
Griff , where's your album!!

今天要來介紹這首是 Griff 的新單曲 One Night



這首歌 Griff 透過輕快的電子流行樂 敘述自己失戀後痛苦的心境轉折

每每想遺忘自己的前任 卻總是輾轉反側無法抹消 於是有了這首歌希望能賜予他一夜好眠

小科普一下 Griff 的背景 他是一個來自英國的音樂人 爸爸是牙買加人,媽媽則是華人

留著一頭標誌性的泡泡馬尾 歌曲風格多樣混搭 有流行 有時會混雜一些藍調、爵士、R&B、流行跟電子



[Verse 1]
How long can I leave the lights in the ceiling on? 高掛發亮的電燈能開著持續多久
And the static from the TV keeps me company till I'm gone 電視機傳來的靜電總是伴隨我入眠

'Cause I rock back and forth 深夜總是輾轉反側
Reciting words that I've said wrong 反覆復誦那些我說錯過的話
I swear I've been doing fine 確信自己現在過得很好
When I'm busy and got things going on 讓自己忙碌不已 事情便能回到正軌
Oh, so girl, what you running from? 那麼女孩 你到底是要逃避什麼

Oh, maybe there's something in the midnight hours 或許是夜深人靜獨自一人時又想起什麼了
The midnight hours, you know 那些夜晚總會讓人胡思亂想 相信你也很清楚
And maybe there's something in the dead of night 月黑深夜時思念總會猖狂作祟
When I'm sleeping alone 當我獨自一人入眠時
Where I always see your face 腦中總會浮現你的面容
God, I wish I didn't though 真希望自己能好好忘記你
Can I have one night, one night, one night 能否還我一個清靜夜晚 一個不受煩擾之夜
Where it's just me alone? 僅我一人 好好享受的夜晚

[Verse 2]
Is it 'cause I've been feeling guilty all along? 是因為這段時間總感覺有愧於心嗎
Or is it the gods just tryna tell me to move on? 抑或是上帝試著告訴我該向前看
'Cause while you're haunting me, that's what you've done 當你縈繞於我記憶中 這便是你所做之事
So girl, what you running from? (Oh) 那麼女孩你有什麼好逃避的呢

Oh, maybe there's something in the midnight hours 或許是夜深人靜獨自一人時又想起什麼了
The midnight hours, you know (Something in the—) 那些夜晚總會讓人胡思亂想 相信你也很清楚
Or maybe there's something in the dead of night 月黑深夜時思念總會猖狂作祟
When I'm sleeping alone 當我獨自一人入眠時 
Where I always see your face (I always see your face) 腦中總會浮現你的面容
God, I wish I didn't though (I wish I didn't though) 真希望自己能好好忘記你
Can I have one night, one night, one night 能否還我一個清靜夜晚 一個不受煩擾之夜
Where it's just me alone? 僅我一人 好好享受的夜晚

So I, I know what it feels like 知道這樣的感受為何
So I can wake up in the daylight 讓我能一覺清眠至天明
And my chest ain't heavy 胸口重量也不再復有
'Cause you're not there with me 因為你已離開我的身邊
Tell me when that will be? 告訴我那天何時會到來

Oh, 'cause I rock back and forth 深夜總是輾轉反側
Reciting words that I've said wrong 反覆復誦那些我說錯過的話
I swear I've been doing fine 確信自己現在過得很好
When I'm busy and got things going on 讓自己忙碌不已 事情便能回到正軌
So what am I running from? 那麼我到底是要逃避什麼

Oh, maybe there's something in the midnight hours 或許是夜深人靜獨自一人時又想起什麼了
The midnight hours, you know 那些夜晚總會讓人胡思亂想 相信你也很清楚
And maybe there's something in the dead of night 月黑深夜時思念總會猖狂作祟
When I'm sleeping alone 當我獨自一人入眠時
Where I always see your face 腦中總會浮現你的面容
God, I wish I didn't though 真希望自己能好好忘記你
Can I have one night, one night, one night 能否還我一個清靜夜晚 一個不受煩擾之夜
Where it's just me alone? (Oh) 僅我一人 好好享受的夜晚

One night, one night, yeah 請賜我一個清靜夜晚 
So can I have one night, one night, just one night 讓我能安穩入眠 安享清夢
One night, one night, one night 請賜我一個清靜夜晚 
Can I have one night, one night, just one night 讓我能安穩入眠 安享清夢
Where it's just me alone? 僅我一人 好好享受的夜晚

    創作者 階梯 JT 的頭像
    階梯 JT

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