Cover art for MOON CYCLE by Melanie Martinez


這裡姑且算是把 PORTALS 翻完了(還有 Deluxe 三首這根本是無底洞吧 XDD)


因為上次妖精聚會無聊就算了 至少它很識相的秒數維持在三分鐘以下

但這首時長硬是給我拉到四分鐘以上 這樣就算了

其實這首的 hook 很 holy 很精緻 但整首都了無變化實在令人絕望

聽到後面真的會很想睡覺^^(第一次聽到後面超沒耐心 XDD)

但這首的歌詞亦是相當淒美 純粹就是歌曲本身我實在是沒有愛


剩下三首 Deluxe 我會陸續把它趕出來的~感恩各位耐心等候!


[Verse 1]
You are the light, I've been searchin' for forever 你是那道我一生覓尋的光芒
Feels like, man, I've really never felt the rain 這生從未體驗這般美好的滋潤
Buried in the desert, didn't think I'd push through the dirt 深埋於乾涸沙漠之下 從沒想過自己能掙脫地表
You just cleansed me like a waterfall, you came 你就像道瀑布一樣的洗淨我

I'm screamin' like a kettle on a stove 發出像茶壺燒開水那樣的尖叫聲
You cranked the heat up, I was cold 是你讓溫度上升 溫暖了受寒的我 
My past grew mold around my heart 我的過去至今依舊腐蝕著我
And all my anger, sadness, regret, disappeared, it's madness 我所有的憤怒傷心後悔全被沐浴沖盡 這一切都太瘋狂
I'm not used to all this watеr, love, it's true 還沒習慣自己被這般寵愛環繞 那樣真實無比

But you make mе want to 是你讓我想要
Plan out my last days on earth, eating you 開始計劃自己在地球上的最後一天 要與你共相赴死
The tips of your teeth fit perfect in me 你牙齒雕刻的形狀與我相符無比
You're the shower of light I devour any day of the week 你是那道無時無刻照耀我的沐浴之光
Baby, cleanse me 寶貝 快來淨化我吧

[Verse 2]
I was surprised to see heaven in your eyes 驚訝自己能在你眼裡再次看到真愛
I never once was treated right, you're what I'm missing in my life 這生從沒被善待 是你填補了我內心的空缺
As bright as the sun, give me your vitamin D 像太陽一樣閃耀 無償賜我你的維他命 D
Let's run into another dimension 讓我們一起逃到只屬於我們的空間
You make me feel like I'm on drugs 你讓我沉醉的像是嗑了藥

I'm screamin' like a kettle on a stove 發出像茶壺燒開水那樣的尖叫聲
You cranked the heat up, I was cold 是你讓溫度上升 溫暖了受寒的我 
My past grew mold around my heart 我的過去至今依舊腐蝕著我
And all my anger, sadness, regret, disappeared, it's madness 我所有的憤怒傷心後悔在沐浴後全然消失 這一切都太瘋狂
I'm not used to all this watеr, love, it's true 還沒習慣自己被這般寵愛環繞 一切真實無比

But you make mе want to 是你讓我想要
Plan out my last days on earth, eating you 開始計劃自己在地球上的最後一天 與你共相赴死
The tips of your teeth fit perfect in me 你牙齒雕刻的形狀與我相符無比
You're the shower of light I devour any day of the week 你是那無時無刻照耀我那道沐浴之光
Baby, cleanse me 寶貝 快來淨化我吧

[Instrumental Bridge]

But you make mе want to 是你讓我想要
Plan out my last days on earth, eating you 開始計劃自己在地球上的最後一天 與你共相赴死
The tips of your teeth fit perfect in me 你牙齒雕刻的形狀與我相符無比
You're the shower of light I devour any day of the week 你是那無時無刻照耀我那道沐浴之光
(Baby, cleanse me) 寶貝 快來淨化我吧

    創作者 階梯 JT 的頭像
    階梯 JT

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