Cover art for ​​​vampire by Olivia Rodrigo

Olivia Rodrigo is BACK!!!

在 2021 年以 drivers license 竄紅的超強新人 Olivia Rodrigo 

在發行首張專輯 SOUR 攻佔各大榜單搜刮各大獎項後花了兩年創作新歌

終於在 2023 年發行了睽違已久的首支回歸單曲 vampire

Olivia 表示這首歌屬於放在 SOUR 當中也很適合但又是作為她展開新篇章的最好象徵

也確實是如此 這首歌的風格跟 SOUR 的路線確實頗為搭嘎

但我還是可以從這首歌中看到 Olivia 的進步

音樂性來說這首歌真的鋪張的很好 原本前面兩段完我是有點小失望

但那個 bridge 跟最後一段副歌出來我就整個愛上了

可以看見 Olivia 在音樂的掌握性又有了新的進化

總言之 vampire 我個人很喜歡 也很期待 9/8 的新專輯 GUTS!


[Verse 1]
Hate to give the satisfaction askin' how you're doin' now 受夠自己看見你現況因為我過得有多如魚得水
How's the castle built off people you pretend to care about? 那些踐踏你假裝在乎的人建構的美好實現的如何了
Just what you wanted, look at you, cool guy, you got it 這些不是你真正想要的嗎 看看現在坐擁一切 真有你的
I see the parties and the diamonds sometimes when I close my eyes 眼望前方奢華快樂 但有時當我閉上眼
Six months of torture you sold as some forbidden paradise 只會想起你把我六個月受盡折磨全給拋棄粉飾
I loved you truly, you gotta laugh at the stupidity 我是如此真誠愛你 但你聽了只會嘲笑我的愚昧

I've made some real big mistakes 一路上我因你鑄下許多大錯
But you make the worst one look fine 但你總是能將一切化之泰然
I should've known it was strange 早該察覺其中的異樣
You only come out at night 你總是夜幕時分才出擊
I used to think I was smart 曾經以為自己聰明伶俐
But you made me look so naïve 但你讓我覺得自己好幼稚
The way you sold me for parts 將我攤在光天化日
As you sunk your teeth into me, oh 將血口利牙狠狠扎進我
Bloodsucker, fame fucker 你這個吸血爛鬼 蹭名爛咖
Bleedin' me dry like a goddamn vampire 像個吸血鬼一樣榨的我一滴不剩

[Verse 2]
And every girl I ever talked to told me you were bad, bad news 所有身邊女孩對你的風評都差到不行
You called them crazy, God, I hate the way I called 'em crazy too 你只說她們在發瘋 氣我自己當時選擇附和你
You're so convincin', how do you lie without flinchin'? 如此具有說服力 你是如何做到說謊不眨眼的
(How do you lie? How do you lie? How do you lie?) 是怎麼如此自然說謊 騙人當吃飯一樣
Oh, what a mesmerizin', paralyzin', fucked up little thrill 這份愛如此誘人觸電 四處搞砸但我還是享受其中的小快感
Can't figure out just how you do it and God knows I never will 無法理解你是怎麼做到的 我想我永遠也不會懂
Went for me and not her 為何選了我而不是她
'Cause girls your age know better 明明年紀相仿的女孩更能懂你

'Cause I've made some real big mistakes 一路上我因你鑄下許多大錯
But you make the worst one look fine 但你總是能將一切化之泰然
I should've known it was strange 早該察覺其中的異樣
You only come out at night 你總是夜幕時分才出擊
I used to think I was smart 曾經以為自己聰明伶俐
But you made me look so naïve 但你讓我覺得自己好幼稚
The way you sold me for parts 將我攤在光天化日
As you sunk your teeth into me, oh 將血口利牙狠狠扎進我
Bloodsucker, fame fucker 你這個吸血爛鬼 蹭名爛咖
Bleedin' me dry like a goddamn vampire 像個吸血鬼一樣榨的我一滴不剩

You said it was true love 說你我間的愛情是真愛
But wouldn't that be hard? 但真愛難道不需要付出努力嗎
You can't love anyone 你根本愛不了任何人
'Cause that would mean you had a heart 因為你跟本沒心沒肺
I tried you help you out, now I know that I can't  試著要救贖你 但現在我知道一切不過徒勞
'Cause how you think’s the kind of thing 因為你腦中所想的每件事情
I'll never understand 我永遠都不會理解半分

I've made some real big mistakes 一路上我因你鑄下許多大錯
But you make the worst one look fine 但你總是能將一切化之泰然
I should've known it was strange 早該察覺其中的異樣
You only come out at night 你總是夜幕時分才出擊
I used to think I was smart 曾經以為自己聰明伶俐
But you made me look so naïve 但你讓我覺得自己好幼稚
The way you sold me for parts 將我攤在光天化日
As you sunk your teeth into me, oh 將血口利牙狠狠扎進我
Bloodsucker, fame fucker 你這個吸血爛鬼 蹭名爛咖
Bleedin' me dry like a goddamn vampire 像個吸血鬼一樣榨的我一滴不剩

    創作者 階梯 JT 的頭像
    階梯 JT

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