睽違許久 Ava Max 終於帶著他的新歌 Maybe You're The Problem 正式回歸
這次他一改以往的一邊長一邊短地金髮造型 改為紅髮造型
根據以往定律 染紅髮就代表 flop 這個可怕的都市傳說希望 Ava 別中招阿(遙望之前的受害者們 Meghan、Bebe...QQ)
Ava 也表示他很期待為各位帶來更多的好音樂 也表示這首歌他很滿意 是他花了許久時間製作完成的歌曲
然後然後 我知道這首歌出了快一個禮拜了我這才來翻是確實不太過關
但這首真的近期才莫名的洗到我 我原本剛出來聽真的不以為意 深深覺得
ㄟˊ 又是復古風?阿可是很多人都走過這個路線了欸。
結果意外的我就這樣被副歌給瘋狂洗腦後就愛上了XDD 洗腦迴路是真的慢人一等
[Verse 1]
Always say you love me, but you 總聽你到處說愛我 但最終
Always make it all about you 你所在乎永遠的只有自己
'Specially when you've had a few, oh, oh yeah 尤其喝醉時 一切情況更加明瞭
All the things I heard from your ex 那些我從你前任聽聞的那些傳言
Now they make a whole lot of sense 現在看來一切似乎所言不假
Already feel bad for your next 已經為了你的下一任感到難過
To have to put up with you, oh yeah 因為他還得忍受你這爛人
Worked on myself, opened my eyes 努力為自己而活 現在的我已看清一切
You hate my friends, turns out they were right 你討厭我朋友 但看來他們才是正確的
It takes two to make it all go right 感情這檔事要兩人共同努力才有前途可言
But with you, it's always my fault 和你在一起時 無論做什麼都是我的錯
And your short fuse, just like a time bomb 暴躁易怒 像顆定時炸彈一楊
And I think you should take a second just to look at your reflection 看來你得花上幾秒好好看看鏡中自己
Baby, maybe you're thе problem 一切麻煩禍根就是你
Okay, you, you see a pattern? 看看你 總是用那老套路待人
Your point of view, got it all backwards 你那些思想 全都錯誤的可笑
You should takе your little finger and just point it in the mirror 你應該舉起你的手指 指向鏡中映出的自己
Baby, maybe you're the problem 親愛的 你才是那麻煩來源
You should take your little finger, and just point it in the mirror 是時候看輕一切 照照鏡子看看真相
Baby, maybe you're the problem 你才是所有問題的來源
[Verse 2]
Ego always doin' the most 那自我優越感總是凌駕一切
Out of touch, you're not even close 培養的感情時漸磨損 彼此距離愈加遙遠
Drama always follows you home 有你在的地方麻煩總是一堆
But I won't be waitin' no more 下定決心不再為你有所耽擱
Worked on myself, opened my eyes 努力為自己而活 現在的我已看清一切
You hate my friends, turns out they were right 你討厭我朋友 但看來他們才是正確的
It takes two to make it all go right 感情這檔事要兩人共同努力才有前途可言
But with you, it's always my fault 和你在一起時 無論做什麼都是我的錯
And your short fuse, just like a time bomb 暴躁易怒 像顆定時炸彈一楊
And I think you should take a second just to look at your reflection 看來你得花上幾秒好好看看鏡中自己
Baby, maybe you're thе problem 一切麻煩禍根就是你
Okay, you, you see a pattern? 看看你 總是用那老套路待人
Your point of view, got it all backwards 你那些思想 全都錯誤的可笑
You should takе your little finger and just point it in the mirror 你應該舉起你的手指 指向鏡中映出的自己
Baby, maybe you're the problem 親愛的 你才是那麻煩來源
You should take your little finger, and just point it in the mirror 是時候看輕一切 照照鏡子看看真相
Baby, maybe you're the problem 你才是所有問題的來源
It's not me, it's you 問題來源不是我 而是你
It's not me, it's you 別再一味指責我 請自我反省
It's not me, it's you (Ooh) 所有問題的來源 全歸咎於你
But with you, it's always my fault 和你在一起時 無論做什麼都是我的錯
And your short fuse, just like a time bomb 暴躁易怒 像顆定時炸彈一楊
And I think you should take a second just to look at your reflection 看來你得花上幾秒好好看看鏡中自己
Baby, maybe you're thе problem 一切麻煩禍根就是你
Okay, you, you see a pattern? 看看你 總是用那老套路待人
Your point of view, got it all backwards 你那些思想 全都錯誤的可笑
You should takе your little finger and just point it in the mirror 你應該舉起你的手指 指向鏡中映出的自己
Baby, maybe you're the problem (Oh) 親愛的 你才是那麻煩來源
You should take your little finger, and just point it in the mirror 是時候看輕一切 照照鏡子看看真相
Baby, maybe you're the problem (Hey, hey, hey, hey) 你才是所有問題的來源