





在上個禮拜就已經偷偷預告過了 就不用太著墨了


[Verse 1]
When I was a young boy living in the city 當我依舊是那個住在城裡的小男孩
All I did was run run run run run 我所做的只有到處奔跑 逃離一切
Staring at the lights, they look so pretty 注視喧囂燈光 是那樣炫彩奪目
Momma said “son son son son son 母親叮囑說我親愛的兒子
You’re gonna grow up, you’re gonna get old 你終會長大成人 終有變老一日
All that glitters don’t turn to gold 一切繁華終有枯竭一日
But until then just have your fun 但在那天來臨之前請恣意享受人生
Boy, run run run run run” 逃離一切煩惱 用力奔跑

Yeah, run run run 奮力前行 認真奔跑
Run run run 逃離一切痛苦 努力邁進

[Verse 2]
When I was a young kid living in the city 當我依舊是那個住在城裡的小男孩
All I did was pay pay pay pay pay 我所做的就是四處付出 傾注一切努力
And every single dime that good Lord gave me 每一分上天賜予我的錢 
I could make it last 3, 4, 5 days 我都能讓其價值永垂不朽
Living it up but living down low 活在當下但也過的低調
Chasing that luck before I get old 在年老盛衰以前努力為命運奮鬥
And looking back, oh, we had some fun 驀然回首發現一切是那麼有趣
Boy run run run run run 逃離一切煩惱 用力奔跑

They tell you that the sky might fall 人們總說天終有塌下一日
They’ll say that you might lose it all 人們總說我最終會失去一切
So I run until I hit that wall 於是我選擇逃離 直至我碰壁停滯
Yeah I learned my lesson, count my blessings 從經驗學習進步 珍惜所握幸福快樂
Look to the rising sun and run run run 朝向光亮之處努力 勇敢向前邁進

Yeah, one day well the sky might fall 或許天真有塌下一日
Yeah onе day I could lose it all 也或許我真的終會一無所有
So I run until I hit that wall 我會奔跑直至我碰壁停滯
Yeah I learned my lesson, count my blessings 從經驗學習進步 珍惜所握幸福快樂
Look to the rising sun and run run run 朝向光亮之處努力 勇敢向前邁進

Yeah, run run run 奮力前行 認真奔跑
Run run run 逃離一切痛苦 努力邁進

[Verse 3]
Didn’t get everything that I wanted 無法獲得心中所要的一切事物
But I got what I need, yeah yeah 但人生如此已足夠矣
I see that light in the morning 晨間醒來看見希望之光
Shining down on me 光線如此沐浴於我
So take me up high, take me down low 帶領我體驗那些高潮低谷
Where it all ends nobody knows 一切終結時亦是無人知曉
But until then let’s have some, yeah 但在末日之前讓我們恣情享受
Run run run run run 逃離一切喧囂 努力為了人生奔跑

They tell you that the sky might fall 人們總說天終有塌下一日
They’ll say that you might lose it all 人們總說我最終會失去一切
So I run until I hit that wall 於是我選擇逃離 直至我碰壁停滯
Yeah I learned my lesson, count my blessings 從經驗學習進步 珍惜所握幸福快樂
Look to the rising sun and run run run 朝向光亮之處努力 勇敢向前邁進

Yeah, one day well the sky might fall 或許天真有塌下一日
Yeah onе day I could lose it all 也或許我真的終會一無所有
So I run until I hit that wall 我會奔跑直至我碰壁停滯
Yeah I learned my lesson, count my blessings 從經驗學習進步 珍惜所握幸福快樂
Look to the rising sun and run run run 朝向光亮之處努力 勇敢向前邁進

Run run run 逃離一切痛苦 努力邁進
Yeah, Run run run 奮力前行 認真奔跑

Yeah, I learned my lesson, count my blessings 早已學到教訓 珍惜自己擁有的一切
Look to the rising sun 向陽而生 朝向光明之處
Yeah, I learned my lesson, count my blessings 綜觀經驗 學會知足惜福
Look to the rising sun 朝向明亮之處勇敢前進
Yeah, if I learned one lesson, count your blessings 早已成熟茁壯 學會珍惜手握一切
Look to the rising sun, yeah, run run run 朝向光亮之處為了命運努力


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    階梯 JT

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