Cover art for River by Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus 2023 強勢回歸專輯《Endless Summer Vacation》正式釋出!

這張應該可以說是 2023 目前勢頭最旺的一張專輯了 因為首單 Flowers 真的是意外爆紅

讓麥莉迎來新一波的事業回春 專輯本身我還滿喜歡的 沒有到熱愛的地步因為上張塑膠心真的太強

但還是可以看見麥莉在新專輯中的突破與成長 無論音樂性或是個人上的成長亦是

專輯中的第二首單曲 River 走得跟首單不太一樣 是一種性感搖滾風

歌詞中 Miley 講述自己對伴侶的依戀 表示他和「河流」一樣「持久」(什麼意思各位心理有數)

總言之是首歌詞色色的歌 但節奏相當動感相當抓耳 應該有機會為麥莉再撈一首熱門單曲!

(詳情專輯介紹請上 JT 的翻譯小窩 IG 查看)(@jtstransclub)


[Verse 1]
I got a new dress just to meet you downtown 買了件新衣 只為到市區約見你
Can you walk me through the park just to show it off? 能否帶我穿越公園只為示眾炫耀
I can pull my hair back in that tight way that you like 我能投你所愛將頭髮往後束緊
If you wrap me in your arms and never stop 只要你能將我永遠擁入懷中

Heart beats so loud that it's drownin’ me out 心跳大聲到我快承受不住
Livin' in an April shower 總活在淋漓慾水間
You're pourin’ down, baby, drown me out (Ooh, ooh, ooh) 澆灌我身 讓我沈浸其中無法自拔

You're just like a river (Ooh, ooh, ooh) 你像巨流般永不歇息
You're just like a river (Ooh, ooh, ooh) 河流般那樣川流不息
You go on forever 永恆持續不間斷
You're just like a river 像河流那樣綿延不絕

[Verse 2]
Blowing bubbles in the bath, I can't stop from thinking lately 沐浴時鬧騰吹泡泡 近來無法克制去想念
You could be the one, have the honor of my babies 或許你正是那萬中選一 有那份榮幸和我生孩子
Hope they have your eyes and that crooked smile 希望他們能繼承你的眼眸和那邪惡的狡笑
Was a desеrt 'fore I met you, I was in a drought 遇見你之前我像是置身在乾涸沙漠一般

Heart beats so loud that it's drownin’ me out 心跳大聲到我快承受不住
Livin' in an April shower 總活在淋漓慾水間
You're pourin’ down, baby, drown me out (Ooh, ooh, ooh) 澆灌我身 讓我沈浸其中無法自拔

You're just like a river (Ooh, ooh, ooh) 你像巨流般永不歇息
You're just like a river (Ooh, ooh, ooh) 河流般那樣川流不息
You go on forever 永恆持續不間斷
You're just like a river 像河流那樣綿延不絕

You're never runnin’ dry (Oh) 你從不會有乾竭一日

I feel you everywhere 感受你全身上下身心靈
Your face is all in my hair (Hair) 你的臉深浸我髮絲裡
Covered up in your sweat 身上沾滿了你的汗滴
It turns me on that you care, baby 看見你如此傾心 使我也興奮起來
Your love, it flows just like a river 你的愛若川流般永遠不息

You're just like a river (That's what you are) 你像巨流般永不歇息
You're just like a river (That's what you are) 河流般那樣川流不息
You're just like a river (That's what you are) 永恆持續不間斷
You're just like a river 像河流那樣綿延不絕
You're just like a river (Heart beats so loud that it's drownin' me out) 你像巨流般永不歇息
You're just like a river (Livin' in an April shower) 河流般那樣川流不息
You go on forever (You're pourin' down, baby, drown me out) 永恆持續不間斷
You're just like a river 像河流那樣綿延不絕

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    階梯 JT

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