Cover art for SPIDER WEB by Melanie Martinez

其實按照喜愛順序我應該先翻 NYMPHOLOGY

但我看他歌詞沒很好翻加上歌詞很多所以我一直在逃避 ><

剛好看到 SPIDER WEB 歌詞少又好理解所以我後來還是決定先投入蜘蛛網的懷抱

Melanie 表示這首歌在講的是關於網路沉癮的故事

透過網路 WEB 與蜘蛛網 web 的諧音來相映成趣

當人們落入網路的蛛網之中 建立起互動開始有所聯繫




我一開始聽完預告也是覺得平平 但實際歌曲出來後就意外滿喜歡的 神奇蜘蛛網魔力


[Verse 1]
I move like a moth or a butterfly 像隻蛾或蝴蝶般的移動著
Craving a change in the wind 渴望在風中能造成改變
I swirl by all the insects and all the flies 穿梭繞旋探看眾生
Watching the cycle they're in 看看他們所經歷的生態循環

Better off dead than wastin' my hours 與其蹉跎光陰不如選擇死亡
Flying where I shouldn't be 在不該久待之處盤旋著
Flexing like pricks with their stolen power 明目張膽炫耀虛華事物
They're just who the spider will eat 最後只都成蜘蛛飽餐對象

Spinning all your silk and moving all of your eight legs 捲纏絲線 移動足部每隻腳
To build a web that'll spread through the world 鋪張了片版圖遍佈世界的蛛網
Feeding off our highs and lows 坐看他人高低潮當作餌食
And curious to see us struggle 好奇觀望他人所經挫折
No one can leave once they merge 一旦上癮了就無法從中自拔

Oh, no onе can leave once thеy merge 一旦聚集一首就無法逃離
Oh, no one can leave once they merge 沉迷上癮後就難以抽離

[Verse 2]
I'm hiding myself from the enemy 將自己於敵人前隱藏
I wish to not be perceived 只願不要被欺騙
Didn't ask for this dangerous visibility 可從未曾冀求這危險可見度
I'm feeling too scared to sleep 怕到我都不敢入睡了

Better off dead than stuck in a maze 寧可死亡也不願迷失在其中
The center may seem like a gift 成為人群中心看似誘人無比
Once you arrive, it'll strip you of your life 但一旦抵達 只會成為生命的絆腳石
And you'll wish that you never did 最終後悔盼一切從沒發生過

Spinning all your silk and moving all of your eight legs 捲纏絲線 移動足部每隻腳
To build a web that'll spread through the world 鋪張了片版圖遍佈世界的蛛網
Feeding off our highs and lows 坐看他人高低潮當作餌食
And curious to see us struggle 好奇觀望他人所經挫折
No one can leave once they merge 一旦上癮了就無法從中自拔

Oh, no onе can leave once thеy merge 一旦聚集一首就無法逃離
Oh, no one can leave once they merge 沉迷上癮後就難以抽離

Big bite, they liquify the insides first 大口一咬 得先液化捕來的餌食
Then wrap them tight, securing their spot in the spider web 徹底包纏 在蛛網上固定位置
Up all night, bound to their addiction to it 徹夜未眠 必定會有獵物沈迷上鉤
Lifeless eyes, they die in the pit of the spider web 雙眼失去神采 最終命喪蛛網之下


    創作者 階梯 JT 的頭像
    階梯 JT

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