收看我的 Ariana Grande 一小時介紹影片!
終於把 eternal sunshine 翻完啦!!!
作為專輯的最後一首歌 Ari 在這首歌找來了他的奶奶 Nonna 一起來合作
但我很喜歡 Nonna 最後那段話為整張專輯做一個最後結尾的感覺
貫穿這張專輯的核心概念就是 Ari 面對過去戀情時的情感和憂傷
而 Nonna 這段充滿智慧的話似乎為整張專輯拋出的疑問作出最後最完美的解答
只能說作為 closure 歌 這首歌的安排真是太完美了
[Intro: Ariana Grande]
[Verse 1: Ariana Grande]
We could go pop all the champagne in California 我們可以喝光加州所有香檳
We could have omakase in Tokyo if you wanna 只要你想要 我們可以到東京享用無菜單料理
Hypothetically, we (We) could do (Do) 只是嘴上講講的話我們能夠
Anything that we'd like 做任何想要做的事情
We could hit up all the slopes in matching snowsuits 我們可以搭配相同雪衣爬遍各座山嶺
We could hang out at the Louvre all night if you want to 若你想要我願意在羅浮宮陪你共度整夜
We could spend every dime 我們可以花掉身上所有的錢
But I don't want (Want) anything ('Thing) 但我什麼都不想要
But more time 只想要有更多時間
[Chorus: Ariana Grande]
No matter what we do 無論我們做什麼
There's never gonna be an ordinary thing 生活永遠不會只有平凡事物
No ordinary things with you 和你永遠不會只有平凡事物
It's funny, but it's true 說來有趣但也是事實
There's never gonna be an ordinary thing 只要和你在一起 我想我們的生活
As long as I'm with you 永遠不會只有平凡事物
[Verse 2: Ariana Grande]
You hit just like the first sip of wine after a long day 你就像我經歷漫長一天後終於享受到的第一口甘甜酒露
You hit like my biggеst fan when I hear what the critiquеs say 當聽到酸民評論時你就像我的忠實粉絲一樣支持著我
You hit just like a green light when I'm stuck runnin' real late 當我被耽擱遲了時間你卻總是無限包容著我
I don't need no diamonds, just your time 我不需要富貴鑽石只想佔有你所有時間
[Chorus: Ariana Grande]
No matter what we do 無論我們做什麼
There's never gonna be an ordinary thing 生活永遠不會只有平凡事物
No ordinary things with you 和你永遠不會只有平凡事物
It's funny, but it's true 說來有趣但也是事實
There's never gonna be an ordinary thing 只要和你在一起 我想我們的生活
As long as I'm with you 永遠不會只有平凡事物
[Bridge: Ariana Grande]
Ordinary thing, ordinary things with you 和你一起共同享受生命平凡事物
Ordinary thing, as long as I'm with you 只要是和你 一起平凡生活也很美好
[Outro: Marjorie Grande]
And when he'd come home and I'd see him, when he first gets off that train 當他一到家我一看到 當他一走下火車
It was like God almighty arrived 他就像偉大的上帝降世一樣
It was like seein' daylight 就像看到曙光一樣
I mean, I could've packed up and left a million times 我是說 我有好幾百萬次機會可以收拾行囊遠走高飛
You know? It's not that we never fought 你知道嗎 我們不是從沒吵架過
You can overcome that 但你可以克服這一切的
You know? It-it's very easy 你知道嗎 一切其實是很簡單的
And as I told her, never go to bed without kissin' goodnight 就像我說的 睡前絕對不要記得和對方親吻道晚安
That's the worst thing to do, don't ever, ever do that 這是最糟糕的事情 絕對不要不要忘記
And if you can't, and if you don't feel comfortable doing it 若你做不到 或是覺得做起來不舒適
You're in the wrong place, get out 那這段感情就不適合你 快點離開吧