Cover art for ​emails i can’t send by Sabrina Carpenter

大家聽了 Sabrina 的新專輯 emails i can't send 了嘛!


同名歌曲雖然在專輯裡的序位是第一首 比較像是 intro 的那種定位

但是這短短的一分鐘多的歌曲時間裡 我聽見的是滿滿的情緒張力

早在專輯釋出的好幾個月前 Sabrina 其實就有發過她這首歌曲的一小段片段

當初就是這一個小片段讓我徹底被吸引 也因為這首歌讓我對這張新專輯特別的期待

雖然說片段基本上就是把整首唱完了啦XD 但實際聽到還是滿驚喜的

歌曲裡面藏著 Sabrina 對過去的愛人那份厭惡 但歌曲表面藏著滿滿仇恨背後卻是滿滿的放不下

很喜歡這樣簡簡單單的鋼琴編曲 搭配優美的歌詞跟旋律 讓人輕易的就被這首歌給俘虜了

如果對於 Sabrina 新專輯的歌曲哪首有興趣的可以跟我說 我看看要不要翻(XD)


It's times like these 又得獨自承擔這傷痛
Wish I had a time machine, so 但願我能有台時光機
I could see what you did October 13th 好看你十月十三那天都做了些什麼
At 10:15, were you really asleep? 晚上十點十五分 這時你是否已經入睡
Were you lying to me and the family? 對我和你家人你是否有所隱瞞

There's no "us" in us when I'm lacking trust 我們間已沒有可能 對你喪失所有信心
You wanna discuss, ugh 想要和我商議討論
You disgust me 這可真令我作嘔
Don't make me cuss you out 別逼得我得對你惡言相向
Why'd you let me down? 為何你總得讓我這樣失望
Don't say sorry now 拜託了 抱歉就別多說了

And thanks to you I, I can't love right 幸虧有你 我都不知該如何好好愛人
I get nice guys and villainize them 遇上好男人 卻總將他們當作壞人
Read their texts like they're having sex right now 讀著訊息 卻總覺得他們對外有染
Scared I'll find out that it's true 內心害怕著一切都屬實
And if I do, then I blame you for 倘若真致如此 那我會責怪你
Every worst that I assume 所有發生的壞事全怪諸於你
When I'm forty-five, someone calls me their wife 當我四十五歲時 有了自己的家庭
And he fucks our lives in one selfish night 若他來場一夜情 徹底毀了一切圓滿
Don't think I'll find forgiveness as fast as mom did 別以為我會像自己母親一樣輕易原諒
And, God, I love you, but you're such a dipshit 該死的我是那樣愛你 但你卻是如此的爛咖
Please fucking fix this 能不能好好導正這一切

'Cause you were all I looked up to 你曾是我景仰嚮往的一切
Now I can't even look at you 但現在我連目光都不敢與你交視
I mean, as they say in Chicago 就像是芝加哥流行的一種說法
He had it comin' 這一切都是他活該

    創作者 階梯 JT 的頭像
    階梯 JT

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