深夜時分 突然間的發現了這首歌
最近過得亂七八糟 不知道自己的人生被自己捏成什麼鬼樣 聽到這首歌突然就整個感觸好深
這首看似在談論感情問題的歌曲 其實背後在談論的是更加深入的話題
Jessie 透過這首歌來表示自己受夠了 承受了太多世間的痛苦 他想要離開了
但即使是這樣 他也不希望自己所愛的任何一個人得承受與他同等份的痛苦
這段感情談的太過痛苦 太過折磨 但這份疼痛我一個人扛就好 不希望你也必須承擔
[Verse 1]
I thought I wanted love 'til you showed me what it was 曾以為自己嚮往愛情 直到你讓我看見愛情的殘酷
I've never been golden, but I swear that I showed it 從不覺自己多獨特 但至少我也努力展現過自我
It's a blessing and a curse, for the better, it's only worse 是個福份卻也是詛咒 以為情況轉好卻只是每況愈下
Wouldn't wish this on no one, it's one hell of a low one 不希望這發生在任何人身上 這地獄般的傷痛
We're going up, we going down 我們之間就是這樣 時而安好時而沉淪
We can run it back, we can work it out, but, no 也能試著回到過去 試著找到出路 最後卻總是無果
Late at night, going out my mind 夜深人靜 獨自一人 我漸漸失去理智
Praying that the sun don't rise, like, no, mm 不想面對未來 祈禱能別看見明日太陽升起
Waking up, but wishing that you don't 醒來承擔一切傷痛 希望你別和我一樣
(Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh)
Is something that I pray you'll never know 這種深淵絕望 祈望你一生都別有體驗
(Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh)
[Verse 2]
Up at night, drinking liquor like it's water 深夜依舊難眠 將酒當作水來喝
Waking up, knowing I'm somebody's daughter, but 知道自己是某人的女兒
I don't know a lot about my father 卻連自己的父親都不甚了解
Maybe that's the reason I don't do shit like I oughta, no 或許這就是我成天動力盡失之因
I need some mеdicine, this shit that my head is in 需要一些藥物 最近腦袋實在太過混亂
Got me thinking, quеstioning, lying in this bed I'm in 讓我反覆胡思亂想 蜷縮在床上無法起身
Up at night, drinking liquor like it's water 輾轉難眠 我飲酒若飲水一般
Maybe that's the reason I don't do shit like I oughta, no 也許這就是我喪失生存動力之因
Waking up, but wishing that you don't 醒來承擔一切傷痛 希望你別和我一樣
(Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh)
Is something that I pray you'll never know 這種深淵絕望 祈望你一生都別有體驗
(Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh)
You might love the highs, but you ain't seen the lows 或許你總嚮往高處 但那是因為你從未見識人生低谷
You don't know the half of it and I pray you'll never know 從沒見識過人生黑暗面 祈禱你能永遠不知情
Woah-oh, oh, oh-oh, oh, oh
Waking up, but wishing that you don't (Wishing that you don't) 醒來承擔一切傷痛 希望你別和我一樣
(Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh)
Is something that I pray you'll never know 這種深淵絕望 祈望你一生都別有體驗
(Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh)
You never know 希望你不用體驗
You never know 一生不用知情這些傷痛
You never know 永遠不需了解何謂絕望