

這次釋出專輯裡的第三支單曲good 4 u

是一首很pop rock style的歌曲 個人覺得有回到2000s的感覺




Well good for you, I guess you moved on really easily 你開心就好 看你往前放下如此輕易無負擔
You found a new girl and it only took a couple weeks 找到了個新女孩 而這只花了你幾個禮拜
Remember when you said that you wanted to give me the world 記得你還曾承諾過要給我全世界

And good for you, I guess that you've been working on yourself 你快樂就好 看來你有好好照料經營自己
I guess that therapist I found for you, she really helped 那個我為你找的心理診療師真的幫了不少
Now you can be a better man for your brand new girl 現在你終於能為了你的新歡成為有擔當的男人

Well good for you 你開心就好了
You look happy and healthy, not me 你看來是那樣快樂健康 但我可沒有
If you ever cared to ask 若你有一絲稀罕詢問
Good for you 你快樂就好了啊
You're doing great out there without me, baby 沒了我你過的是那樣輕鬆自在
God, I wish that I could do that 天啊 真希望我也能像你一樣

I've lost my mind 已經陷入瘋狂失去理智
I've spent the night 花了大半夜晚
Crying on the floor of my bathroom 躺在浴室地板沉浸悲傷
But you're so unaffected, I really don't get it 你看來是那樣不受影響
But I guess good for you 但你爽就好 你開心就好

Well good for you, I guess you're getting everything you want 你開心就好 看來你得到了所有你想要的東西
You bought a new car and your career's really taking off 買了新車 事業看來也是蓬勃有了發展
It's like we never even happened, baby 你我就像一場未發生過的意外
What the fuck is up with that? 這到底是什麼意思

And good for you, it's like you never even met me 你快樂就好 你我就像從未見過一樣
Remember when you swore to God I was the only 是否記得當你對上天發誓說我是世上唯一
Person who ever got you 能夠觸動你心的那個人 
Well, screw that and screw you 該死的 我咒罵你 滾出我人生
You will never have to hurt the way you know that I do 你就永遠不會嚐到我我那心碎的感受

Well good for you 你開心就好了
You look happy and healthy, not me 你看來是那樣快樂健康 但我可沒有
If you ever cared to ask 若你有一絲稀罕詢問
Good for you 你快樂就好了啊
You're doing great out there without me, baby 沒了我你過的是那樣輕鬆自在
God, I wish that I could do that 天啊 真希望我也能像你一樣

I've lost my mind 已經陷入瘋狂失去理智
I've spent the night 花了大半夜晚
Crying on the floor of my bathroom 躺在浴室地板沉浸悲傷
But you're so unaffected, I really don't get it 你看來是那樣不受影響
But I guess good for you 但你爽就好 你開心就好

Maybe I'm too emotional 或許我太過情緒化
But your apathy's like a wound in salt 但你所謂的同理心就像是在傷口上灑鹽
Maybe I'm too emotional 或許我太過容易心碎
Or maybe you never cared at all 也或許只是你根本沒在乎過

Maybe I'm too emotional 或許我太過情緒化
But your apathy's like a wound in salt 但你所謂的同理心就像是在傷口上灑鹽
Maybe I'm too emotional 或許我太過容易心碎
Or maybe you never cared at all 也或許只是你根本沒在乎過

Well good for you 你開心就好了
You look happy and healthy, not me 你看來是那樣快樂健康 但我可沒有
If you ever cared to ask 若你有一絲稀罕詢問
Good for you 你快樂就好了啊
You're doing great out there without me, baby 沒了我你過的是那樣輕鬆自在
God, I wish that I could do that 天啊 真希望我也能像你一樣

I've lost my mind 已經陷入瘋狂失去理智
I've spent the night 花了大半夜晚
Crying on the floor of my bathroom 躺在浴室地板沉浸悲傷
But you're so unaffected, I really don't get it 你看來是那樣不受影響
But I guess good for you 但你爽就好 你開心就好

Well good for you, I guess you moved on really easily 你開心就好 看你往前放下如此輕易無負擔

    創作者 階梯 JT 的頭像
    階梯 JT

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