Taylor Swift 為了歡慶他全新的 The Eras Tour 正式開跑
Eyes Open (Taylor's Version)
Safe & Sound (Taylor's Version)
If This Was A Movie (Taylor's Version)
All Of The Girls You Loved Before
而其中就只有 All Of The Girls You Loved Before 並非重錄版
因為這首歌是《Lover》era 的棄曲
歌曲本身說實在我可以理解為何被棄 不是說它不好聽因為它好聽極了
只是說副歌的節奏會讓我想到 Lover 的編排
所以可以理解 Tay 把這首拿掉的背後原因
[Verse 1]
When you think of all the late nights 試著去回憶過去經歷的那些夜晚
Lame fights over the phone 手機裡無數次荒謬的爭吵
Wake up in the mornin' with someone 醒來時明明枕邊有人相伴
But feelin' alone 卻還是感到寂寞
A heart is drawn around your name 一顆心緊緊繫著你的名
In someone's handwriting, not mine 寫下你名的卻從不是我
We're sneakin' out into town 你我偷偷溜進城裡
Holdin' hands, just killin' time 雙手相牽 一切只為消磨時間
Your past and mine are parallel lines 你我的過去像對沒交集的平行線
Stars all aligned and they intertwined 星星終會找到彼此而排列聚首
And taught you 讓我來好好教你
The way you call me "baby" 該用什麼方式叫我寶貝
Treat me like a lady 要小心呵護善待我
All that I can say is 我所能說的只有
All of the girls you loved before (Ooh) 那些你過去愛過的女孩們
Made you the one I've fallen for 使你成為那個我現在如此愛的你
Every dead-end street led you straight to me 每條感情上遇上的死路 都將你引領至我
Now you're all I need, I'm so thankful for 你是我生命唯一所需 我一生都會感激
All of the girls you loved before 那些過去你曾愛過的女孩們
But I love you more 但比起她們我可更愛你
[Verse 2]
When I think of all the makeup 當我回憶起那些爭吵和解
Fake love out on the town (Ooh) 那些檯面上裝出的虛假愛意
Cryin' in the bathroom for some dude 廁所哭泣只為某個爛男人
Whose name I cannot remember now 現在我根本連名字都想不起來
Secret jokes all alone 聊的不過是些秘密和玩笑
No one's home, sixteen and wild (Ooh) 沒人在家時幽會 既年輕又狂野
We're breakin' up, makin' up 經歷分分合合
Leave without sayin' goodbye (Ooh) 分道揚鑣不帶一聲道別
And just know that 你只需要明白一件事
It's everything that made me 是你成就了現在的我
Now I call you "baby" 現在的我能親暱地稱你寶貝
That's why you're so amazing 這就是為何你如此完美
All of the girls you loved before (Ooh) 那些你過去愛過的女孩們
Made you the one I've fallen for 使你成為那個我現在如此愛的你
Every dead-end street led you straight to me 每條感情上遇上的死路 都將你引領至我
Now you're all I need, I'm so thankful for 你是我生命唯一所需 我一生都會感激
All of the girls you loved before 那些過去你曾愛過的女孩們
But I love you more 但比起她們我可更愛你
Your mother brought you up loyal and kind 一生被教育要保持忠誠跟良善
Teenage love taught you there's good in goodbye 年輕時的戀愛教會你分別並非全是壞事
Every woman that you knew brought you here 所有你遇過的女人將你引領到了這裡
I wanna teach you how forever feels like 我想教會你永遠是何謂滋味
The girls you loved before (Ooh) 那些你過去愛過的女孩們
Made you the one I've fallen for 使你成為那個我現在如此愛的你
Every dead-end street (Dead-end street) led you straight to me (Straight to me) 每條感情上遇上的死路 都將你引領至我
Now you're all I need (All I need), I'm so thankful for 你是我生命唯一所需 我一生都會感激
All of the girls you loved before 那些過去你曾愛過的女孩們
But I love you more 但比起她們我可更愛你
(I love you more)
(I love you more)