BoyWithUke 推出新專輯 Lucid Dreams 啦!
真的是相當高產 去年才推出新專今年又馬上來(一刻都不讓我閒 XD)
其實我現在滿忙ㄉ 所以今天理論上頂多翻完一兩首而已
就先從有新 MV 的 Problematic 開始吧
這次的歌曲 BoyWithUke 講述對一段愛情自由的渴望
他覺得自己被困住 全身都是問題 希望對象可以讓他自由讓他做自己
[Verse 1]
Her laughter's for another 她的笑裡別有其他含義
Her motions are disguised 她的作為全是在偽裝
Her makeup doesn't cover 化再多妝也無法掩飾
What I see behind her eyes 我在她雙眼後看見的真相
Yes, I know that nothing's wrong 我知道沒發生什麼事
But what's the harm in asking, "Why?" 但問個為什麼又何傷大雅了
I know that you're not tired 我知道妳一點也不累
Where the fuck were you tonight? 妳今晚到底在哪裡
Baby, let me be 寶貝請讓我做自己
Take my noose and set me free 鬆開我束縛讓我自由
Light my home on fire 把自家房屋燒了重新來過
Take me higher than I wanna be 帶我突破全新自我
Baby, on my knees 跪下來讓我好好求你
Beggin' for the sweet release 求你能給我一個美好解脫
Let mе hear the choir full of liars 即使前方面對的是滿滿騙子
Tell 'еm I want peace 我也要大聲訴求對和平的追求
I wish I wasn't problematic 但願自己不要是個問題份子
I'm semi-automatic 我是個半自動自發的人
I'm trying not to panic, panic 試著不要讓自己恐慌發作
I'm burning bridges into ashes 總是和身邊人撕破臉
Light them up like matches 惹怒對方像點燃火柴一樣
How could you understand it, stand it? 你又怎能理解忍受這一切
[Verse 2]
This morning she skipped breakfast 今天早上她沒吃早餐
Said, she was running late 說她快要遲到了
Her actions turning reckless 她的動作逐漸變得魯莽
She began making mistakes 開始犯下各種錯誤
Then, I noticed something awful 接著我注意到件糟糕的事
'Bout her cadence yesterday 關於她昨天說話的時候
She didn't even noticed 她自己都沒注意到
That she called me by his name 她叫我時叫的是別人的名字
Baby, let me be 寶貝請讓我做自己
Take my noose and set me free 鬆開我束縛讓我自由
Light my home on fire 把自家房屋燒了重新來過
Take me higher than I wanna be 帶我突破全新自我
Baby, on my knees 跪下來讓我好好求你
Beggin' for the sweet release 求你能給我一個美好解脫
Let mе hear the choir full of liars 即使前方面對的是滿滿騙子
Tell 'еm I want peace 我也要大聲訴求對和平的追求
I wish I wasn't problematic 但願自己不要是個問題份子
I'm semi-automatic 我是個半自動自發的人
I'm trying not to panic, panic 試著不要讓自己恐慌發作
I'm burning bridges into ashes 總是和身邊人撕破臉
Light them up like matches 惹怒對方像點燃火柴一樣
How could you understand it, stand it? 你又怎能理解忍受這一切
I wish I wasn't problematic 但願自己不要是個問題份子
I'm semi-automatic 我是個半自動自發的人
I'm trying not to panic, panic 試著不要讓自己恐慌發作
I'm burning bridges into ashes 總是和身邊人撕破臉
Light them up like matches 惹怒對方像點燃火柴一樣
How could you understand it, stand it? 你又怎能理解忍受這一切
[Verse 3]
Why did you love me so? 為何妳會愛我呢
Watch me as I let you go 當我讓你走時你只是望著我
Told you that I'm better off alone 說我獨自一人會更好
Without you in my home 沒有你在身邊我會更好
I let you in my heart 讓妳進入我的內心世界
Let you back into my arms 讓你回到我臂彎裡
Fool for thinking we could make it 傻傻以為我們能夠順利
Faking every single part 最後只是假裝一切都安好
I thought that maybe you could be 我以為你可能會是
The final fucking remedy 治癒我心靈的最後良藥
The one to pull me out 那個能夠將我從夢境抽離
If I were ever stuck inside a dream 那個只屬於我的真命天女
I'm looking back at times we had 回首過往經歷的美好時光
The things we did and things we can't 那些過去做到做不到的事物
How could you stab me in the back? 你怎能從背後刺我一刀
I thought you were better than that 我以為你是個更好的人
I wish I wasn't problematic 但願自己不要是個問題份子
I'm semi-automatic 我是個半自動自發的人
I'm trying not to panic, panic 試著不要讓自己恐慌發作
I'm burning bridges into ashes 總是和身邊人撕破臉
Light them up like matches 惹怒對方像點燃火柴一樣
How could you understand it, stand it? 你又怎能理解忍受這一切
I wish I wasn't problematic 但願自己不要是個問題份子
I'm semi-automatic 我是個半自動自發的人
I'm trying not to panic, panic 試著不要讓自己恐慌發作
I'm burning bridges into ashes 總是和身邊人撕破臉
Light them up like matches 惹怒對方像點燃火柴一樣
How could you understand it, stand it? 你又怎能理解忍受這一切