接下來來翻譯的是 WILDFLOWER 這首我自己滿喜歡的
這首歌曲講述了 Billie 對一段愛情的失去的悵然
是很悲傷的一首歌曲 希望大家可以多多看見這首歌的好嗚嗚
西音紅人榜 EP5 : Billie Eilish 介紹影片💙
我在自己的 YouTube 錄了 HIT ME HARD AND SOFT 專輯 Reaction 🌊
[Verse 1]
Things fall apart 所有事情都已潰堤
And time breaks your heart 時間磨碎了你的心
I wasn't there, but I know 我不在這但我都知道
She was your girl 她曾是屬於你的女孩
You showed her the world 你給他展示了世界的遼闊
But fell out of love and you both let go 但卻因愛失和最終分道揚鑣
She was cryin’ on my shoulder 她倚在我肩上哭泣
All I could do was hold her 我能做的只有抱抱她
Only made us closer until July 直到七月前我們是那樣緊密
Now I know that you love me 現在我知道你愛我
You don't need to remind me 你不需要提醒我
I should put it all behind me, shouldn't I? 我應該將一切拋到腦後 對吧
But I see her in the back of my mind all the time 但我無時無刻腦海裡都會浮現她的身影
Like a fever, like I’m burning alive, like a sign 像是發燒到快被活活燒死 宛若一項徵兆似的
Did I cross the line? 我是不是逾越了界線
(Mm) Hmm
[Verse 2]
Well, good things don't last 美好的事物不會長久
And life moves so fast 生命是這樣倏忽不等人
I'd never ask who was better 我絕不會問誰會勝出
'Cause she couldn't be 因為她和我之間
More different from me 存在不了多少歧異
Happy and free in leather 但她衣著上是那麼有自信
And I know that you love me 我知道你很愛我
You don't need to remind me 你不需要多作提醒
Wanna put it all behind me, but baby 想將一切全拋到腦後
I see her in the back of my mind all the time 我無時無刻腦海裡都會浮現她的身影
Feels like a fever, like I'm burning alive, like a sign 像是發燒到快被活活燒死 宛若一項徵兆似的
Did I cross the line? 我是不是逾越了界線
You say no one knows you so well (Oh) 你說沒有人這麼了解你
But every time you touch me, I just wonder how she felt 但每次你撫觸我 我就會納悶她的感受
Valentine's Day, cryin’ in the hotel 情人節時在旅館裡哭泣
I know you didn't mean to hurt me, so I kept it to myself 我知道你沒打算傷害我 所以我將一切緊收心房
And I wonder 我心裡總納悶著
Do you see her in the back of your mind in my eyes? 你是否看見我時會在腦中想起她的身影
You say no one knows you so well 你說沒有人這麼了解你
But every time you touch me, I just wonder how she felt 但每次你撫觸我 我就會納悶為何她當時會離開
Valentine's Day, cryin’ in the hotel 情人節時在旅館裡哭泣
I know you didn't mean to hurt me, so I kept it to myself 我知道你沒打算傷害我 所以我將一切緊收心房