TUNNEL VISION 這首歌應該可以說是我專輯發行錢相當期待的一首
我主要是被那段很像 Cry Baby 的前奏給吸引到
主要應該是我覺得段落間的變化沒有很大 所以其實在這麼多有特色的曲目當中
TUNNEL VISION 反而有點讓我印象單薄
但後來在開始深入歌詞跟開始做翻譯多聽幾次之後 我好像就默默地更加愛上這首了
個人最愛的還有歌曲最後那段黑暗變形(?)純音樂段落 第一次聽就覺得很爽
雖然知道只是為了銜接下一首 但還是聽得很開心:)
Follow the tunnel into the portal 跟隨著隧道穿越傳送門
Lay all your burdens to rest 讓你肩負的所有負擔永眠
Drink from the fountain, death's holy water 泉水裡汲飲 死亡的聖泉水
Watch as you're put to the test 看著你接受一道道試煉
[Verse 1]
I make them panic, it's satanic 讓世人恐慌 我代表這世上的極惡
How I bend my body 看我如何折曲自己的身體
Yeah, you can look, but you can't touch 允許你觀望 但要撫觸可就不能
I'm not just anybody 我可不是什麼凡俗存在
Caught in a haze and hypnotized and you're too thirsty 陷入迷霧受到催眠 慾望漸被挑起
Open your view and you will find 只要開拓眼見就會尋得我
Stop searching 不如停止尋覓吧
Eyes on the prize, thought the cherry would be 目標緊盯 卻只想獨佔我的外在美
Better than the pie, you like that, like that, that, like that 鄙棄我的內在之美 你只在乎我的外在
That's your demise 你對我而言已經玩完了
Yeah, you hold me like you're rushing to my thighs 緊緊擁住我最先做的卻是直入我腿間
Too fast, too fast, fast, too fast 動作太快 太令人猝不及防
But your focus is empty 但你的目標是如此空虛無比
Tunnel vision, thеn dead me 如此視野狹隘 從沒看見真正的我
Honeysucklе and fresh meat 心繫過去卻又企求我新鮮肉體
But I'm more than that, more than that 我可沒那麼廉價 不容你糟蹋
Playing house to distract me 各種家家酒伎倆只為分心我
But you're no good at acting 但你演技實在是拙劣無比
Obvious what you're after 目的早已彰露 那樣明顯可見
And I'm more than that, more than that 我的價值可遠遠不只如此
And I'm more than that, more than that 我的格調可不容你糟蹋
[Verse 2]
They always hustle for the pussy 人們往往只為貪求肉體歡愉
So they'll never get it 難怪沒人能真正理解
I make them tumble down the hill they climbed, I don't regret it 我讓他們在追求路途摔得徹底 但我一點也不後悔
I saw that trick fall out your sleeve, and I'm so certain 看見你伎倆全被識破 讓我再確定不過
You hum a tune I don't believe and it ain't workin' 你所說的話不值得信任 我可不會上你的當
Eyes on the prize, thought the cherry would be 目標緊盯 卻只想獨佔我的外在美
Better than the pie, you like that, like that, that, like that 而鄙棄我的內在之美 你只在乎我的外在
That's your demise 你對我而言已經玩完了
Yeah, you hold me like you're rushing to my thighs 緊緊擁住我最先做的卻是撫觸我雙腿
Too fast, too fast, fast, too fast 動作太快 太令人猝不及防
But your focus is empty 但你的目標是如此空虛無比
Tunnel vision, thеn dead me 如此視野狹矮 從沒看見真正的我
Honeysucklе and fresh meat 心繫過去卻又企求我新鮮肉體
But I'm more than that, more than that 我可沒那麼廉價 不容你糟蹋
Playing house to distract me 各種家家酒伎倆只為分心我
But you're no good at acting 但你演技實在是拙劣無比
Obvious what you're after 目的早已彰露 那樣明顯可見
And I'm more than that, more than that 我的價值可遠遠不只如此
And I'm more than that, more than that 我的格調可不容你糟蹋
Crossing my heart, I'd rather die (Oh-oh, oh-oh) 全意真心坦露 不忠於自我還寧可死亡
Than be the needle in your eye (Oh-oh, oh-oh) 寧可接受死亡也不願受制於你
Show me how far obsession goes (Oh-oh, oh-oh) 讓我看看你的迷戀程度到哪
Could've been more, now we'll never know 或許能夠更超越 但現在也無從得知了