Gracie Abrams是一位在網路上竄起的新星 年僅20出頭就小有成就
於是Gracie就順水推舟的推出了許多作品 當中也有很多很優質的作品
除了這首之外我也很喜歡21, Freind, Mean It...大家可以自己去找找
她最紅的作品應該就屬這首I Miss You, I'm Sorry莫屬了
這首歌曲是一首分首歌曲 敘述的是當兩個人分手後 其中對另一方的那種掛念及無法忘懷
分手了 感情散了 對你的思念卻永遠也無法斷
[Verse 1]
Do you remember happy together? 你是否還記得 快樂在一起的時光
I do, don't you? 我記憶猶新 難道你不是嗎
Then all of a sudden, you're sick to your stomach 倏然而過的瞬間 痛得你難耐
Is that still true? 這是否為真實所見
You said, "forever," in the end I fought it 說好的永遠 最後只剩我硬撐著
Please be honest, are we better for it? 請對我誠實 這樣難道有更好嗎
Thought you'd hate me, but instead you called 以為你恨我 但你卻撥了電話給我
And said, "I miss you" 說你很想我
I caught it 我也就信了
[Verse 2]
Good to each other, give it the summer 這樣對彼此都好 一切全推諉給夏天
I knew, you too 早知道你也是如此想的
But I only saw you once in December 也就見過你一次 在那寒冷十二月
I'm still confused 現在的我 依舊困惑著
You said, "forever," and I almost bought it 說好走到永遠 我差點就信了
I miss fighting in your old apartment 想念那些在你舊公寓的口角爭吵
Breaking dishes when you're disappointed 失望透頂時 你會氣得亂摔碗盤
I still love you, I promise 我仍然愛你 我發誓
Nothing happened in the way I wanted 沒有任何事情照著我的劇本在走
Every corner of this house is haunted 這屋子裡的每個角落都被回憶縈繞著
And I know you said that we're not talking 我知道你說了不再聯繫斷訊
But I miss you, I'm sorry 我很抱歉 但我想你了
I don't wanna go, think I'll make it worse 我不想要離開 這一切只會變得更糟
Everything I know brings me back to us 所有我已知的事物 都與你我有關
I don't wanna go, we've been here before 不想要遠走高飛 曾經我們在此共築回憶
Everywhere I go leads me back to you (You said, "forever," and I almost bought it) 所有去過的地方 都讓我憶起你的好 (說好的一輩子 讓我傻傻信了)
I don't wanna go, think I'll make it worse (I miss fighting in your old apartment) 不想要分道揚鑣 一切只會更惡化 (想念在你舊公寓的爭吵紛擾)
Everything I know brings me back to us (Breaking dishes when you're disappointed) 所有碰觸到的事物 都讓我憶起你我 (失望透頂時 你總會亂摔碗盤)
I don't wanna go, we've been here before (I still love you, I promise) 不想要離去 離開這屬於你我的回憶 (我還愛著你 我發誓)
Everywhere I go leads me back to you (Nothing happened in the way I wanted) 所有踏過的地方 都會讓我想到你 (沒有任何事物照著步調走)
I don't wanna go, think I'll make it worse (Every corner of this house is haunted) 我不想要離去 離開只會讓事情變糟 (這房子的每個角落都被回憶縈繞著)
Everything I know brings me back to us (And I know you said that we're not talking) 所有我知道的 全是你的事 (我也理解你說過要斷絕聯繫)
I don't wanna go, we've been here before (But I miss you) 我不想離開 這是屬於我們的回憶之處 (我想念你了)
Everywhere I go leads me back to you 所有待過的地方 都有你的回憶
I don't wanna go, think I'll make it worse 離不開這裡 因為離開不會變更好
Everything I know brings me back to us 所有我知道的事物 全屬於你我的回憶
I don't wanna go, we've been here before 不想要離開 你我間回憶深根在這
Everywhere I go leads me back to you 所有去過的地方 終會帶我回憶起你