
Olivia Rodrigo釋出了他預計在今年釋出專輯的第二支單曲

名字簡簡單單就叫做deja vu

相信你各位應該都對deja vu這個名詞有一定的認識我也就不用多做解釋了

個人覺得這首歌跟上一首drivers license有一種截然不同的感覺


這首的那種慨歎也是有的 但是總給人一種清新脫俗的感覺

btw我原本覺得這首沒有drivers license好 結果現在有越來越洗腦的感覺

再btw 前幾天在Olivia ig翻到一首unreleased的歌曲我就整個被吸引住


我天 拜託Olivia趕快出一張專輯把那些歌給我全收進去!


[Verse 1]
Car rides to Malibu 乘車前往馬里布
Strawberry ice cream, one spoon for two 草莓冰淇淋 一個湯匙兩人共享
And trading jackets 兩人互穿對方外套
Laughing 'bout how small it looks on you (Ah-ha-ha-ha) 相視對笑彼此外套是那樣不合自身尺寸
Watching reruns of Glee 重複觀賞歡樂合唱團
Bein’ annoying, singing in harmony 感到些許煩燥 唱起合音樂奏
I bet she's braggin' to all her friends 保證她必是向她所有朋友大聲炫耀
Saying you’re so unique (Huh) 說你在她心中是多麼特別

So when you gonna tell her that we did that too? 你何時才要告訴她我們也這麼做過
She thinks it's special, but it's all re-used 自以為的特別 早就只是二次體驗
That was our place, I found it first 這是屬於你我的秘密基地 是我先找到此處的
I made the jokes you tell to her when she's with you 你對她說的那些笑話全是我講給你聽過的

Do you get déjà vu when she's with you? 當你與她共處時 難道心中不會有既視感嗎
Do you get déjà vu, hmm? (Ha) 感到似曾相識 經歷都有種熟悉感
Do you get déjà vu, huh? 難道你沒有感受到這種感覺嗎

[Verse 2]
Do you call her, almost say my name? 有否曾要叫她時 差點誤喊成我名
'Cause let's be honest, we kinda do sound the same 面對現實吧 我和她視那樣相似
Another actress 只不過是女演員換了個人
I hate to think that I was just your type 厭極了自己對你只是你愛的那款女孩
And I bet that she knows Billy Joel 打賭她一定也知道比利喬
'Cause you played her "Uptown Girl" 因為你必定為她點播過那首上流女子
You’re singing it together 兩人歡唱是那樣快樂
Now I bet you even tell her how you love her 我也敢說你必定對她說過你愛她
In between the chorus and the verse 在歌曲兩段的副歌之間

So when you gonna tell her that we did that too? 你何時才要告訴她我們也這麼做過
She thinks it's special, but it's all re-used 自以為的特別 早就只是二次體驗
That was the show we talked about 這是我們討論過的電視節目
Played you the song she's singing now when she's with you 播放那首她在你們一起時吟唱的那首歌

Do you get déjà vu when she's with you? 當你與她共處時 難道心中不會有既視感嗎
Do you get déjà vu, hmm? (Huh) 感到似曾相識 經歷都有種熟悉感
Do you get déjà vu? 難道你沒有感受到這種感覺嗎

Strawberry ice cream in Malibu 乘車前往馬里布 點了碗草莓冰淇淋
Don't act like we didn’t do that shit too 別裝的好像你我沒幹過這些事
You're trading jackets like we used to do 彼此間也互穿過對方的外套過
(Yeah, everything is all re-used) (你和她的經歷 都不再是什麼嶄新體驗)
Play her piano, but she doesn't know 彈奏她的鋼琴 但她有所不知的是
That I was the one who taught you Billy Joel 我才是那個教你彈奏比利喬的女孩
A different girl now, but there's nothing new 換了不同的女孩 但其實根本什麼都沒不同

I know you get déjà vu 知道你也是會感到似曾相識的
I know you get déjà vu 對她對我有種熟悉既視感
I know you get déjà vu 和她的經歷全都是你我所創造

    創作者 階梯 JT 的頭像
    階梯 JT

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