但這首真的是這次的 13+7 首歌裡面最大的亮點之一
歌曲氛圍非常的歡愉可愛 完全展現出了 Tay 現在的幸福心態
因為這次專輯裡面比較少這種比較 poppy 開心的歌
(btw 加收的七首歌真的很棒 我自己認為有很多是大於原本的專輯收錄曲的)
總言之希望大家喜歡 我也不知道下一首會翻什麼 就隨緣囉(?
[Verse 1]
Your ex-friend's sister 你那前任的姐妹
Met someone at a club and he kissed her 狂歡時邂逅一名男孩吻上了她
Turns out, it was that guy you hooked up with ages ago 才發現對方是你許久以前好上過的對象
Some wannabe Z-lister 不過是個想紅的Z咖人士
And all the outfits were terrible 穿搭品味奇差無比
2003, unbearable 二零零三風格 土到無法接受
"Did you see the photos?" 看見那些照片了嗎
No, I didn't, but thanks, though 沒有 但還是謝了
I'm so in love that I might stop breathing 如此迷戀到快無法呼吸
Drew a map on your bedroom ceiling 在你房間天花板構思藍圖
No, I didn't see the news 那些新聞我都充耳不聞
'Cause we were somewhere else 因為我們早已遠離那些喧囂
Stumbled down pretend alleyways 蹣跚步伐穿梭小巷間
Cheap wine, make believe it's champagne 廉價酒品當作香檳來喝
I was taken by the view 被眼前景緻給徹底吸引
Like we were in Paris 好像置身於夢幻巴黎
Like we were somewhere else 就像是來到了別的世界一樣
Like we were in Paris, oh 就像是悠遊在巴黎似的
We were somewhere else 穿梭到了別的地方
[Verse 2]
Privacy sign on the door 門上掛上請勿打擾標示
And on my page and on the whole world 在我社群頁面 全世界都尋不得蹤跡
Romance is not dead if you keep it just yours 自己能私自收藏的浪漫才能夠雋永
Levitate above all the messes made 遠比那些釀出的混亂還更深刻
Sip quiet by my side in the shade 獨自一人在陰影下靜靜待著
And not the kind that's thrown 承受的陰影從未是帶著善意的
I mean, the kind under where a tree has grown 舉凡說樹下那呵護大家的陰影
I'm so in love that I might stop breathing 如此迷戀到快無法呼吸
Drew a map on your bedroom ceiling 在你房間天花板畫了張地圖
No, I didn't see the news 那些新聞我充耳不聞
'Cause we were somewhere else 因為我們早已遠離那些喧囂
Stumbled down pretend alleyways 蹣跚步伐穿梭小巷間
Cheap wine, make believe it's champagne 廉價酒品當作香檳來喝
I was taken by the view 被眼前景緻給徹底吸引
Like we were in Paris, oh 好像置身於夢幻巴黎
Like we were somewhere else 就像是來到了別的世界一樣
Like we were in Paris, oh 就像是悠遊在巴黎似的
We were somewhere else 穿梭到了別的地方
I wanna brainwash you 我想要洗腦催眠你
Into loving me forever 讓你能夠永遠愛上我
I wanna transport you 想要將你給帶走
To somewhere the culture's clever 帶去某個文明較開明的地方
Confess my truth 好好坦承我的一切
In swooping, sloping, cursive letters 用最真實粗糙的方式來呈現
Let the only flashing lights be the tower at midnight 所及唯一照明盼是高塔午夜映照的
In my mind 在我腦海裡鋪張著
We drew a map on your bedroom ceiling 一起在你房間天花板裡構思藍圖
No, I didn't see the news 那些新聞我都充耳不聞
'Cause we were somewhere else 因為我們早已遠離那些喧囂
In an alleyway, drinking champagne 小巷穿梭 伴隨香檳歡飲
'Cause we were in Paris 因為我們現在身在巴黎裡
Yes, we were somewhere else 逃離了一切 來到了這裡
My love, we were in Paris 與我最摯愛的人待在巴黎
Yes, we were somewhere else 遠離塵囂 來到這片仙境