Sabrina Carpenter – Please Please Please Remixes | Genius

Sabrina Carpenter 宣布將於 8 月帶來新專輯《Short N' Sweet》

且在兩週前發行了第二支主打〈Pleae Please Please〉

自首單〈Espresso〉獲得前所未有的成功後 Sabrina 終於成為了她早就應該成為的一線歌手

這次的新歌除了流行曲風之外 更是在音樂風格中融合了一些復古甚至還有一些鄉村

夢幻的樂音營造出相當獨特的音樂氛圍 而且更讓這首歌加分的是 MV

因為 Sabrina 在 MV 找來了她的現任男友 Barry Keoghan 一起出演

兩個人在 MV 裡的互動真的有夠可愛 根本是公費在放閃

總之目前兩首歌真的是都超優秀的發揮 我覺得專輯真的很值得期待

尤其看到本週單曲榜 Sabrina 直接攻佔了榜單上的二、三名

只能說看到 Sabrina 終於熬出一片天我真的是相當感動嗚嗚嗚


[Verse 1]
I know I have good judgment, I know I have good taste 我知道我有好判斷力 我知道我有好品味
It's funny and it's ironic that only I feel that way 說來諷刺又好笑 只有我自己這麼覺得
I promise 'em that you're different and everyone makes mistakes 我向他人保證你不一樣 說每個人都會犯錯
But just don't 但才不是這樣
I heard that you're an actor, so act like a stand-up guy 聽說你是個演員 那還不快點演好人
Whatever devil's inside you, don't let him out tonight 無論你心裡住著什麼惡魔 今晚都給我關緊緊
I tell them it's just your culture and everyone rolls their eyes 說你只是尊崇你的文化行事 卻換來別人的白眼
Yeah, I know 我心裡清楚得很
All I'm asking, baby 寶貝 算我求求你

Please, please, please 拜託 拜託 拜託
Don't prove I'm right 別證明我是對的
And please, pleasе, please 拜託 拜託 拜託
Don't bring me to tеars when I just did my makeup so nice 我妝剛化的那麼好 拜託別讓我流淚
Heartbreak is one thing, my ego's another 心碎是一回事 談到自尊卻又是另一回事
I beg you, don't embarrass me, motherfucker, oh 你這王八混蛋 求求你別讓我丟臉
Please, please, please (Ah) 拜託 拜託 算我求求你了

[Verse 2]
Well, I have a fun idea, babe (Uh-huh), maybe just stay inside 我有個有趣的主意 或許還是待在家比較好
I know you're cravin' some fresh air, but the ceiling fan is so nice (It's so nice, right?) 我知道你想呼吸新鮮空氣 但吊扇吹的風也不賴
And we could live so happily if no one knows that you're with me 我們可以掩人耳目過得幸福美滿
I'm just kidding, but really (Kinda), really, really 我只是開玩笑的 但說真的

Please, please, please (Please don't prove I'm right) 拜託 拜託 拜託
Don't prove I'm right 別證明我是對的
And please, please, please 拜託 拜託 拜託
Don't bring me to tears when I just did my makeup so nice 我妝剛化的那麼好 拜託別讓我流淚
Heartbreak is one thing (Heartbreak is one thing), my ego's another  (Ego's another) 心碎是一回事 談到自尊卻又是另一回事
I beg you, don't embarrass me, motherfucker, oh 你這王八混蛋 求求你別讓我丟臉
Please, please, please (Ah) 拜託 拜託 算我求求你了

If you wanna go and be stupid 若你想要出去當個蠢蛋
Don't do it in front of me 拜託別在我面前做就好
If you don't wanna cry to my music 若你不想聽我的音樂跟著流淚
Don't make me hate you prolifically 那就別讓我討厭你到為你創作
Please, please, please (Please) 拜託 拜託 拜託了
Please, please, please (Please) 拜託 拜託 求求你了
Please (Please), please (Please), please (Ah) 拜託 拜託 我認真拜託


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