這個烏克麗麗男孩終於拍了他的第一支 MV 了!
在這所謂愛情的漫漫長途裡 敘述著一段不想再苦等也不想被所愛之人拋棄的心情
個人覺得翻起來有點艱澀 感覺很多暗示性的詞我不一定有掌握到
如果有誤的話我們再來好好交流一下答案 我有盡量參考到歌曲意境來斟酌用詞了
Yeah, I can't do these long drives sittin' in the back seat 無法乾坐後座撐過這漫漫長途
Thinkin' 'bout that one night when the world caught fire 腦中一直想著心中世界被點燃的那晚
Baby, and your eyes brightened up this dark scene 你的雙眸點亮驅散了我四周一片寂黑
You told me I would be fine, I called you a liar 告訴我一切會沒事 但我知道一切都只是謊言
[Verse 1]
We just FaceTime, is this a sign? I'm fallin' out of your life 關係變得只剩下視訊 是暗示我要被逐出你人生嗎
I try my hardest not to think about what I just realized 用盡心思不去思考這些自己理解的真相
You said I was your light, I think that's just a white lie 說我是你生命裡的聖光 一切盡是善意謊言
Feelin' so rotten inside thought I died 內心已徹底腐蝕 以為自己已經了無生命
I kinda wanna go back, I'm missin' the pain 有點想回到過去 開始想念那股痛苦
Of a heartbreak and life just don't hit the same 心碎感受值得回味 生活不再如昔往
I'm havin' migraines, my friends all over the placе 患了偏頭痛 朋友濫交又不適合我
With their lifes straight, I guess I'm afraid 他們過的這般順遂 或許我只是害怕
Of growin' out of my placе 怕自己不合群無法融入世界
'Cause I can't do these long drives sittin' in the back seat 無法乾坐後座撐過這漫漫長途
Thinkin' 'bout that one night when the world caught fire 腦中一直想著心中世界被點燃的那晚
Baby, and your eyes brightened up this dark scene 你的雙眸點亮驅散了我四周一片寂黑
You told me I would be fine, I called you a liar 告訴我一切會沒事 但我知道一切都只是謊言
[Verse 2]
And all I want is to (Take you by the sea) 我想做的就只是帶著你到海邊吹風
I'll show you sights from above and take you (To my dismal dreams) 看著天象帶你一同進入我的悲悽夢境裡
I'll see that falling stars will set your (World on fire, baby) 那顆殞落星點會徹底點燃你的世界
These flames weren't meant for you and me 而這熊熊愛火並非為你我而燃
You're make-believe, why can't you see? 一切都是假象 為何你永遠看不清
I'll make these roses all turn green 為了你我甘願將所有玫瑰轉綠
The seven seas and all the ocean tides 七大汪洋和所有洶湧海潮
Will fall into my dreams, I'm drowning, oh (Woah) 全部湧進我夢裡 徹徹底底淹沒我
I wish you weren't so far from me (Woah) 但願你不要如此遙不可及
I wish you weren't so far from me (Oh-woah) 殷切期盼你能不要與我相隔如此遙遠
'Cause I can't do these long drives sittin' in the back seat 無法乾坐後座撐過這漫漫長途
Thinkin' 'bout that one night when the world caught fire 腦中一直想著心中世界被點燃的那晚
Baby, and your eyes brightened up this dark scene 你的雙眸點亮驅散了我四周一片寂黑
You told me I would be fine, I called you a liar 告訴我一切會沒事 但我知道一切都只是謊言
Yeah, I can't do these long drives sittin' in the back seat 無法乾坐後座撐過這漫漫長途
Thinkin' 'bout that one night when the world caught fire 腦中一直想著心中世界被點燃的那晚
Baby, and your eyes brightened up this dark scene 你的雙眸點亮驅散了我四周一片寂黑
You told me I would be fine, I called you a liar 告訴我一切會沒事 但我知道一切都只是謊言
Hey, I've been thinkin' 'bout you all damn day 心心念念 掛念著你一整天
And the sun is shinin' on your face 陽光就這麼灑落在你美麗的臉蛋上
I think I fell for you 我想我已為你徹底癡醉著迷
I hate the fact that this is the truth 恨透了這一切是真相的事實
But okay (Oh, oh) 但一切會沒事的
I know I might come off as strange 我知道或許在你眼中我是個怪人
Just swear I'm not, I'm just in pain 但掛保證我不是怪異 只是深陷痛苦裡
Please, don't drive away from me 拜託了 請不要離開我身邊