眾所矚目的 Serotonin Dreams 終於正式釋出了!
這次的專輯我覺得製作方面真的比起以往的專輯跟 EP 都還要更加精良、精緻
其中我最愛的真的就是這首 Understand
BoyWithUke 在這首歌根本是流行樂版本的阿姆吧真的太扯了
我查完歌詞更加敬佩不已 到底怎麼能臉不紅氣不喘的唱完這首歌
當初專輯前有釋出部分音檔的時候我就很期待這首了 果然真的不會讓我失望💖
Girl, I hope you understand 女孩我希望妳能明白理解
I wanted to hold your hand 我想要的不過是能緊握住妳的手
But I can't, wanted to be your man back then 但現在我做不到 因為對你的渴求早已成過去式
And you knew I fell for you but you 妳也知道我如此對妳傾心但妳卻
Just broke my heart in two 如此狠狠將我的心碎成兩半
I was sad, mad and broken on my bed 窩在床裡 獨自傷心憤怒帶著那顆碎裂的心
Hoping I get rid of all the voices in my head 希望我能驅走那些寄居腦中的噪音
[Verse 1]
I was opening a packet of an undeveloped med 開了一包包從未開發過的藥包
When I was met with a prescription of a bullet made of lead 處方簽上寫著該服用這些致命鉛彈
And when I woke up in an hour in a pool of my own sweat 醒來卻發現自己溺在自己一池子的虛汗中
I said, "I swear to God I'll never even try to sleep again" 發誓自己再也不會選擇去入睡
So instead I took my pen and started writing evidencе 開始透過紙筆好好記錄下這一切
And when I started making sensе 當我愈加深入拼湊出真相
I found that I had reached the end 這才發現我早已被逼入死路走不出
Oh, I'm upset, I have no friends 挫折沮喪 身邊卻一個朋友都無
You wanna bet you're just pretend? 妳聲稱與我的一切美好回憶只是在假裝
You're just a pet confined within the lines of writing 妳不過是個被劇本操弄演出的傀儡
You're not shit 妳什麼也不是 不過是個渣滓般的存在
I thought I stopped my psychopathic ways, I swear I did 以為制止了自己精神崩潰的行為 發誓我努力過
I said I talked to people 'bout the problematic life I lived 告訴身邊人們那些我所經歷過的糟糕人生
They were my neighbors, razor blades 他們是我的鄰居 試著讓我寄託自己心中一切悲傷
And different flavored pills I hate 各色各味的藥丸讓我厭煩又討厭
Therefore I'm not sure, leave my last straw 但我也不確定是否該放棄 心中仍留有一絲希望
I'm so glad, stuck in the past, I said that 總是困在過去回憶走不出 這還真是件快樂事
Girl, I hope you understand 女孩我希望妳能明白理解
I wanted to hold your hand 我想要的不過是能緊握住妳的手
But I can't, wanted to be your man back then 但現在我做不到 因為對你的渴求早已成過去式
And so far I never held you with my arms 至今相識我一次也沒擁抱過妳
So it's hard to be the one you aren't 要成為妳的命定情人
With instead filled with anxiety 得先擺脫一切雜念跟焦慮
Always was a part of me, guess I'm not cut out to be 可惜這些我無法割捨 看來我並非那命定之選
[Verse 2]
Somebody 'cause it's not me 來人幫幫忙 我可做不來這些
I'm not used to all the talk, it was an introvert 不擅與人交談 個性內向又木訥
That had converted feelings in the writing 只得透過寫歌來抒發內心感受
Used to cope with all my problems 這方法曾經能夠替我消除一切翻優
Using notes and lots of rhyming 透過一個個音符和押韻的交疊
Used to hope for better days whenever 總能讓我對美好未來抱持一絲希望
That's 'bout make me crying 光是想起這些就夠讓我想哭了
I'm not lying when I say that I would rather daily go back 說希望時光倒轉這還真不是在開玩笑
To the times I would try be the guy the people know 若能回到過去 我會勇敢在眾人前表現真正自我
I was fighting with the demons hiding far beyond my eyelids 一直以來總是在對抗那些闔上眼就出現的可怕心魔
On an island full of violence in my head that I could pilot 在我腦海中那充滿可怕絕望的小島上
Oh, the sun don't shine, the skies turn gray 那兒太陽了無光輝 天空也總是陰灰
I felt it coursing through my veins 感受到一切恐懼在體內流竄著
I said before I'm not okay 曾經也表示過自己的狀況不佳
But you don't listen anyway 但妳卻總不把這些當一回事
You know I tried, you turned away 我也試著努力維繫一切 但妳卻一概不買單
Straight out loud right to my face 總對著我當面大吼破口大罵
You fucked my life, ruined my day 毀了我的人生 搞砸了一切美好
But you don't know, so I'll say 但妳似乎毫不知情 就讓我來告訴妳
Nothing can fill this silence, no one can love like I did 沒有人能夠填補這沉默 也無人能夠像我這般付出真心
(And you don't know, so I'll say)
Nobody cares, you lied, it's no fair, you still deny it 沒人在意妳說了謊 看妳那持續反駁的臉 世界可真不公平
(So I'll say)
Nothing can fill this silence, no one can love like I did 沒有人能夠填補這沉默 也無人能夠像我這般付出真心
(And you don't know, so I'll say)
Nobody cares, you lied, it's no fair, you still deny it 沒人在意妳說了謊 看妳那持續反駁的臉 世界可真不公平
(So I'll say)
Girl, I hope you understand 女孩我希望妳能明白理解
I wanted to hold your hand 我想要的不過是能緊握住妳的手
But I can't, wanted to be your man back then 但現在我做不到 因為對你的渴求早已成過去式
And too bad I know I can't wake up 太糟糕了 發現自己已是一蹶不振
Because I lost my weight and you don't give a fuck 體重漸漸下掉 但妳也壓根不在乎
About me, this could be a dream, I can't see 或許一切都只是場夢 但我也辨認不出
The things that you see, so please, oh 妳總是能看清事理 那算我求求妳了
Girl, I hope you understand 女孩我希望妳明白理解
I wanted to hold your hand 我想要的不過是能緊握住妳的手
But I can't, wanted to be your man back then 但現在我做不到 因為對你的渴求早已成過去式
And you know I'll play along you 這場遊戲妳也知道我必是奉陪到底
You were my home, I wrote you songs 妳曾是我的心靈依歸 為你寫了無數條歌
And now you're dead to me effectively 但如今妳對我已是個逝去的過去
Removed yourself outside my dream 請妳別再叨擾我的舒適清夢