

Getting Older 是專輯的第一首歌曲 用很簡單的旋律 跟有點口齒不清的唱法(XD) 

唱盡了 Billie 在這個圈子 漸漸成長但也受的傷更多

受了那麼多騷擾 成長確實有了長進 但也變得越來越難過

Billie 表示自己也受過那些難以啟齒的騷擾跟傷痛

藉由這首歌 她希望年輕女孩可以勇敢站出來保護自己


[Verse 1]
I'm gettin' older, I think I'm agin' well 又成長了些感覺自己確實有些長進
I wish someone had told me I'd be doin' this by myself 總希望能有人告訴我我得自己走下去
There's reasons that I'm thankful, there's a lot I'm grateful for 有許多我得好好感謝 感念的理由和事物
But it's different when a stranger's always waitin' at your door 但當有陌生人天天守候你門前 事情就不一樣了
Which is ironic 'cause the strangers seem to want me more 說來也諷刺 這陌生人感覺更想要我
Than anyone before (Anyone before) 比全世界任何人都想
Too bad they're usually deranged 太可惜了 這些人總是精神錯亂
Last week, I realized I crave pity 上週的我渴望同情乞憐
When I re-tell a story, I make everything sound worse 當我回顧一個故事 總能將其聽來更糟些
Can't shake the feeling that I'm just bad at healing 無法甩掉這難受 或許我只是不擅長療傷
And maybe that's the reason every sentence sounds rehearsed 或許這也是為何每字每句都聽來想擬過稿
Which is ironic because when I wasn't honest 說來也諷刺 每次我選擇不實以待
I was still bein' ignored (Lyin' for attention, just to get neglection) 終究還是被眾人忽視
Now we're estranged 現在我們已漸行漸遠

Things I once enjoyed 那些我所享受的事物
Just keep me employed now 現在已變得跟工作一樣繁瑣
Things I'm longing for那些我渴望擁有的事物
Someday, I'll be bored of 終會有我厭倦的一天
It's so weird 這還真是詭異
That we care so much, until we don't 我們總是太過在乎 最後會失去熱情

[Verse 2]
I'm gettin' older, I've got more on my shoulders 又成長了些 肩上負擔了更多重擔
But I'm gettin' better at admitting when I'm wrong 對於承認自己過失技術是又更加嫻熟了些
I'm happier than ever, at least, that's my endeavor 過的比以往都快樂 至少這是盡力而為
To keep myself together and prioritize my pleasure 讓自己狀態維持 以自身快樂為優先
'Cause to be honest, I just wished the word I promised 說句老實話 只希望這我所愛的世界
Would depend on what I'm givin' (Not on his permission) 能夠依賴我所給予的 而非他人之許
(Wasn't my decision) To be abused, mm 被騷擾侵犯 從不是我的選擇

Things I once enjoyed 那些我所享受的事物
Just keep me employed now 現在已變得跟工作一樣繁瑣
Things I'm longing for那些我渴望擁有的事物
Someday, I'll be bored of 終會有我厭倦的一天
It's so weird 這還真是詭異
That we care so much, until we don't 我們總是太過在乎 最後會失去熱情

But next week, I hope I'm somewhere laughin' 總希望未來有天 能再重開笑顏
For anybody asking, I promise I'll be fine 那些過問我的人 發誓我會沒事
I've had some trauma, did things I didn't wanna 有過一些創傷 有過一些難以啟齒的回憶
Was too afraid to tell ya, but now, I think it's time 太過害怕無法啟齒 但我想現在是時候了

    創作者 階梯 JT 的頭像
    階梯 JT

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