Faded - Single by BoyWithUke | Spotify

今天來翻 BoyWithUke 的另一首歌 Loafers

Loafers 是一款平底鞋 中文翻作樂福鞋

樂福鞋有三種款式:便士樂福鞋(Penny Loafter)、流蘇樂福鞋(Tassel Loafers)、馬銜扣樂福鞋(Horsebit Loafter) 



這首歌曲依舊維持 BoyWithUke 一貫的風格 以烏克麗麗作為主要伴奏基準 搭配好記的旋律還有傷感憂鬱的歌詞

依舊是探討了很多寫實的 mental health 的歌詞

btw 法文的歌詞真的超好聽><


[Verse 1]
I keep my windows open, front door's broken, I lost my keys 窗戶打開前門損毀 遺失了我的鑰匙
I'm passed out on my futon, gave back your DVD's 昏迷沉睡被褥中 歸還你的光碟片
It's been so long, but you're embedded to my thoughts 時隔了如此久 你依舊深植我腦海裡
And all the songbirds sing sad songs 歌唱的鳥兒唱起傷感的歌曲 
Oh, how I treated you so wrong? 我待你是如此差勁的嗎
I stay up all night long 想了一整夜徹夜未眠

I see you on the TV 看見你出現在電視上
You're in my melatonin dreams 浮現於我的那些怪異噩夢裡
I put my health beneath me 過分忽略自己的心理健康
But it's frustrating that we weren't meant to be 但一想到我們成不了便讓我挫折不已 
I'm wasted on the sofa 蜷縮在沙發裡蹉跎光陰
Watching time fly, wearing loafers on my feet 光陰飛逝 腳上穿著雙樂福鞋
Restless 'cause I'm lost without you 如此不安 因為身邊已無你的身影
Kinda awkward 'cause we live on the same street 說來也真是奇怪 彼此甚至住同條街

You're in my melatonin dreams 你總出現在我那些詭異噩夢裡 
My eyes can't read what's in between 雙眼總讀不出你的真正含意
'Cause it's been all just make-believe 一切似乎都是虛假片面而已
And all I see are fantasies 我所看見的全是幻覺幻想
'Cause I've been sipping on kava tea 飲用卡瓦茶好紓解壓力
(Sipping on kava tea)(試著喝卡瓦茶來放鬆紓壓)
(But it's all just make-believe)(但一切都只是假裝幌子)

[Verse 2]
Let's just say goodbye to the good times 讓我們向那些美好時光道別
Once and for all, just let them go home 一次了結 徹底讓它們遠走高飛
I know they still give you butterflies 我知道一切依舊使你興奮快樂 
I'm stuck in an awful state of mind 如今的我沉陷這糟糕心境中
Let it be known that I'm a lone soul 昭告世界 公誠我只是個孤單靈魂
Lost from a romantic paradise 迷失在那虛幻浪漫仙境中

I see you on the TV 看見你出現在電視上
You're in my melatonin dreams 浮現於我的那些怪異噩夢裡
I put my health beneath me 過分忽略自己的心理健康
But it's frustrating that we weren't meant to be 但一想到我們成不了便讓我挫折不已 
I'm wasted on the sofa 蜷縮在沙發裡蹉跎光陰
Watching time fly, wearing loafers on my feet 光陰飛逝 腳上穿著雙樂福鞋
Restless 'cause I'm lost without you 如此不安 因為身邊已無你的身影
Kinda awkward 'cause we live on the same street 說來也真是奇怪 彼此甚至住同條街

You're in my melatonin dreams 你總出現在我那些詭異噩夢裡 
My eyes can't read what's in between 雙眼總讀不出你的真正含意
'Cause it's been all just make-believe 一切似乎都是虛假片面而已
And all I see are fantasies 我所看見的全是幻覺幻想
'Cause I've been sipping on kava tea 飲用卡瓦茶好紓解壓力


Close your eyes, dance with me 閉上你的雙眼 與我共舞
Je suis rempli de tristesse je suis troublé 心中被憂傷填滿 且充滿各種麻煩
Weren't meant to be 一切本不該是如此 
But it's okay, I feel your pain temporarily 但一切會沒事的 所謂痛苦只是暫時而已
Close your eyes, dance with me 閉上你的雙眼 與我共舞
Je suis rempli de tristesse je suis troublé 心中被憂傷填滿 且充滿各種麻煩
Weren't meant to be 一切本不該是如此 
But it's okay, I feel your pain temporarily 但一切會沒事的 所謂痛苦只是暫時而已

And I thought we could be more than just friends 我以為我們能夠不只是朋友而已
But I can understand your situation 但我也能理解你的立場想法
I felt like you should know though since we're such good friends 感覺你應該得清楚 畢竟我們是那樣好的朋友
I guess I'll just wait until you feel okay enough to see me like I see you 看來得讓時間沖淡一切 待你能如我痊癒般的與我相見
But until then, I can just be your guy best friend 但在那之前 我必能勝任你最好男性朋友

I see you on the TV 看見你出現在電視上
You're in my melatonin dreams 浮現於我的那些怪異噩夢裡
I put my health beneath me 過分忽略自己的心理健康
But it's frustrating that we weren't meant to be 但一想到我們成不了便讓我挫折不已 
I'm wasted on the sofa 蜷縮在沙發裡蹉跎光陰
Watching time fly, wearing loafers on my feet 光陰飛逝 腳上穿著雙樂福鞋
Restless 'cause I'm lost without you 如此不安 因為身邊已無你的身影
Kinda awkward 'cause we live on the same street 說來也真是奇怪 彼此甚至住同條街

Close your eyes, dance with me 閉上你的雙眼 與我共舞
Je suis rempli de tristesse je suis troublé 心中被憂傷填滿 且充滿各種麻煩
(You're in my melatonin dreams)(浮現於我的那些怪異噩夢裡)
Weren't meant to be 一切本不該是如此 
But it's okay, I feel your pain temporarily 但一切會沒事的 所謂痛苦只是暫時而已
(My eyes can't read what's in between)(無法讀出你心中的真實感受)
Close your eyes, dance with me 閉上你的雙眼 與我共舞
Je suis rempli de tristesse je suis troublé 心中被憂傷填滿 且充滿各種麻煩
('Cause it's been all just make-believe)( 一切似乎都是虛假片面而已)
Weren't meant to be 一切本不該是如此 
(And all I see are fantasies)(我所看見的僅是幻想而已)
But it's okay, I feel your pain temporarily 但一切會沒事的 所謂痛苦只是暫時而已


    創作者 階梯 JT 的頭像
    階梯 JT

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