大家好阿~今天要來翻譯的歌曲來自Melanie全新的EP After School
Melanie也非常寵粉 這張EP總共新開了七首歌曲~
七首歌曲我認為都各有特色 當中我最愛的歌曲就是Numbers跟這首The Bakery了
今天就來翻這首The Bakery給大家♥
La, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la
Pack it, box it, flip it, top it 包裝裝箱 滾翻裝飾
With a bow, tie ribbon, stop it 戴上蝴蝶結 綁上緞帶收尾
Eatin' all the rainbow cookies 吞下所有的彩虹餅乾
Pies are flying through the roof 四處紛飛 各種派飛越了屋頂
Not my first pick but I'll do it 不是我的首選 但我依舊會埋頭苦幹
Make the cash right so I can move quick 為了金錢利益 好使我效率增高
Out this shithole with a new whip 在這糟透之地 帶上最新配件
Cream on top and I'd approve it 榮升高權 而我樂見其成
Pack it, box it, flip it, top it 包裝裝箱 滾翻裝飾
(Pack it, box it, flip it, top it) (細細準備 精心點綴)
Pack it, box it, flip it, top it 包裝裝箱 滾翻裝飾
(Pack it, box it, flip it, top it) (細細準備 精心點綴)
My boss is mother Mary 我的老闆堪比聖母瑪利亞
Catch me slippin' through the concrete 逮著我工作時 帶著一絲倦怠
Show no mercy, step right on me 展現零慈悲 狠狠踐踏我尊嚴
Stiletto death, send me to purgatory 賜我迅即死亡 將我遣至煉獄
The bakery, tryna make some more 那烘焙坊 一心只顧業績
They expect me to stay when I should go 期許我留下 而我一心只想離去
Grab the bag for when they cross the door 帶上行囊 不顧他們挽留而遠去
It ain't for me to roll it out 這一切不是為了讓我光彩離去
It's just for me to raise the dough 只是讓我繼續苦做血汗
Pack it, box it, flip it, top it 包裝裝箱 滾翻裝飾
With a bow, tie ribbon, stop it 戴上蝴蝶結 綁上緞帶收尾
Eatin' all the rainbow cookies 吞下所有的彩虹餅乾
Pies are flying through the roof 四處紛飛 各種派飛越了屋頂
All the cherry, the way they all go 所有點綴 全按照他們心意而做
Knock 'em down like she a dodgeball 擊上她 宛若玩躲避球般的擲打
Little mess up and she's angry 有一點搞砸事情 造成她慍怒不月
One downfall, she blamed the whole team 一點點的挫敗 就全責怪辱罵團隊
Pack it, box it, flip it, top it 包裝裝箱 滾翻裝飾
(Pack it, box it, flip it, top it) (細細準備 精心點綴)
Pack it, box it, flip it, top it 包裝裝箱 滾翻裝飾
(Pack it, box it, flip it, top it) (細細準備 精心點綴)
The bakery, tryna make some more 那烘焙坊 一心只顧業績
They expect me to stay when I should go 期許我留下 而我一心只想離去
Grab the bag for when they cross the door 帶上行囊 不顧他們挽留而遠去
It ain't for me to roll it out 這一切不是為了讓我光彩離去
It's just for me to raise the dough 只是讓我繼續苦做血汗
The bakery, tryna make some more 那烘焙坊 一心只顧業績
They expect me to stay when I should go 期許我留下 而我一心只想離去
Grab the bag for when they cross the door 帶上行囊 不顧他們挽留而遠去
It ain't for me to roll it out 這一切不是為了讓我光彩離去
It's just for me to raise the- 只是讓我繼續苦做血汗
La, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la