Doja 在上張專輯 Planet Her 獲得成功後
這段期間他也沒閒著 先是在造型上她把頭髮和眉毛都給剃了
而這樣的造型改變 加上他在社群媒體上的形象 就導致她獲得了相當多的 backlash
各種說她被附身、中邪 blah blah blah 各種奇怪的言論鋪天蓋地而來
但這只是 Doja 做自己的一個表現 他表示把頭髮剃掉是他一生做過最對的決定
而且在這之前 Doja 的作風本就不合常規 大家又何必拿著自己自認的道德尺來規範她呢
回歸新歌 Attention 捨棄了以往 Doja 較流行的曲風 在 Rap 上添加更多的成分
歌曲編曲走的是 90 年代的嘻哈式風格 第一次聽會覺得有點不適應
但聽久了再搭配超加分的 MV 真的讓我愈來愈沉醉於這首歌當中
Doja 在 MV 中表現出了前所未有的自在跟率真 感覺這樣的風格他坐起來是真的無拘無束
歌詞也是非常直接沒有任何一絲隱藏 我自己相當喜歡
Anyway 非常期待 Doja 接下來的新面貌 Scarlet is coming!
Baby, if you like it, just reach out and pet it 若你真的喜歡 就伸出手好好寵愛
This one doesn't bite, it doesn't get aggressive 這貨可不會咬人 情緒也是控制妥當
Show you how to touch it, hold it like it's precious 秀給你看要如何撫摸 請視如珍寶的捧著
It don't need your lovin', it just needs attention 不需要你的關愛 要的只有世人關注
(Love me) It needs, it seeks affection 如此迫切需要 四處覓尋關愛
(So sweet) Hungry, it fiends attention 這般飢渴 癡迷於受人注目
(Hungry) It needs, it seeks affection 如此迫切需要 四處覓尋關愛
(Baby) Hungry, it fiends (Yeah, yeah) 這般飢渴 如此癡迷
[Verse 1]
Look at me, look at me, you lookin'? 看看我 看看我 你有在看嗎
My taste good, but I just had to redirect my cookin' 作品優秀 但我想換換口味轉換方向
I coulda been an opener, I redirect the bookin' 大可幫忙開場 但我改變了主意
I readed all the comments sayin', "D, I'm really shooketh" 留言全說他們對我的改變有多震驚
"D, you need to see a therapist, is you lookin'?" 問我是不是該去治治 去看心理醫生
Yes, the one I got, they really are the best 這全新的改變是我至今做過最棒的決定
Now I feel like I can see you bitches is depressed 這改變讓我看到一群哀哀叫的遜咖
I am not afraid to finally say shit with my chest 現在的我無所畏懼 敢大力說出內心真心話
Lost a lil' weight, but I ain't never lost a tushy 減了一些重 但我臀部可從沒小過
Lookin' good, but now my bald head match my 現在的我看來不賴 禿頭和我下面可搭了
Lookin' good, but now they all sayin' that I'm ugly 面容煥然一新 換來的是無止盡謾罵說我醜陋
Boo-hoo, my nigga, I ain't sad you won't fuck me 親愛的 你不上我我怎會在乎
I'm sad that you really thought your ass was above me 我難過的是看你以為自己比我還屌
You're lucky 'cause I just paid your bill with a reply 你可真幸運 我簡單一個回覆就幫你付清了帳單
I just made your money pile knee-high 有了我 讓你輕鬆賺進大把鈔票
I just made your stats peak, now you got a blue check 讓你流量暴增 推特輕鬆拿到藍勾勾
Now you can afford to go and reinstall a new wig 讓你有足夠金錢負擔全新的假髮
Now you can afford to not be lousy, go and do shit 讓你可以不用這麼討人 快滾去做你自己的事
Talk your shit about me, I can easily disprove it, it's stupid 敢說我閒話 我可以輕易反擊證明你有多蠢
You follow me, but you don't really care about the music 追蹤我 但真正關心我的從來不是音樂
Baby, if you like it, just reach out and pet it 若你真的喜歡 就伸出手好好寵愛
This one doesn't bite, it doesn't get aggressive 這貨可不會咬人 情緒也是控制妥當
Show you how to touch it, hold it like it's precious 秀給你看要如何撫摸 請視如珍寶的捧著
It don't need your lovin', it just needs attention 不需要你的關愛 要的只有世人關注
(Love me) It needs, it seeks affection 如此迫切需要 四處覓尋關愛
(So sweet) Hungry, it fiends attention 這般飢渴 癡迷於受人注目
(Hungry) It needs, it seeks affection 如此迫切需要 四處覓尋關愛
(Baby) Hungry, it fiends (Yeah) 這般飢渴 如此癡迷
[Verse 2]
Look at me, look at me, I'm naked 看看我 看看我 我啥也沒穿
Vulnerability earned me a lot of bacon 寬衣解帶換來我盆滿缽滿
I put a thong all in my ass and taught you how to shake it 丁字褲套上 讓我教教你該如何甩臀
I paid all my respect to those who taught me how to make it 只要是指導過我的前輩 我都是給予百分百的尊重
And now I reap the benefits with no confrontation 不需要和誰起衝突 我作收一切好處
Y'all fall into beef, but that's another conversation 你們喜歡針鋒相對 那是你們自家的事
I'm sorry, but we all find it really entertainin' 不好意思 但我們都覺得這一切真的太過可笑
'Cause we all wanna see them slip and fall right on their faces 誰都想看到他人出盡洋相的丟臉模樣
And we all wanna be the one to see the devastation 我們都想當見證一切毀滅的旁觀者
Not be in it, but ain't the bad press good? 不想滲入其中 但不覺壞名聲是件好事嗎
The disrespect's real, how this Patek look? 對我如此不尊重 這支百達翡麗夠亮眼嗎
Pull out the checkbook, now why yo' neck crook? 支票簿攤開來 怎麼說不出話了?
I never learn to "superstar" from a textbook 我從不需要教科書教我如何成為明星
Talkin' 'bout, "She fallin' off, why she get booked?" 人們閒言閒語 說我走下坡又怎能維持紅度
Man, I been humble, I'm tired of all the deprecation 我一路這般謙虛 受夠這些莫須有的指控
Just let me flex, bruh, just let me pop shit 能否讓我好好放鬆 讓我好好做我的音樂
"Why she think she Nicki M? She think she hot shit" 她怎以為自己比得上妮姬 以為自己有多屌
Huh, I never gave a F, go stir the pot, bitch 抱歉我才不在乎 要製造麻煩去別處
I got y'all head all in the dirt just like an ostrich 成天像鴕鳥一樣把頭埋土裡 對真實的我視而不見
Of course you bitches comparin' Doja to who the hottest 想搞我朵佳 當然得跟最火辣的比
Baby, if you like it, just reach out and pet it 若你真的喜歡 就伸出手好好寵愛
This one doesn't bite, it doesn't get aggressive 這貨可不會咬人 情緒也是控制妥當
Show you how to touch it, hold it like it's precious 秀給你看要如何撫摸 請視如珍寶的捧著
It don't need your lovin', it just needs attention 不需要你的關愛 要的只有世人關注
(Love me) It needs, it seeks affection 如此迫切需要 四處覓尋關愛
(So sweet) Hungry, it fiends attention 這般飢渴 癡迷於受人注目
(Hungry) It needs, it seeks affection 如此迫切需要 四處覓尋關愛
(Baby) Hungry, it fiends 這般飢渴 如此癡迷
Okay, cute 好了 可愛