終於來到我們專輯裡的最後一首歌啦!(感動 cry)
這首 One Wrong Turn 的歌詞敘事方式跟 Alec 的首張專輯 Narrated For You 有異曲同工之妙喔
每一個段落所描述的角色是不一樣的人 而且是以一個第三人稱的角度在敘事的感覺
個人很尬意他願意走回 NFY 的路線 畢竟那張專輯是永遠無法超越的存在挖
小小一個決定錯了 就可能會影響大局
這個故事真的看到後面會讓人不禁敬佩起 Alec 的故事編寫能力 真的是充滿創意又峰迴路轉!
[Verse 1]
I knew a guy, let's call him Jeff 我認識一個男人 姑且稱他為傑夫
He had a wife that up and left 她的老婆無預警地離他而去
Last Thursday night, she saw his texts 上週四的晚上 她讀了他的訊息
And she was mortified 讀完後她感到十分不自在
It wasn't right, though he confessed 懷疑丈夫不對勁 他趕緊向她坦承一切
That, just one time, he called his ex 就這麼一次他主動致電他的前任
She didn't buy it or accept when Jeff apologized 然而妻子卻不買單 不接受領情傑夫的道歉
Now he's all alone 現在的他只得孤身一人
Something funny that I've learned 學到了件有趣的事
Is just how quickly fate can turn 命運這事可真容易被翻轉
How one simple mistake can take you out (Out, out, out) 一個小小錯誤就能釀成巨大災害
Something funny that I've found 學習到件有趣的事
Is just how quickly worlds burn down 世界原來能如此輕易被摧毀
Make one wrong turn and you can't turn around ('Round, 'round, 'round) 選錯前行道路就能夠迷失一輩子
One wrong turn can burn things to the ground 一個錯誤選擇 就能將一切摧毀殆盡
[Verse 2]
I knew a girl, let's call hеr Jess 認識個女孩 姑且稱她為潔絲
She took a drive to buy a drеss 她駕著車前往購買裙裝
But missed the light as it turned red and ran into traffic 但由於疏忽紅燈號誌而出了場車禍
She took a right, if she turned left 她往右轉 但倘若她向左
She'd be alive, would not be dead 她便能存活 生命也能保下
She'd have arrived, but now, instead 也能抵達目的地 然而事情至此
The end is tragic 最終結局卻以悲劇收場
Something funny that I've learned 學到了件有趣的事
Is just how quickly fate can turn 命運這事可真容易被翻轉
How one simple mistake can take you out (Out, out, out) 一個小小錯誤就能釀成巨大災害
Something funny that I've found 學習到件有趣的事
Is just how quickly worlds burn down 世界原來能如此輕易被摧毀
Make one wrong turn and you can't turn around ('Round, 'round, 'round) 選錯前行道路就能夠迷失一輩子
One wrong turn can burn things to the ground 一個錯誤選擇 就能將一切摧毀殆盡
But the thing you didn't see comin' 但有件事你一定未曾預料到
Is that Jeff was Jess' husband 就是傑夫其實就是潔絲的丈夫
And the ex he had to call is no longer into boys at all 所謂前任其實早已對男孩一點興趣都無
It's all one big misunderstanding 一切其實都只是場誤會
Like dominos crash-landing 然而事情卻像骨牌效應一連串推進
Once the first one falls, they all come tumbling down 只要一點崩毀 便是一切都崩塌毀壞
And now he's all alone 現在的他真的得獨自一人忍受寂寞了
Something funny that I've learned 學到了件有趣的事
Is just how quickly fate can turn 命運這事可真容易被翻轉
How one simple mistake can take you out (Out, out, out) 一個小小錯誤就能釀成巨大災害
Something funny that I've found 學習到件有趣的事
Is just how quickly worlds burn down 世界原來能如此輕易被摧毀
Make one wrong turn and you can't turn around ('Round, 'round, 'round) 選錯前行道路就能夠迷失一輩子
One wrong turn can burn things to the ground 一個錯誤選擇 就能將一切摧毀殆盡