Paper Crown-Alec Benjamin-KKBOX


Paper Crown 是我在認識 Alec 後很早期就接觸到的作品

當時就很喜歡 MV 的那些小插畫還有整首歌的敘事感

如果你不知道這首歌的故事的話 basically 這首歌就是在講一個女孩

只要她的內心國度崩毀 她的脆弱內心就會築起高大的心牆來隔絕一切

小小的悲傷 帶著聽眾進入 Alec 創作的故事中 讓人能夠感同身受

而在演唱會當天 Alec 更是驚喜的演唱了這首(我真的沒想到他會唱這首😭)並宣佈重製版會在週五發行

Alec 表示這首歌對他來說意義非凡 當時 MV 的插畫就是他一個學生時期的台灣朋友畫的


就我聽來這次的版本就是節奏感強烈了一點 然後唱腔也不太一樣的感覺(我覺早期 Alec 唱腔超像 Ed 的!)

我覺得兩個版本都很優秀 帶給我不同的心理感受 🥺


[Verse 1]
A paper crown, and a heart made of glass 頭戴紙製皇冠 搭配一顆玻璃心
A tattered gown, and a kingdom of ash 禮服殘破不堪 住在灰燼國度裡
She walks alone, she can never look back 她獨自行走著 絕不能回頭望
The story of a queen whose castle has fallen to the sea 這是一個城堡沈沒海底的女王的故事
She'll make it out, but she's never the same 難關終會度過 但她也不再是過去的自己
She's looking down at the scars that remain 低頭注視那些留下的傷痕
But you hold your ground, though your kingdom's in flames 內心無可攻防 即使早已傷痕累累

'Cause it's the story of a queen whose castle has fallen to the sea 這是一個內心國度崩塌的皇后的故事
Knowing there's no one who will be 可惜結局明瞭 早已知曉無人搭救
A king that will come and save his queen 沒有那個願意伸出援手的國王存在

When all she needs, when all she wants, when all she finds 所有她所需所渴求所尋覓的
When all she is, and ever was is compromised 所有屬於她的 最後也只能放棄讓步
'Cause there's no one to love her 沒有人用真心去愛她
When you built your walls too high 因為她心牆築的高不可攀
And there's no one to love you 沒有人能真正愛你
When you build your walls too high 當你心防高的無人能及

[Verse 2]
She's looking out from the war that's inside 面對經歷內心無數場戰爭
She's screaming out 'cause no one survived 崩潰大喊 因為最後無人倖存
But when you're all alone 但當你寂寞一人之時
You wait and you hide 你也只能等待或隱藏自己

'Cause it's the story of a queen whose castle has fallen to the sea 這是一個內心國度崩塌的皇后的故事
Knowing there's no one who will be 可惜結局明瞭 早已知曉無人搭救
A king that will come and save his queen 沒有那個願意伸出援手的國王存在

When all she needs, when all she wants, when all she finds 所有她所需所渴求所尋覓的
When all she is, and ever was is compromised 所有屬於她的 最後也只能放棄讓步
'Cause there's no one to love her 因為沒有人用真心愛她
When you built your walls too high 她心牆築的高不可攀
And there's no one to love you 沒有人能真正愛你
When you build your walls too high 當你心防高的無人能及

There's no one who is strong enough to save your love 世上無人強大到能夠拯救妳的愛
There's no fairy tale, there's no fairy tale 畢竟這是現實世界 不是什麼童話故事

When all she needs, when all she wants, when all she finds 所有她所需所渴求所尋覓的
When all she is, and ever was is compromised 所有屬於她的 最後也只能放棄讓步
'Cause there's no one to love her 因為沒有人用真心愛她
When you built your walls too high 她心牆築的高不可攀
And there's no one to love you 沒有人能真正愛你
When you trap yourself inside 當你將自己困在內心枷鎖中

    創作者 階梯 JT 的頭像
    階梯 JT

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