We need to address THIS !
Chloe & Halle 姐妹花 去年在他們的專輯 Ungodly Hour 取得了史無前例的成功
因為這張專輯可是入圍了 Grammys跟 BET 等多項大獎
雖然說都摃龜了 但這對姐妹花的實力我想大家也是有目共睹
真正認識這對姐妹花是有一次他們在迪士尼影集 Austin Ad Ally (my FAV!!!) 客串演出
(btw Disney 要收我真的是哭斷腸 前幾個月我才剛補完 Austin & Ally 真的...好...好看 超愛 Ross...)
anyway 扯題了 Chloe現在跟她的姊妹 沒拆夥只是暫時兩人都獨自開始發展自己的solo career
Chloe推出了 solo 新曲 Halle 則是去迪士尼演小美人魚了(我愛Halle但劇照我真的嚇到了...)
anyway Chloe 這個回歸一預告就造成了大轟動 而歌曲一釋出也不負眾望的引發大熱潮
評價都普遍不錯 而且前幾天她在 VMAs的演出真的是得讓我小第一膜拜二膜拜三膜拜
你各位趕緊給我去複習那場演出 真的是本年度最佳無誤
(Murda on the beat, so it's not nice) Murda出品 必是精品
Booty so big (Work), Lord, have mercy 蜜汁翹臀 老天還請憐憫
Why I keep bossing like I do (Work, work it, work it) 為何老娘做什麼總能稱霸天下
Why I keep flossing like I do (Work, work it, work it) 為何做什麼都能如此稱秀全場
Why I keep saucing like I do (Work, work it, work it) 做什麼總有人渴望成為我
Why it keep costing like it do (Work, work it, work it) 做什麼必是酷勁滿滿
All this ass up in my jeans (Work, work it, work it) 翹臀暗藏我牛仔褲裡
You can't get up in between (Work, work it, work it) 你可一點也摻和不進
You tryna get a piece of me (Work, work it, work it) 試著佔領擁有我
I can teach you a couple things (Lord, have mercy, work) 看來我得好好為你上一課
[Verse 1]
Boy, you lookin' at me like I ain't give you no choice 男孩這樣看望我 彷彿我一點機會都不給你
If I count to three, bet you be on your knees 一數到三 必是雙溪下跪臣服於我
You wrapped 'round my hand like Cartier, oh 如卡地亞那般珍視愛惜我
You can't get this thickness out of your mind 一旦緊握必是無法放手讓之
He say he like that Laffy Taffy 他說他像Laffy Taffy糖一樣黏膩
He so goofy, call me daddy 那樣愚蠢 總臣服我腳下
He go stupid, he go daffy 那樣愚昧 那樣古怪搞笑
Introduce me to his papi 將我介紹給他的家人
He can never live without me 生命不能沒有我存在
I'm so real, I'm never cappin' 我是那樣真材實料 從不吹噓說謊
If he got it like that, like that 倘若他已經努力成這樣
I can take it, take it there 我也願意給他一些回饋
'Cause my booty so big (Work), Lord, have mercy 因為我的翹臀是那樣可口 老天還請待之慈悲
Why I keep bossing like I do (Boss) 為何老娘做什麼總能稱霸天下
Why I keep flossing like I do (Floss) 為何做什麼都能如此稱秀全場
Why I keep saucing like I do (Sauce) 做什麼總有人渴望成為我
Why it keep costing like it do (Cost) 做什麼必是酷勁滿滿
All this ass up in my jeans 翹臀暗藏我牛仔褲裡
You can't get up in between 你可一點也摻和不進
You tryna get a piece of me 試著佔領擁有我
I can teach you a couple things (Lord, have mercy) 看來我得好好為你上一課
Why I keep bossing like I do (Boss) 為何老娘做什麼總能稱霸天下
Why I keep flossing like I do (Floss) 為何做什麼都能如此稱秀全場
Why I keep saucing like I do (Sauce) 做什麼總有人渴望成為我
Why it keep costing like it do (Cost) 做什麼必是酷勁滿滿
All this ass up in my jeans 翹臀暗藏我牛仔褲裡
You can't get up in between 你可一點也摻和不進
You tryna get a piece of me 試著佔領擁有我
I can teach you a couple things 看來我得好好為你上一課
[Verse 2]
Like how to surf it, man, how to work it, man 比方說 要如何觀察四方 如何穩操勝券
It's on purpose, I'm doin' it big 目標必是立定不便 抱著遠大抱負
Body language like speaking spanglish 身體語言靈活就如同快速切換英西語
I'll educate ya how to do this shit 我會好好教育你該如何是好
Temporary, that's never rare-y 可別抱著三分熱度決心聽講
I'm necessary, yeah, I am that bitch 所有教誨都是必須的 我就是那天選王者
You can't get this thickness out of your mind 一旦緊握必是無法放手讓之
He say he like that Laffy Taffy 他說他像Laffy Taffy糖一樣黏膩
He so goofy, call me daddy 那樣愚蠢 總臣服我腳下
He go stupid, he go daffy 那樣愚昧 那樣古怪搞笑
Introduce me to his papi 將我介紹給他的家人
He can never live without me 生命不能沒有我存在
I'm so real, I'm never cappin' 我是那樣真材實料 從不吹噓說謊
If he got it like that, like that 倘若他已經努力成這樣
I can take it, take it there 我也願意給他一些回饋
'Cause my booty so big (Work), Lord, have mercy 因為我的翹臀是那樣可口 老天還請待之慈悲
Why I keep bossing like I do (I do) 為何老娘做什麼總能稱霸天下
Why I keep flossing like I do (I do) 為何做什麼都能如此稱秀全場
Why I keep saucing like I do 做什麼總有人渴望成為我
Why it keep costing like it do 做什麼必是酷勁滿滿
All this ass up in my jeans 翹臀暗藏我牛仔褲裡
You can't get up in between 你可一點也摻和不進
You tryna get a piece of me 試著佔領擁有我
I can teach you a couple things 看來我得好好為你上一課
Why I keep bossing like I do (Boss) 為何老娘做什麼總能稱霸天下
Why I keep flossing like I do (Floss) 為何做什麼都能如此稱秀全場
Why I keep saucing like I do (Sauce) 做什麼總有人渴望成為我
Why it keep costing like it do (Cost) 做什麼必是酷勁滿滿
All this ass up in my jeans 翹臀暗藏我牛仔褲裡
You can't get up in between 你可一點也摻和不進
You tryna get a piece of me 試著佔領擁有我
I can teach you a couple things 看來我得好好為你上一課