Cover art for Out of Tune by BoyWithUke

今天要介紹這首 Out Of Tune 就很單純是我 Fever Dreams 裡面最喜歡的一首歌


然後跟各位分享一件有趣的事情 我去 Genius 要搬歌詞過來翻的時候看到這個

"his ukulele is out of tune so he made this song"

超好笑 Genius 歌曲裡面有些會有網友提供一些歌詞含意或是創作背景

這首歌沒跟你唬喔 上面只有這一句 我不知道這首歌的創作跟他的烏克麗麗走音有沒有關係 總之我覺得很好笑


No matter what I do 無論我再如何努力
I can't love because of you 因為你我總無法好好去愛
You fucked me up and put me out of tune 徹底搞砸我的人生 讓一切走了調
I do my best to fake that I'm good 用盡一切假裝我一切安好
But I forget my place too soon 但我總試了一下便放棄
Oh, can't you say goodbye 能否請你與我的人生就此道別
To the scars you left behind? 讓我拋下那些你製造出的傷痕
How 'bout you get the fuck outta my mind? 麻煩你就這麼滾出我的腦海
I swear that I can't feel love 發誓我感受不到何謂愛情
Oh, won't you say goodbye 為何你就不能好好地離我而去
To all my butterflies? 讓我放下對你的一切迷戀
I can't look you in your eyes again 現在的我完全無法直視你雙眼

[Verse 1]
I began to track dark times with no peach 熱情了無的回翻那些黑暗時期的瘡疤
Lime smoothies, no time for bus rides with 萊姆冰沙 不適合帶上公車的飲品
Sad rhymes to climb right out of dark times 試著創作些傷心押韻 好走出那些黑暗時光
I pass the clock by watching you playing Fortnite 看你玩堡壘之夜助我消磨時間
No, for real, that's what got me through this whole ordeal 說真的 這真是我度過這一切苦難的救贖
Stuck out of tune, I made it through by watching Key and Peele 早已走調失了魂 看了阿奇與阿皮好拯救自己
Stuck in my bed while my heart is turned to steel 蜷縮被窩裡 心早已麻木成鋼
Got no covers or no blankets 'cause I know that love ain't real 沒人保護沒有溫暖 因為我知道這世上沒有真愛

No matter what I do 無論我再如何努力
I can't love because of you 因為你我總無法好好去愛
You fucked me up and put me out of tune 徹底搞砸我的人生 讓一切走了調
I do my best to fake that I'm good 用盡一切假裝我一切安好
But I forget my place too soon 但我總試了一下便放棄
Oh, can't you say goodbye 能否請你與我的人生就此道別
To the scars you left behind? 讓我拋下那些你製造出的傷痕
How 'bout you get the fuck outta my mind? 麻煩你就這麼滾出我的腦海
I swear that I can't feel love 發誓我感受不到何謂愛情
Oh, won't you say goodbye 為何你就不能好好地離我而去
To all my butterflies? 讓我放下對你的一切迷戀
I can't look you in your eyes again 現在的我完全無法直視你雙眼

[Verse 2]
One day I thought back 一日我驀然回首
When I lacked a lot of stuff that I have 曾經我一無所有 失去比得到的還多
I cracked the moments that I kept to my back 離群獨處 選擇與自己好好相處 
Go back to snowmen that I built in winter times in Minecraft 回到創世神裡找我冬天堆的那雪人
The beat goes up down, I'm thinkin' about the times that I had 節奏上下敲打 日夜思考那些過去經歷的時光
And I was hurt pretty bad, now that I think to myself 當時傷的那樣重 現在我這樣思考告訴自己
It makes the happy inside and the fifty thousand bookshelves 沉浸在自己的時光中是那樣令人喜悅
But looking back I'm not mad at all of the shit that I sat through 回首過往 那些經歷過的鳥事也沒那麼激怒我
Yeah, that's true, I bet you I was willing to roam the backrooms for you 說真的 現在你想怎麼對我我都沒差


No matter what I do 無論我再如何努力
I can't love because of you 因為你我總無法好好去愛
You fucked me up and put me out of tune 徹底搞砸我的人生 讓一切走了調
I do my best to fake that I'm good 用盡一切假裝我一切安好
But I forget my place too soon 但我總試了一下便放棄
Oh, can't you say goodbye 能否請你與我的人生就此道別
To the scars you left behind? 讓我拋下那些你製造出的傷痕
How 'bout you get the fuck outta my mind? 麻煩你就這麼滾出我的腦海
I swear that I can't feel love 發誓我感受不到何謂愛情
Oh, won't you say goodbye 為何你就不能好好地離我而去
To all my butterflies? 讓我放下對你的一切迷戀
I can't look you in your eyes again 現在的我完全無法直視你雙眼

    創作者 階梯 JT 的頭像
    階梯 JT

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