單人房
And when she'd turn on the light 當她打開電燈開關時
She would sit down at the table 她會坐在桌子旁
Tell herself that it's alright 告訴自己一切都會沒事的
She was waiting on the day she hoped her baby would arrive 內心期盼等待著肚子裡的寶寶 出世的那一天
She'd never be alone 她從不感到孤單
Have someone to hold 因為身邊有個可以依靠的人
And when nights were cold 當夜晚寒冷難捱時
She'd say 她會說

The world's not perfect, but it's not that bad 這世界雖然不完美 但也沒那麼糟
If we got each other, and that's all we have 有你有我 擁有彼此 一切就已足夠
I will be your mother, and I'll hold your hand 我會作你的母親 牽著你那雙小手
You should know I'll be there for you 你知道我會一直陪在你身邊的
When the world's not perfect 當這世界不完美時
When the world's not kind 當這世界對你不善時
If we have each other then we'll both be fine 有我在你身邊 擁有彼此 一切都會沒事的
I will be your mother, and I'll hold your hand 我會作你的母親 握著你那雙小手
You should know I'll be there for you 你知道我會永遠伴你身邊

[Verse 2]
They were 90 and were living out their days 他們年已九十 正在安享晚年
On the West-side of the city next to where they got engaged 住在他們訂婚地方隔壁那座城市西邊
They had pictures on the walls of all the memories that they'd made 牆上掛滿各張他們各種回憶的相片
And though life was never easy, they were thankful that they stayed 雖然生活不是那麼容易 但他們很感激他們熬過去了
With each other, and though some times were hard 兩人同心 即使有些時候有些難熬
Even when she made him angry he would never break her heart 即使有時會惹他生氣 但他也從不會傷她的心
No, they didn't have the money to afford a fancy car 或許他們沒有足夠金錢 去買輛時髦名車
But they never had to travel 'cause they'd never be apart 但他們不需要四處旅遊 因為他們一輩子都不分開
Even at the end, their love was stronger than the day that they first met 即使到了最後 他們的愛依然固如他們初次相遇時
They say 他們說

The world's not perfect, but it's not that bad 這世界雖然不完美 但也沒那麼糟
If we got each other, and that's all we have 有你有我 擁有彼此 一切就已足夠
I will be your lover, and I'll hold your hand 我會作你的愛人 永遠緊握你的手
You should know I'll be there for you 你知道我會一直陪在你身邊的
When the world's not perfect 當這世界不完美時
When the world's not kind 當這世界對你不善時
If we have each other then we'll both be fine 有我在你身邊 擁有彼此 一切都會沒事的
I will be your lover, and I'll hold your hand 我會作你的愛人 永遠緊握你的手

You should know I'll be there for you 你知道我會永遠伴你身邊

You should know I'll be there for you 你知道我會在你身邊的

[Verse 3]
I'm 23, and my folks are getting old 現在的我 二十三歲 雙親已逐漸老邁
I know they don't have forever and I'm scared to be alone 知道他們不會長生不老 但我很害怕孤單一人
So I'm thankful for my sister, even though sometimes we fight 所以我很感激有我的姐姐 雖然有時我們會爭吵
When high school wasn't easy, she's the reason I survived 但當高中時代難熬時 她是我成功熬下去的原因
I know she'd never leave me 我知道她永遠不會離開我
And I hate to see her cry 我討厭看到她哭泣
So I wrote this verse to tell her that I'm always by her side 所以我寫了這段詞
I wrote this verse to tell her that I'm always by her side 寫了這段歌詞 告訴她我會永遠在她身邊
I wrote this verse to tell her that 我寫了這段詞 來告訴她

The world's not perfect, but it's not that bad 這世界雖然不完美 但也沒那麼糟
If we got each other, and that's all we have 有你有我 擁有彼此 一切就已足夠
I will be your brother, and I'll hold your hand 我會作妳弟弟 永遠牽著妳的手
You should know I'll be there for you 你知道我會一直陪在你身邊的
When the world's not perfect 當這世界不完美時
When the world's not kind 當這世界對你不善時
If we have each other then we'll both be fine 有我在你身邊 擁有彼此 一切都會沒事的
I will be your brother, and I'll hold your hand 我會作妳弟弟 緊緊握著妳的手
You should know I'll be there for you 你知道我會永遠伴你身邊


You should know I'll be there for you 你知道我會永遠在你身邊的

    創作者 階梯 JT 的頭像
    階梯 JT

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