Feels Like - Single by Gracie Abrams | Spotify


更別說我大 Gracie 看起來真的是美翻了

Gracie Abrams 需要科普嗎 相信不少人應該都知曉這位小女孩吧

Gracie 透過 Youtube 創作漸漸出現在大家的視野

第一首歌曲 minor 便引起大家的瘋狂讚賞 也陸陸續續推出了許多單曲

當中最令我喜歡的也是最熱門的當然就是 I miss u, I'm sorry 了

這次的 Feels Like 剛聽幾秒就可以知道是我們熟悉的 Gracie 風格


然後要說明一下 別以為這首歌也是在講述愛情 這首歌是在歌頌友情的喔XD

[Verse 1]
We almost got away, we cut it close 差些便要離開 就差一步了
The city's getting loud 這城市漸漸變的喧囂難耐
If I choke, it's only 'cause I'm scared to be alone 倘若我窒息 僅僅是因為我害怕寂寞
Been tryna work it out, you should know 試著要去理解明白 你也該清楚明白

I would do whatever you wanted 只要你想要 無論什麼我都會去達成
We don't have to leave the apartment 不需要離開我們共同居所
Met you at the right time 在正確時機遇上了你
This is what it feels like 這感受是如此美好
Living in a movie I've watched and 像是住在一步看過的電影裡
Funny, 'cause you couldn't have called it 有趣的是你從未預料如此發展
Met you at the right time 在正確時機遇上了你
This is what it feels like 感受竟是如此美好無比

[Verse 2]
The train was cold, we left Connecticut 火車凜冽無比 就這樣離開了康州
We stayed a couple hours 待了幾個小時
Our clothes matched enough to throw me off a bit 衣服搭配如此默契 讓我都啞口無言了
Your phone was playing "Towers" and I 手機播著高塔這首歌象徵你我友誼

I would do whatever you wanted 只要你想要 無論什麼我都會去達成
We don't have to leave the apartment 不需要離開我們共同居所
Met you at the right time 在正確時機遇上了你
This is what it feels like 這感受是如此美好
Living in a movie I've watched and 像是住在一步看過的電影裡
Funny, 'cause you couldn't have called it 有趣的是你從未預料如此發展
Met you at the right time 在正確時機遇上了你
This is what it feels like 感受竟是如此美好無比

And I need you sometimes 有時是那麼需要你
We'll be all right 什麼難關終會攜手度過
Met you at the right time 在正確時機遇上了你
This is what it feels like 這感受是如此美好
And I miss you some nights 夜晚孤寂總會想起你
We'll be all right 一切都會沒事的
Met you at the right time 在正確時機遇上了你
This is what it feels like 感受竟是如此美好無比

I would do whatever you wanted 只要你想要 無論什麼我都會去達成
We don't have to leave the apartment 不需要離開我們共同居所
Met you at the right time 在正確時機遇上了你
This is what it feels like 這感受是如此美好

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    階梯 JT

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