Cover art for DEATH by Melanie Martinez

梅蘭妮終於要回歸了 老粉我真的是淚牛滿面 非常之感動


以目前的已知資訊我們可以判斷出這次的專輯會讓 Mel 前兩張塑造的角色 Crybaby 迎來死亡

但這個死亡會帶她到何處呢?我想這就是 3/31 會揭曉的事情 我相當期待


畢竟 K12 的幼幼兒學校主題在許多人眼中可能會覺得太過俗爛

所以我覺得 Mel 這次採取的策略說實在滿聰明的

3/17 釋出的這首 Death 為新專輯的首支曲目 目前聽來會很像是有承接上張專輯並揭曉新故事的感覺


一開始聽我覺得段落間的銜接聽起來很支離破碎 因為主歌跟副歌完全是不同路線


Holy crap 副歌真的非常洗腦 而且 Mel 這次在編曲跟歌詞真的有下足功夫

這首歌聽起來相當經過淬煉且修飾得相當完美 讓我對這個新的 era 更加期待了🥹

(先點名 Void、Evil 會是我的寶)


Death is life, is death, is life, is death, is life, is— 死亡為人生必然 週而復始的循環

[Verse 1]
They're carvin' my name in the grave again 人們又再次鐫刻我名字在墓碑上
The flowers are fresh and their faces wet 花朵再次綻放 看見人們一張張淚泣的臉
My body has died, but I'm still alive 身體雖已凋亡 但靈魂依舊依存
Look over your shoulder, I'm back from the dead 探探周圍好好看下 是我死裡歷劫歸來
Lightin' all your candles to draw me in 蠟燭點亮好召喚我前來
Sayin' all the same things, I'm gone this time 總說著一樣的話 這次我真的消失了
Your words mean nothin', so take 'em back 你的話語了無意義 不如將其全收回
And meet me here across the plane 在來世另一端 我與你約見相會
The other side, I'm not far 不過就跨越至彼端 距離可一點也不遠

When you aren't around, I sink into the ground 不見你在身邊 我便鑽進地下隱匿
I try to pretend I'm closer to you 試著假裝自己與你拉近了距離
Never understand it, you're always on my mind, I cannot help it 從沒理解過 為何我無法克制不去想你
I don't wanna be carryin' the weight on my shoulders 不想獨自一人肩負承擔這份苦痛
Death has come to me, kissed me on the cheek 死亡迫近 在我頰上留下一吻
Gave me closure, immortal by design 帶給我終結 卻可說我永垂不朽
I'll be meetin' you here every time 無論何時我都會在這相會你

Back from the dead, back from the dead 死後復生 我又再次從死裡回歸
I'm back from the dead, back from the dead 死亡後又復甦 我又再次重生
I'm back from the dead, back from the dead 死後復生 我又再次從死裡回歸
I'm back from the dead, back from the dead 死亡後又復甦 我又再次重生
I'm back from the dead (Death), back from the dead (Death) 死後復生 我又再次從死裡回歸
I'm back from the dead (Death), back from the dead (Death) 死亡後又復甦 我又再次重生
I'm back from the dead (Death), back from the dead (Death) 死後復生 我又再次從死裡回歸
I'm back from the dead (Death), back from the— (I'm back) 死亡後又復甦 我又再次重生

(Death, death, death) 曾經墮入死亡
(Death, death) 死亡的深淵裡
(I'm back) 我又再次重生

[Verse 2]
They're sayin' my name in their prayers again 他們又再次在禱文裡唸起我的名
I flicker the lights so they understand 透露幾個消息好讓大家知道我會歸來
I won't say goodbye, I'm right by your side 不會就這麼道別 我會永遠在你們身邊 
We're screamin' and pleadin', this separation ends 尖叫且苦求著 這段分離總算要終結
Doing all your witchcraft to pull me in 各種作法巫術只會召我回來
Burnin' all your sage to connect our line 燃燒鼠尾草只為連繫找到我
I show my presence, you run away in fear of ghosts 但當我現身 你又因而心生畏懼
I try to talk, the barriers are too strong 試著言語意達 前方卻是充滿阻礙

When you aren't around, I sink into the ground 不見你在身邊 我便鑽進地下隱匿
I try to pretend I'm closer to you 試著假裝自己與你拉近了距離
Never understand it, you're always on my mind, I cannot help it 從沒理解過 為何我無法克制不去想你
I don't wanna be carryin' the weight on my shoulders 不想獨自一人肩負承擔這份苦痛
Death has come to me, kissed me on the cheek 死亡迫近 在我頰上留下一吻
Gave me closure, immortal by design 帶給我終結 卻可說我永垂不朽
I'll be meetin' you here every time 無時無刻我都會在這相會你

Back from the dead, back from the dead 死後復生 我又再次從死裡回歸
I'm back from the dead, back from the dead 死亡後又復甦 我又再次重生
I'm back from the dead, back from the dead 死後復生 我又再次從死裡回歸
I'm back from the dead, back from the dead 死亡後又復甦 我又再次重生
I'm back from the dead (Death), back from the dead (Death) 死後復生 我又再次從死裡回歸
I'm back from the dead (Death), back from the dead (Death) 死亡後又復甦 我又再次重生
I'm back from the dead (Death), back from the dead (Death) 死後復生 我又再次從死裡回歸
I'm back from the dead (Death), back from the dead 死亡後又復甦 我又再次重生

Please, don't ever worry 請不要為我擔心
(I'm back from the dead, back from the dead) 我已從死裡回歸 再度重生
(I'm back from the dead, back from the dead) 死後又再度復甦 我又再度復活
I know it's morbid 我知道死亡會令人畏懼
(I'm back from the dead, back from the dead) 我已從死裡回歸 再度重生
But we all die one day 但人終有一死之日
(I'm back from the dead, back from the dead) 我已從死裡回歸 再度重生
(I'm back from the dead, back from the dead) 死後又再度復甦 我又再度復活

I'm back from the dead, back from the dead 死後復生 我又再次從死裡回歸
I'm back from the dead, back from the dead 死亡後又復甦 我又再次重生
I'm back from the dead, back from the dead 死後復生 我又再次從死裡回歸
I'm back from the dead, back from the— (I'm back) 死亡後又復甦 我又再次重生

    創作者 階梯 JT 的頭像
    階梯 JT

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