Cover art for Fingers Crossed by Lauren Spencer-Smith



結果人家都出了一堆新歌了 我真心自檢

這首 Finger Crossed 是 Lauren 寫給前任的歌曲


那些說過的愛意情話 現在回想起來 我才意識到你不過是謊話連篇

諸如此類的意象啦 然後 Lauren 的唱功也是滿不賴的

推薦大家可去看他的 Genius 訪問 她真的是用生命在唱這首歌


[Verse 1]
Introduced me to your family 將我介紹給你全家人
Watched my favorite shows on your TV 電視選看我最愛的節目
Made me breakfast in the mornin' 早晨時親手為我做早餐 
When you got home from work 當你忙了整天回到家後

[Verse 2]
Makin' plans to travel 'round the world 立下計畫要環遊全世界
Said we'd always put each other first 說彼此都將對方放第一順位
Old love songs we used to play to 回憶起那些我們愛聽的老歌 
Funny, now I hate you 可笑的是 現在我竟是那樣恨你

Now, I 現在我
Remember when you'd call me late at night 還記得那通你深夜打的電話
I gave you my hours and advice just tryna fix you 花費大把時間心力只為挽回你
And all your daddy issues 試著彌補你父愛缺失導致的空虛
But now, I don't even miss you anymore 但現在我連想都不會想起你
So, I 所以我下定了決心
I want all the tears back that I cried 決定收乾那些為你而掉的淚
All the hours spent givin' advice on how to write your songs 那些花費來苦思創作為你寫歌的時間
All you did was prove me wrong 你所做的卻只有糟蹋我的真心
When you said you loved me 當你口口聲聲說著愛我
Well, you must've had your fingers crossed 背後必是手指交叉 根本沒有出自真心

[Verse 3]
Shoulda paid attention to my friends 應該就好好聽朋友的諫言
Tellin' me how bad it's gonna end 早就預示這段戀情只會有壞結果
Always givin' their opinions 總是願意為我提供想法建議 
Now I wish I would have listened 真希望當時能好好聽取

I could say I'm sorry, but I'm not 大可大方道歉 但我問心無愧
You don't deserve the one thing that you lost 你沒資格從我這再得到任何一分

Now, I 現在我
Remember when you'd call me late at night 還記得那通你深夜打的電話
I gave you my hours and advice just tryna fix you 花費大把時間心力只為挽回你
And all your daddy issues 試著彌補你父愛缺失導致的空虛
But now, I don't even miss you anymore 但現在我連想都不會想起你
So, I 所以我下定了決心
I want all the tears back that I cried 決定收乾那些為你而掉的淚
All the hours spent givin' advice on how to write your songs 那些花費來苦思創作為你寫歌的時間
All you did was prove me wrong 你所做的卻只有糟蹋我的真心
When you said you loved me 當你口口聲聲說著愛我
Well, you must've had your fingers crossed 背後必是手指交叉 根本沒有出自真心

(Oh-oh, oh-oh) Your fingers crossed 手指交叉 所有愛意都是說謊
(Oh-oh, oh-oh) Your fingers crossed 那些甜言蜜語 全都建構在謊言之上
(Oh-oh, oh-oh) Oh, when you said you loved me 當你口口聲聲說的那些愛我
Well, you must've had your fingers crossed 背後必是手指交叉 根本沒有出自真心

Oh, I
I want all the tears back that I cried 決定收乾那些為你而掉的淚
All the hours spent givin' advice on how to write your songs 那些花費來苦思創作為你寫歌的時間
All you did was prove me wrong 你所做的卻只有糟蹋我的真心
When you said you loved me 當你口口聲聲說著愛我
Well, you must've had your fingers crossed 背後必是手指交叉 根本沒有出自真心


    創作者 階梯 JT 的頭像
    階梯 JT

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