Cover art for Free Yourself by Jessie Ware

聽完 Jessie Ware 的新專輯後我就想一直對她喊 MOTHAAAAA

沒有別的詞彙了 就是 MOTHA 再度回歸飼養她的信徒們

這次的專輯 Jessie 將他以往的專輯路線給融合

創作出了一張 2023 最適合隨之搖擺舞動的專輯

而當中我名列前茅的歌曲不管怎麼聽聽幾次都一定會有這首首單 Free Yourself


充滿復古情懷的節奏搭配超積極的歌詞還有 Jessie 巧妙的聲音運用

真的是聽到這首歌就會默默跟著一起搖擺 認真的 Free Myself!

《That! Feels Good》整張都發揮的超級優秀 沒聽的各位你也該試試😉


Free yourself 解放自我
Keep on moving up that mountaintop 繼續往山頂方向邁進
Why don't you please yourself? 為何不自娛自樂
If it feels so good, then don't you, baby, don't you stop 感覺如此美妙 請別停下腳步 
Don't stop, don't stop 請別歇下步伐 
Baby, don't you— 親愛的你可別

[Verse 1]
Don't stand there waiting all of your life 別只佇在那 一生等候停滯不前
For the night to come and find you 別只會等待機會 要勇敢自行去爭取
The clock is ticking, baby, now is the time 時鐘滴答作響 現在正是時候
For someone to come and hold you 你終會找到一個能夠扶持你的依歸

You are a name, not a number 你有名有姓 不僅僅只是個號碼
Extraordinary colours 如此不平凡的獨特色彩
Don't you hide undercover, baby 別隱藏自己的本色 

Free yourself 解放自我
Keep on moving up that mountaintop 繼續往山頂方向邁進
Why don't you please (Please), yourself (Yourself)? 為何不自娛自樂
If it feels so good, then don't you, baby, don't you stop 感覺如此美妙 請別停下腳步 
Don't stop, don't stop 請別歇下步伐 
Baby, don't you— 親愛的你可別

[Verse 2]
No complications, distractions 別自找麻煩 也別被分散專注
Reactions, no retractions 一但有了感覺 就別想去撤回
Only obsessions, motivations 只有對積極前往抱持滿滿的信念
Investigation, there's new information 去研究找尋嶄新的資訊

You are a name, not a number 你有名有姓 不僅僅只是個號碼
Extraordinary colours 如此不平凡的獨特色彩
Don't you hide undercover, baby 別隱藏自己的本色 

Free yourself 解放自我
Keep on moving up that mountaintop 繼續往山頂方向邁進
Why don't you please (Please), yourself (Yourself)? 為何不自娛自樂
If it feels so good, then don't you stop 感覺如此美妙 請別停下腳步 
Free (Free), yourself (Yourself) 解放自我
Keep on moving up that mountaintop 繼續往山頂方向邁進
Why don't you please (Please), yourself (Yourself)? 為何不自娛自樂
If it feels so good, then don't you, baby, don't you stop 感覺如此美妙 請別停下腳步 
Don't stop, don't stop 請別歇下步伐 
Baby, don't you— 親愛的你可別

If you feel it, if you feel it, take it (Over) 若感受來了 別抵制勇敢去接受
If you feel it, if you feel it, take it (Over) 一旦有感受 就勇敢去追尋
If you feel it, if you feel it, take it (Over) 若感受來了 別抵制勇敢去接受
If you feel it, if you feel it, take it (Don't tease me) 一旦有感受 就勇敢去追尋
If you feel it (Don't), if you feel it, take it (Don't tease me) 若感受來了 別抵制勇敢去接受
If you feel it (Don't), if you feel it, take it (Don't tease me) 一旦有感受 就勇敢去追尋
If you feel it (Don't), if you feel it, take it (Don't tease me)  若感受來了 別抵制勇敢去接受
If you feel it (Don't), if you feel it, take it 一旦有感受 就勇敢去追尋

You've got to free yourself 你必須要解放自我
Keep on moving up that mountaintop 繼續往山頂方向邁進
Why don't you please (Please), yourself (Yourself)? 為何不自娛自樂
If it feels so good, then don't you stop 感覺如此美妙 請別停下腳步 
Free (Free), yourself (Yourself) 解放自我
Keep on moving up that mountaintop 繼續往山頂方向邁進
Why don't you please (Please), yourself (Yourself)? 為何不自娛自樂
If it feels so good, then don't you, baby, don't you stop 感覺如此美妙 請別停下腳步 
Don't stop, don't stop 請別歇下步伐 
Baby, don't you— 親愛的你可別

    創作者 階梯 JT 的頭像
    階梯 JT

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