💗Snippet of “Drama Club” off K-12!💗 Artwor | Melanie martinez, Melanie,  Melanie martinez lyrics

Melanie系列 持續 緩慢 卻不失步調的繼續進行著

今天要介紹的這首歌是Drama Club!



要有理智 不要被洗腦 要活出自我



[Verse 1]
Everyone's so soft, everyone's so sensitive 每個人都好軟弱 他們都好敏感 
Do I offend you? You're hanging on my sentences 我是否冒犯了你 你靜默不回應我
You can keep your costume and you can keep your mask 你可以保持你的偽裝 保持虛假的假面
I'ma take a bow so you can kiss my ass 現在鞠躬下台 你可以滾出去了

I never signed up for your drama 從來不跟隨你那樁戲劇
Up for your drama, up for your drama club 你那樁鬧劇 從不參與你那戲劇社
I never signed up for your drama 從不參與你的戲劇
Up for your drama club 參與你的戲劇社

[Verse 2]
They try to feed you lines that you have to memorize 他們試圖洗腦你 給你該牢記的台詞
You always hide behind your Wizard of Oz disguise 你永遠都帶著你那奧茲帝國般的偽裝
Do you even have a brain? You're sticking to a page 你到底有沒有腦袋 你這人真冥頑不靈
You're faking all your pain, yeah, you're bleeding on a stage 假裝自己很痛苦 在台上飾演流血

I never signed up for your drama 從來不跟隨你那樁戲劇
Up for your drama, up for your drama club 你那樁鬧劇 從不參與你那戲劇社
I never signed up for your drama 從不參與你的戲劇
Up for your drama club (Ooh) 參與你的戲劇社 (沒錯)
I never signed up for your drama club (Ooh) 我從來不參加你那戲劇社 (沒錯)
For your drama club 加入你那戲劇社
I never signed up for your drama (Ooh) 從沒參與你的戲劇 (沒錯)
Up for your drama, up for your drama club 參與你的戲劇 虛假無比的戲劇 
I never signed up for your drama (Ooh) 從沒參與你的戲劇 (沒錯)
Up for your drama, up for your drama club 參與你的戲劇 虛假無比的戲劇 

[Verse 3]
I don't wanna be an actress, living by a script 不想成為女演員 照著劇本演出
Who cares about practice? Hmm, I don't give a shit 誰在乎那些練習 我該死的不在乎
You're over-analyzing every word I say 你過度分析我每字每句
There's a whole world out there, you're living a play 世界這麼廣大 你活在一樁假戲劇裡
Fuck your auditorium, I think it's pretty boring and 該死的那大禮堂 真心覺得它有夠無聊沉悶

I never signed up for your drama 從來不跟隨你那樁戲劇
Up for your drama, up for your drama club 你那樁鬧劇 從不參與你那戲劇社
I never signed up for your drama 從不參與你的戲劇
Up for your drama club (Ooh) 參與你的戲劇社 (沒錯)
I never signed up for your drama club (Ooh) 我從來不參加你那戲劇社 (沒錯)
For your drama club 加入你那戲劇社
I never signed up for your drama (Ooh) 從沒參與你的戲劇 (沒錯)
Up for your drama, up for your drama club 參與你的戲劇 虛假無比的戲劇 
I never signed up for your drama (Ooh) 從沒參與你的戲劇 (沒錯)
Up for your drama, up for your drama club 參與你的戲劇 虛假無比的戲劇 

For your drama club 你那虛假戲劇社
Mmm, mmm 我一點也沒興趣

I never signed up (Ooh), mmm, mmm 從來不跟隨你那樁戲劇 沒錯 一點也沒興趣
I never signed up (Ooh), never signed up 從不參與(沒錯) 不想有瓜葛 
Never signed up for your drama club 從不參與 你那虛假戲劇社
I never signed up for your drama (Ooh) for your drama 從不參與你那虛假戲劇 那樁鬧劇
For your drama club 你那虛假戲劇社
I never signed up for your drama (Ooh) 從沒參與你的戲劇 (沒錯)
Up for your drama, up for your drama club 參與你的戲劇 虛假無比的戲劇
I never signed up for your drama (Ooh) 從沒參與你的戲劇 (沒錯)
Up for your drama, up for your drama club 參與你的戲劇 虛假無比的戲劇
I never signed up for your drama (Ooh) 從沒參與你的戲劇 (沒錯)
Up for your drama, up for your drama club 參與你的戲劇 虛假無比的戲劇
I never signed up for your drama (Ooh) 從沒參與你的戲劇 (沒錯)
Up for your drama, up for your drama club 參與你的戲劇 虛假無比的戲劇

I never signed up for your drama (Ooh) 從沒參與你的戲劇 (沒錯)
Up for your drama, up for your drama club 參與你的戲劇 虛假無比的戲劇

    創作者 階梯 JT 的頭像
    階梯 JT

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