這首 Dirty Thoughts 是我在 Spotify 隨便點一個播放清單點到的歌
而且我今天才聽到就馬上翻譯 連我自己都受不了我怎麼那麼有效率(平常拖拉成慣性)
這首整體氛圍塑造的很黑暗有趣 又帶有一點嫵媚性感的感覺
雖然在 YouTube 上還沒有太紅起來 但是我看這首在 Spotify 的成績其實表現挺不俗的
有突破百萬的串流量 以一個算小眾的歌手來看(剛剛看 Chloe 其實出道滿久的了)滿厲害的!
Anyway 國外歌手都在窩房間過假期 我就可以來翻這些小品歌曲了開心開心
I get dirty thoughts about you 總是對你想入非非
They get worse when I'm without you 身邊少了你這些想法變得更加劇烈
Does that mean that I'm going to hell? 這是否代表我要墜入地獄
Or are you thinking them as well? 抑或是你也跟我抱持相同想法
[Verse 1]
When I'm lonely 當我孤單一人時
All the corners of my mind start racing 腦中所有角落開始運轉競速
Things that should be kept in the basement 那些早該被深埋心底的黑暗思想
Spend my time trying to erase them (Erase them) 費盡心力抹消一切
But when you hold me 但當你緊擁我入懷時
In the fantasy, it's so convincing 這般的快樂仙境又如此蠱惑我
I shouldn't think the things I'm thinking 那些在思考的東西應該被中止
But now I've gone and let them sink in 但如今已深陷入被一切給淹沒
The more that I push 'em away 我愈將你的一切推開
The more that you're stuck in my brain 你就更加的深植我腦海裡
The more I mentally undress, I confess 心中愈是努力的掙脫愈逃不出
I get dirty thoughts about you 總是對你想入非非
They get worse when I'm without you 身邊少了你這些想法變得更加劇烈
Does that mean that I'm going to hell? 這是否代表我要墜入地獄
Or are you thinking them as well? 抑或是你也跟我抱持相同想法
I get dirty thoughts about you 總對你抱持邪念想法
They're so strong that I'm about to 太過強烈以致我就快要
Say them all to you out loud 將一切對你大聲誠實以待
God can't save me now 即使上帝也無法拯救我
[Verse 2]
I'm frustrated 懊惱悔恨不已
Do you really look good naked? 當你赤裸時真是如此迷人嗎
And I know that it ain't that holy 我知道這樣的想法一點也不純潔
But Lord, I need this one night only 但上帝我只懇求能徜歡這一夜
The more that I push 'em away 我愈將你的一切推開
The more that you're stuck in my brain 你就更加的深植我腦海裡
The more I mentally undress, I confess 心中愈是努力的掙脫愈逃不出
I get dirty thoughts about you 總是對你想入非非
They get worse when I'm without you 身邊少了你這些想法變得更加劇烈
Does that mean that I'm going to hell? 這是否代表我要墜入地獄
Or are you thinking them as well? 抑或是你也跟我抱持相同想法
I get dirty thoughts (I get dirty) 總是對你想入非非
I get dirty thoughts (Th-th-th-thoughts) 總對你抱持邪念想法
I get dirty thoughts (I get dirty) 總是對你想入非非
I get dirty thoughts about you 總對你抱持邪念想法
I get dirty thoughts (I get dirty) 總是對你想入非非
I get dirty thoughts (Th-th-th-thoughts) 總對你抱持邪念想法
I get dirty thoughts (I get dirty) 總是對你想入非非
I get dirty thoughts about you 總對你抱持邪念想法