先說一下我是怎麼認識 Maddie Zham 的
我第一次聽到她的歌是聽她的 Fat Funny Friend 丁聽到覺得真的超級 relatable
這首 You Might Not Like Her 是 Maddie 寫給過去自己的一首歌曲
她原本沒有要釋出這首歌曲 但在團隊的鼓勵下還是決定發行
這次的 MV 也找來了 Maddie 自己的父母
因為她當時出櫃的時候引發了相當的家庭革命 這次爸爸自己毛遂自薦出演 是為了呈現出他做為一個好爸爸該有的反應
[Verse 1]
If you would've told me I'd throw away my purity ring in the middle of an airport 要是你早點告知我 我會把貞潔指環早點給卸下
My younger self would laugh, would never believe that 年輕的我肯定會輕蔑嘲笑 對這一切不可置信
It's against everything that we stood for 畢竟這些作為可違背了所有原則
She'd hate that I've smoked weed and cuss frequently 過去的我必是恨透呼麻成習慣這種事
And she'd try to convert everyone I call a "bestie" 總試著把身邊每個人稱作自己最好閨蜜
You'll throw shots in the dark, then black out at a bar 你會勇敢追求自己所愛 酒吧暢歡到失去知覺
There'll be good, then there'll be bad parts 必會製造些美伴隨不好的回憶
Someday, you'll kiss a girl and you'll panic 總有一天 你會親吻某個女孩 並為此恐慌不已
Some guy'll break your heart and you'll feel manic 某個男孩會傷了你的心 讓你焦躁無比
Then you'll learn to let people have their opinions 你會學會放任他人表達自己想法
And talk about your traumas 讓他們評論你過去的創傷
And like the body you live in 也會喜歡自己身體的每一吋
Someday, you'll learn to keep your own secrets 未來某日 你會學會保守自己的秘密
Say you're doing okay and really mean it 說自己沒事 是真誠發自內心表示
You'll lose your faith a bit and question if she's you 或許會小小喪失信心 迷失對自我的認同
For a while you might not like her, but I do 或許有一陣子會不愛自己 但現在我已懂得珍惜
[Verse 2]
Some days feel like whiplash, one-eighties 日子有時曲折 帶來一百八十度的轉變
And you'll hate that you'll label yourself just to take it back 討厭給自己貼上標籤只為逃避一切
Convinced you're not bi 'cause you're way too into guys 試著說服自己不是雙性戀 催眠自己只能愛男孩
And the first time you have sex, you'll cry 第一次性經驗完 你會因而崩潰大哭
You'll sometimes skip meals and numb how you feel 有時會逃避進食 試圖麻木自身感受
And you'll miss the old you, but here's the deal 或許會懷念過去美好 但是事情是這樣的
That good girl you were was really fucking bad at being real 那個妳裝出的好好女孩 根本沒有真實展現自我
Someday, you'll kiss a girl and you'll panic 總有一天 你會親吻某個女孩 並為此恐慌不已
Some guy'll break your heart and you'll feel manic 某個男孩會傷了你的心 讓你焦躁無比
Then you'll learn to let people have their opinions 你會學會放任他人表達自己想法
And talk about your traumas 讓他們評論你過去的創傷
And like the body you live in 也會喜歡自己身體的每一吋
Someday, you'll learn to keep your own secrets 未來某日 你會學會保守自己的秘密
Say you're doing okay and really mean it 說自己沒事 是真誠發自內心表示
You'll lose your faith a bit and question if she's you 或許會小小喪失信心 迷失對自我的認同
For a while you might not like her, but I do 或許有一陣子會不愛自己 但現在我已懂得珍惜
You might not like her, you might not like her 妳或許會不愛自己 不愛此時此刻的自己
You might not like her, you might not like her 對自己充滿厭惡 沒辦法真正喜歡上自己
Someday, you'll think you disappoint your parents 某些日子 妳總覺得自己讓家人失望
But they'll love you not despite, but regardless 但無論如何 他們總會給予妳百分百的愛
And you'll learn to let people have shitty opinions 總有一天 妳會學會放下不管他人言論
And talk about your traumas 勇敢談論自己經歷過的創傷
And like the body you live in 好好珍視自己身體的每一吋
Someday, you'll learn to keep your own secrets 未來某日 你會學會保守自己的秘密
Say you're doing okay and really mean it 說自己沒事 是真誠發自內心表示
You'll lose your faith a bit and question if she's you 或許會小小喪失信心 迷失對自我的認同
And for a while you might not like her, but I do 或許有一陣子會不愛自己 但現在我已懂得珍惜