Speak Now TV 大家都聽了嗎!大家比較喜歡舊版還是新版呢
論及我對 Speak Now 最深刻的記憶 那就一定要從這首不朽神曲 Enchanted 開始說起了
這首嚴格說起來可以說是我入坑泰勒絲的開始 完全充滿紀念價值
也讓我深刻的認識到 Taylor 身為一個歌手有多麽強大的創作和敘事能力
這次的新版比起舊版的那份小鹿亂撞感 多了一分成熟
對於愛情 泰勒絲已經慢慢地成長 無論是在歌曲的處理
抑或事情的渲染 都可以感受到泰勒絲無論身為歌手或身為一個人
在這些年歲中累積而來的成長 我認為兩個版本各有其故事感
不同的心境聽會有不同的感受 兩個版本我都相當喜歡 不愧為勒絲神曲🥹
[Verse 1]
There I was again tonight 今夜的我又重蹈覆徹
Forcing laughter, faking smiles 逼著自己笑 臉掛假笑
Same old tired, lonely place 同樣疲憊孤獨的場景
Walls of insincerity 應付身旁不真誠的高牆
Shifting eyes and vacancy 眼神游移不定充滿空虛
Vanished when I saw your face 看見你的面容這一切都被驅散
All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you 只能說一見你我就情陷其中
[Verse 2]
Your eyes whispered, "Have we met?" 你的眼神疑惑著 納悶是否見過我
Across the room, your silhouette 房間對面看見你的身影
Starts to make its way to me 漸漸地朝我走近
The playful conversation starts 彼此開啟了快樂的對話
Counter all your quick remarks 輕鬆應付你每句迅速話語
Like passing notes in secrecy 像是偷偷在桌子底下傳紙條般
And it was enchanting to meet you 見到你 我像是被施咒般的著迷其中
All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you 遇見你 總是使我情陷傾迷其中
This night is sparklin', don't you let it go 今晚是如此絢爛美麗 請別輕易忘記
I'm wonderstruck, blushin' all the way home 心中悸動無法抑制 一路回家都紅著臉
I'll spеnd forever wonderin' if you knеw 為了使你明白心意 我甘願花上一輩子
I was enchanted to meet you 見到你 我像是被施咒般的著迷其中
[Verse 3]
The lingering question kept me up 心中有個遲遲解不開的疑問
2AM, who do you love? 凌晨時分 思考你愛的是誰
I wonder 'til I'm wide awake 到我醒來前都沒個頭緒
And now, I'm pacing back and forth 於是我起身來回踱步
Wishing you were at my door 真希望你就在我門前
I'd open up and you would say 我會立即開門 然後你會說
"Hey, it was enchanting to meet you" 嘿 一見到你我就深深被著迷
All I know is I was enchanted to meet you 見到你讓我像被施咒一樣情陷其中
This night is sparklin', don't you let it go 今晚是如此絢爛美麗 請別輕易忘記
I'm wonderstruck, blushin' all the way home 心中悸動無法抑制 一路回家都紅著臉
I'll spеnd forever wonderin' if you knеw 為了使你明白心意 我甘願花上一輩子
This night is flawless, don't you let it go 這晚是如此完美 請你別輕易忘記
I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone 心中激動久久無法消退 我獨自快樂跳著舞
I'll spend forever wonderin' if you knew 我願意花上一輩子 去明白你的真心
I was enchanted to meet you 遇上你讓我情陷著迷不已
This is me praying that 心中不斷祈求著
This was the very first page 希望這只是第一張扉頁
Not where the storyline ends 並不是故事的結局
My thoughts will echo your name 你的名會永遠長居我腦海
Until I see you again 直到我再次見到你
These are the words I held back 心中好多沒說出的話語
As I was leaving too soon 因為我太早離去
I was enchanted to meet you 見到你像是被施咒般的情陷著迷
Please, don't be in love with someone else 求求你 千萬別傾心於他人
Please, don't have somebody waitin' on you 拜託了 別讓我如此等待真心
Please, don't be in love with someone else (Ooh) 求求你 千萬別傾心於他人
Please, don't have somebody waitin' on you (Oh-oh) 拜託了 別讓我如此等待真心
This night is sparklin', don't you let it go 今晚是如此絢爛美麗 請別輕易忘記
I'm wonderstruck, blushin' all the way home 這份悸動無法抑制 一路回家都紅著臉
I'll spеnd forever wonderin' if you knеw 為了使你明白心意 我甘願花上一輩子
This night is flawless (Please, don't be in love with someone else) 這晚是如此完美
Don't you let it go 請你別輕易忘記
I'm wonderstruck (Please, don't have somebody waitin' on you) 心中激動久久無法消退
Dancing around all alone 讓我獨自快樂跳著舞
I'll spend forever (Please, don't be in love with someone else) 我願意花上一輩子
Wonderin' if you knew 去明白你的真心
I was enchanted to meet you 遇上你讓我情陷著迷不已
Please, don't be in love with someone else 求求你 千萬別傾心於他人
Please, don't have somebody waitin' on you 拜託了 別讓我如此等待真心