Cover art for Memories by Conan Gray

遲到總比沒有到好~ 我們終於可以恢復自由身來翻譯其他人的歌了

(講得之前翻 Alec 的歌很痛苦一樣 XD)

欸不是啦 但我真的一直很想翻這首 拖了有夠久終於可以開始翻了

這首 Memories 是即將在收錄在 Conan Gray 第二張專輯的第五支單曲

沒錯! 我真的一時間沒有意識到 Conan 在發專輯之前已經釋出了五首單曲了我超失敗 XD

這次的歌曲 Memories Conan 表示這首歌曲是他在專輯裡屬於很後面才完成的歌曲




One, two

[Verse 1]
It's been a couple months 距今也過了數個月了
That's just about enough time 也該是時候前進了
For me to stop cryin' when I look at all the pictures 別再老是看著舊照片獨自啜泣
Now I kinda smile, I haven't felt that in a while 現在的我慢慢能笑了 有一陣子沒有這般感受了 
It's late, I hear the door 時候不早了 聽到門邊那兒傳來
Bell ringin' and it's pourin' 門鈴響起 伴隨外頭傳來的雨聲
I open up that door, see your brown eyes at the entrance 將門打開 入口迎來的是你那對棕色雙眸
You just wanna talk and 你說你想和我聊聊 
I can't turn away a wet dog 我又怎捨得拋下這般可憐的你

But please don't ruin this for me 但拜託請你別毀了我好不容易建立起的一切
Please don't make it harder than it already is 想忘記你已經夠難了 別讓一切變得更複雜
I'm trying to get over this 一直以來我是如此努力 想要克服這段傷痛

I wish that you would stay in my memories 希望你能好端端地待在我的回憶裡
But you show up today, just to ruin things 但今天你這樣突然現身 一夕間毀了我一切苦心
I wanna put you in the past 'cause I'm traumatized 想將你留在過去 因為與你的過往滿是創傷
But you're not lettin' me do that, 'cause tonight 但你出現了讓我無法繼續前進 因為今夜
You're all drunk in my kitchen, curled in the fetal position 你就這麼醉倒我廚房 若嬰兒般地蜷縮著
Too busy playin' the victim to be listenin' to me 忙著扮演你最擅長的受害者 根本沒時間聽我說
When I say 當我大聲喊出
"I wish that you would stay in my memories" 我真希望你能乖乖待在我回憶裡就好
In my memories, stay in my memories 自此別再互相叨擾 彼此間的一切封存回憶裡就好

[Verse 2]
Now I can't say "Goodbye" if you stay here the whole night 倘若你整晚待在這 我又該如何與你好好道別
You see, it's hard to find an end to somethin' that you keep beginning 不好好斷乾淨的事物是很難為此畫下句點的
Over and over again 周而復始 一次次犯下一樣的錯
I promise that the ending always stays the same 最終結局又有哪次不同了
So there's no good reason in make believin' that we could ever exist again 別再浪費餘力 去催眠相信你我之間還存在可能

I can't be your friend, can't be your lover 做不成你朋友 更做不起你的愛人
Can't be the reason we hold back each other from falling in love 我們不應成為彼此再度陷入戀愛的阻礙
With somebody other than me 只是這段新戀情永遠不屬於我們

I wish that you would stay in my memories 希望你能好端端地待在我的回憶裡
But you show up today, just to ruin things 但今天你這樣突然現身 一夕間毀了我一切苦心
I wanna put you in the past 'cause I'm traumatized 想將你留在過去 因為與你的過往滿是創傷
But you're not lettin' me do that, 'cause tonight 但你出現了讓我無法繼續前進 因為今夜
You're all drunk in my kitchen, curled in the fetal position 你就這麼醉倒我廚房 若嬰兒般地蜷縮著
Too busy playin' the victim to be listenin' to me 忙著扮演你最擅長的受害者 根本沒時間聽我說
When I say 當我大聲喊出
"I wish that you would stay in my memories" 我真希望你能乖乖待在我回憶裡就好
In my memories, stay in my memories 自此別再互相叨擾 彼此間的一切封存回憶裡就好

Since you came 自從你來了之後
I guess I'll let you stay 看來我會心軟讓你待下
For as long as it takes 無論多久都讓你待下來
To grab your books and your coat 直到你抓著你的書本和大衣揚長離去
And that one good cologne 身上依舊塗著那迷人古龍水芬芳
That you bought when we were fighting 還記得那是彼此爭吵時你買下的
'Cause it's still on my clothes, everything that I own 衣服上都還沾著那香味 沾染了我生活裡每樣物品
And it makes me feel like dying 這樣的感受讓我彷彿要死亡了一樣
I was barely just surviving 能存活下來 僅是勉強而已

I wish that you would stay in my memories 希望你能好端端地待在我的回憶裡
But you show up today, just to ruin things 但今天你這樣突然現身 一夕間毀了我一切苦心
I wanna put you in the past 'cause I'm traumatized 想將你留在過去 因為與你的過往滿是創傷
But you're not lettin' me do that, 'cause tonight 但你出現了讓我無法繼續前進 因為今夜
You're all drunk in my kitchen, curled in the fetal position 你就這麼醉倒我廚房 若嬰兒般地蜷縮著
Too busy playin' the victim to be listenin' to me 忙著扮演你最擅長的受害者 根本沒時間聽我說
When I say 當我大聲喊出
"I wish that you would stay in my memories" 我真希望你能乖乖待在我回憶裡就好
In my memories, stay in my memories 自此別再互相叨擾 彼此間的一切封存回憶裡就好


    創作者 階梯 JT 的頭像
    階梯 JT

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