說實在要論三首 Deluxe 歌曲當中人氣最低的似乎就是這首
我自己其實是滿喜歡這首的 雖然一開始我也跟其他大多數的聽眾有差不多想法
就是那個 Powder 那邊的 effect 聽久其實有點小煩躁
所以我自己對這首的評價是沒有其他人心目中的那麼差啦 ><
Powder, pow-pow-powder 吸食那迷幻粉末
Powder, pow-pow-powder 克制不了 沉癮於粉末之下
[Verse 1]
Don't wanna know where you go when you're aren't around 不想知道你不在我身邊時都去了哪裡
I'd rather stay naive, too much to believe 寧可保持無知 你隱瞞了太多事情
Blood falling out from your nose and I'm wonderin', "How?" 鼻子血流流淌 令我納悶究竟為何至此
You glamorize your pain, wear it on display 將自己的痛苦拿來炫耀 當作虛榮的工具
And I know it's a cry for help, go help yourself 我總聽見你哭喊求助 但能否請你先救自己
I opened a million doors, you never go 為你找了上百萬出路 你卻總是視而不見
It's past point of no return, when will we learn? 如此付出得不到回報 到底什麼時候才會學到教訓
Alert me, when this shit is over 這堆鳥事告一段落時 還請提醒我一番
Lying loud (Through it all) 彼此撒謊 大聲爭吵
Cut your face (From the fall) 跌了跤 臉為此被傷到
When you're hurt (Who'd you call?) 當你受傷 你都打給誰
I can't answer now 抱歉我現在無法接聽
Spent the rent (On a kite) 身邊錢全都揮霍出去
Onе-way street (To the sky) 再不收斂 你我終會升天
Clean it up (Watch you die) 觀望你死去 為你收拾殘骸
It's yours to decide 決定權都在你身上
Powder, pow-pow-powder 吸食那迷幻粉末
Powder, pow-pow-powder 克制不了 沉癮於粉末之下
[Verse 2]
Show me a picture you paint of someone else 給我看了張你畫的畫像 畫像裡的人卻不是我
Lived a double life, wish I was surprised 過著雙重身份生活 早已不是多驚訝
Eyes rollin' back to your head, and I'm wonderin', "How?" 你白眼都快翻到後腦勺 納悶到底為何會如此
I recognize your face, put it all to waste 現在還認得你的臉 但我立誓要抹消一切
And I know it's a cry for help, go help yourself 我總聽見你哭喊求助 但能否請你先救自己
I opened a million doors, you never go 為你找了上百萬出路 你卻總是視而不見
It's past point of no return, when will we learn? 如此付出得不到回報 到底什麼時候才會學到教訓
Alert me, when this shit is over 這堆鳥事告一段落時 還請提醒我一番
Lying loud (Through it all) 彼此撒謊 大聲爭吵
Cut your face (From the fall) 跌了跤 臉為此被傷到
When you're hurt (Who'd you call?) 當你受傷 你都打給誰
I can't answer now 抱歉我現在無法接聽
Spent the rent (On a kite) 身邊錢全都揮霍出去
Onе-way street (To the sky) 再不收斂 你我終會升天
Clean it up (Watch you die) 觀望你死去 為你收拾殘骸
It's yours to decide 決定權都在你身上
Powder, pow-pow-powder 吸食那迷幻粉末
Powder, pow-pow-powder 克制不了 沉癮於粉末之下
Powder, pow-pow-powder 吸食那迷幻粉末
Powder, pow-pow-powder 克制不了 沉癮於粉末之下
And I know it's a cry for help, go help yourself 我總聽見你哭喊求助 但能否請你先救自己
I opened a million doors, you never go 為你找了上百萬出路 你卻總是視而不見
It's past point of no return, when will we learn? 如此付出得不到回報 到底什麼時候才會學到教訓
Alert me, when this shit is over 這堆鳥事告一段落時 還請提醒我一番
Lying loud (Through it all) 彼此撒謊 大聲爭吵
Cut your face (From the fall) 跌了跤 臉為此被傷到
When you're hurt (Who'd you call?) 當你受傷 你都打給誰
I can't answer now 抱歉我現在無法接聽
Spent the rent (On a kite) 身邊錢全都揮霍出去
Onе-way street (To the sky) 再不收斂 你我終會升天
Clean it up (Watch you die) 觀望你死去 為你收拾殘骸
It's yours to dеcide 決定權都在你身上
Powder, pow-pow-powder 吸食那迷幻粉末
Powder, pow-pow-powder 克制不了 沉癮於粉末之下
Powder, pow-pow-powder 吸食那迷幻粉末
Powder, pow-pow-powder 克制不了 沉癮於粉末之下