嗯 雖然說我是按照喜愛順序在翻譯的
我喜歡這首歌的活力 氣氛營造也可愛
但是再怎麼喜歡 也還是要承認這首歌的歌詞有些... 特別(?)
有些歌詞真的是我第一次看完腦中只浮現了無數個問號 XDD
E.g. "Karma is a cat."
迄今對照過歌詞後大概可以理解 Tay 為啥要放這句 但我還是覺得很好笑
(見仁見智啦 我還是滿愛這首歌的)
這首歌蘊含了很多 Taylor 一路走來從經歷各種抨擊到看著一個個正義被施張的一個心路歷程
忽然讓我想到她 Rep era 遭逢到各路抨擊真的很心疼 幸好他走過來了 She's still here.
只能說人還是不要亂搞事 凡事三思而後行 Karma is always there for you.
[Verse 1]
You're talking shit for the hell of it 不斷在旁邊講些狗屁話
Addicted to betrayal, but you're relevant 沈迷背叛欺瞞 全都與你有關
You're terrified to look down 你總是害怕向低處看
'Cause if you dare, you'll see the glare 倘若你敢 你會看見我的怒目凝視
Of everyone you burned just to get there 所有被你害過的人都會加入我
It's coming back around 一切最終都會輪迴回去
And I keep my side of the street clean 自己顧好自己 沒打算惹是生非
You wouldn't know what I mean 看你是永遠不會理解我的用意
'Cause karma is my boyfriend 愛著因果報應 它像我男友一樣
Karma is a god 因果報應若神一樣崇高
Karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend 報復完舒服的像是週末吹拂的微風
Karma's a relaxing thought 光是想著心裡就暢快又舒適
Aren't you envious that for you it's not? 你是否羨慕無法與我感同身受
Sweet like honey, karma is a cat 甜如蜂蜜 愛看報應降臨若我愛貓心
Purring in my lap 'cause it loves me 懷裡幸福呼嚕因為它愛著我
Flexing like a goddamn acrobat 表演特技似的誇耀一番
Me and karma vibe like that 因果輪迴之我是如此合拍
[Verse 2]
Spiderboy, king of thieves 蜘蛛男孩 可謂竊賊之王
Weave your little webs of opacity 鋪張你那曖昧不明的蛛網
My pennies made your crown 是我的金錢成就了你的地位
Trick me once, trick me twice 三番兩次欺騙設局我
Don't you know that cash ain't the only price? 難道你以為金錢是你唯一要付出代價
It's coming back around 一切終究會輪迴而歸
And I keep my side of the street clean 自己顧好自己 沒打算惹是生非
You wouldn't know what I mean 看你是永遠不會理解我的用意
'Cause karma is my boyfriend 愛著因果報應 它像我男友一樣
Karma is a god 因果報應若神一樣崇高
Karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend 報復完舒服的像是週末吹拂的微風
Karma's a relaxing thought 光是想著心裡就暢快又舒適
Aren't you envious that for you it's not? 你是否羨慕無法與我感同身受
Sweet like honey, karma is a cat 甜如蜂蜜 愛看報應降臨若我愛貓心
Purring in my lap 'cause it loves me 懷裡幸福呼嚕因為它愛著我
Flexing like a goddamn acrobat 表演特技似的誇耀一番
Me and karma vibe like that 因果輪迴之我是如此合拍
Ask me what I learned from all those years 問我這幾年都學到了什麼
Ask me what I earned from all those tears 好奇我在一次次淚水裡都得到了什麼
Ask me why so many fade, but I'm still here 為何一次次地淡出卻還能屹立不搖
(I'm still here, I'm still here)
'Cause karma is the thunder 因為報應像閃電一樣會替我行正義
Rattling your ground 開天霹地 狠狠降於你
Karma's on your scent like a bounty hunter 因果早已像個賞金獵人一樣盯上你
Karma's gonna track you down 它會不懈的追蹤你到天涯海角
Step by step, from town to town 一步步 到何處都尾隨在後
Sweet like justice, karma is a queen 正義如此甜美 奉因果報應為女王
Karma takes all my friends to the summit 帶領我所有知己感受歡愉
Karma is the guy on the screen 報應就像是電影裡的夢幻男子
Coming straight home to me 直直向我而來細心呵護我
'Cause karma is my boyfriend (Karma is my boyfriend) 愛著因果報應 它像我男友一樣
Karma is a god 因果報應若神一樣崇高
Karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend (Weekend) 報復完舒服的像是週末吹拂的微風
Karma's a relaxing thought 光是想著心裡就暢快又舒適
Aren't you envious that for you it's not? 你是否羨慕無法與我感同身受
Sweet like honey, karma is a cat 甜如蜂蜜 愛看報應降臨若我愛貓心
Purring in my lap 'cause it loves me 懷裡幸福呼嚕因為它愛著我
Flexing like a goddamn acrobat 表演特技似的誇耀一番
Me and karma vibe like that 因果輪迴之我是如此合拍
Karma is my boyfriend 因果報應是我一生摯愛
Karma is a god (Ah) 若神一樣崇高的存在
Uh-huh, mm
Karma's a relaxing thought 光想著報應就神清氣爽